Archive for the “Uncategorized” category
Self-Determination and the Call for Unity
by nielskunze on June 28, 2016
Sometimes I get asked to write more political commentary because, apparently, I have a knack for cutting through much of the bullshit. But to me, whether I’m writing something political, something spiritual, or something philosophical, it’s really all the same (…)
The One True Belief System
by nielskunze on June 23, 2016
Have you noticed recently that when you tread upon someone’s belief system (BS) these days there’s a very high probability that they’ll go full retard on you and suffer a complete ego meltdown? And it can get pretty ugly, right? (…)
Binary, Trinary (Ternary), Omniary: A Brief Exposition on Terminology
by nielskunze on June 21, 2016
In the consciousness communities, we often encounter the terms ‘binary’ and ‘trinary.’ We understand that binary is the system of two-valued logic underpinning digital systems, like most modern computers. Trinary– or in proper english, ternary– introduces a three-valued logic system (…)
How the Fascists Won WW2
by nielskunze on June 15, 2016
No, this isn’t an alternative history piece; this is what actually happened. By allowing the Allies to declare victory, by letting the whole world buy into the idea that “Fascism has been defeated!” the fascists secured their ultimate victory… perhaps. (…)
At What Point Do We Get to Scream “Epic Fail!”…?
by nielskunze on June 15, 2016
(This is how I scratch the itch in my own brain…) … Omar has an itch in his brain, one that he can’t seem to scratch. It’s really pissing him off. (Trevor has a similar itch, but he’s just white (…)
DISCLOSURE! In Case You Missed It
by nielskunze on June 11, 2016
What still needs to be disclosed? Scant little, I’m afraid. Just in case you haven’t noticed, everything has already been disclosed. It’s all out there already… in the public domain. You’ve heard of the internet, right? This article is just (…)
The Merry-Go-Round
by nielskunze on May 16, 2016
It’s such a subtle thing, this basic orientation. As a child, I was the centre of the universe… and the universe belonged to me. That’s another way of saying that all was in its proper place, its ideal order, and (…)
The Living Spirit of Change
by nielskunze on April 22, 2016
The life of the Spirit of Change was in the people’s minds. It existed nowhere else. And like any sentient being, it existed in order to discover and define its own true nature. In the spring of 2016, the Spirit (…)
In The Land of Monsters
by nielskunze on March 19, 2016
In the most ancient of times, the People knew their home as just The Land, for the monsters were small and few in number. No one thought the monsters could ever become a problem. Because the People were kind, they (…)
My Outgoing Call…
by nielskunze on February 12, 2016
I call to thee, Sacred Other, In all your faces, personalities, concerns… And ask so very little. It is not my desire to wring wisdom From the meat of your generational thought. No, instead hold space for me; Give me (…)