The Living Spirit of Change

by nielskunze on April 22, 2016

The life of the Spirit of Change was in the people’s minds. It existed nowhere else. And like any sentient being, it existed in order to discover and define its own true nature.

In the spring of 2016, the Spirit was very active… and extremely widespread. The Spirit found itself in the thoughts of the Earth majority. Everyone, it seemed, was thinking about change– its necessity, its imminence.

For many, the thought of drastic change was accompanied by fear. And fear is always about the unknown, about unpredictability. But each and every one, the Spirit found, had personal experience with drastic change already. There was not a single human life to be found on Earth that had not been visited at least once by upheaval and calamity.

So even in the face of the unknown, there were assurances… experiences that could be relied upon.

In the mind of the divorcee, the Spirit noticed that the moment of upheaval was always unpleasant… but utterly necessary for love’s hopeful continuance. In the mind of the cancer patient, the Spirit saw that the reordering of priorities itself was painful… but inevitably led to a better place, and the possibility of healing and renewed life. And in the mind of the child leaving home for the first time, the Spirit found the weight of trepidation set squarely on the shoulders of self– the initial unsharing of burdens. But in the shouldering, in the bearing of burdens rightly claimed, invariably a new inner strength was always to be found.

The Spirit of Change came to know its own fearful nature… but that was only a surface reality, a facade. Fear was never the motivation; but rather, it was merely a symptom or a side-effect… a silly mask. No, there was something rather essential at the core of the Spirit of Change… that really had nothing to do with fear at all. And it looked in all seriousness to be the very same thing at the core of every other Spirit in existence.

At its core was Truth.

The most devastating, the most crippling, the most profound expressions of change were ultimately motivated by Truth. The divorcee, the recovering cancer patient, the child leaving home– each was in search of a deeper, more abiding Truth.

The Spirit of Change was called upon when comfortable lies ceased being comfortable, when deeper Truths became preferable to eroding fantasies, when unsustainable falsehoods were wreaking havoc on the world in every moment. It was the nature of people and Spirits alike to call Change into motion… and seek solid ground in such times.

Now is such a time… and the Spirit of Change grows… in excitement, curiosity and the confidence borne of inevitability. Invite it in… and fear not.

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