The One True Belief System

by nielskunze on June 23, 2016

Ascended Master

Ascended Master

Have you noticed recently that when you tread upon someone’s belief system (BS) these days there’s a very high probability that they’ll go full retard on you and suffer a complete ego meltdown? And it can get pretty ugly, right?

What is it about belief systems, that in this late stage of the game, there’s still so many convinced that their personal, unique belief system is actually the One True Belief System (OTBS – or Over the Top Bull Shit)? Really? You’ve got it exactly right and everyone else in the world is wrong… really? C’mon, you can’t actually believe that!

But that’s the trap of belief systems.

Indeed, we have to believe something. But what we have to stop believing in is that the One True Belief System exists at all. It doesn’t; they’re ALL bullshit.

Whatever I believe in the moment informs my actions and behavior in the Now. And that results in consequences. The consequences I face as a result of my actions, as determined by what I believe, is invaluable feedback for adjusting or ADAPTING what I choose to believe. That’s called growth or evolution.

The Scientific Method is ideally exactly just such a feedback system. It takes aim at the One True Belief System, never knowing whether it might ever actually get there, but absolutely knowing that it’s not there yet… in perpetuity.

The closest we can get right now, as individuals, to the One True Belief System is to understand Natural Law. Natural Law is that which is operative in the universe ubiquitously at all times without exception… for example, the Law of Cause and Effect. And it’s not a belief system. Here’s why: gravity, for instance, doesn’t give a flying fuck what you believe about gravity; it operates exactly the same regardless. There’s no choice involved; Natural Law is what is. (See Mark Passio on YouTube for an in-depth treatment of Natural Law.)

Belief systems are costumes or masks which you may choose to wear temporarily in order to explore and experience various territories within consensus reality. But ultimately, they are dead things… because they are static. When you invest the whole of your life into a particular belief system, you too become a dead thing. Oh sure, there’s a bit of zombification involved as is evidenced when any such belief system is threatened… and then all manner of incoherent howling, drooling and flailing is quite likely to occur.

Perhaps another example is in order. I am amazed and astounded really, when people among the supposedly awake and aware crowd will so very easily agree that virtually all orthodox religions are obviously mind-control programs which were installed centuries ago. But when you update those programs– just like the latest updates for your computer– and you change the names of the entities involved from gods, angels, and demons to ETs, ascended masters and archons, suddenly so many have great difficulty recognizing that it’s the exact same program. It’s the same old whore with a brand new dress… just repackaged and rebranded. And now, when it comes to ascension, it’s not even a new dress; it’s some ratty old secondhand thing from the thrift store. Such a flimsy threadbare thing should be easy enough to see through.

C’mon, religious programming is religious programming.

“But no, Niels! This is the One True Belief System! This time it’s true!”

Yes, of course it is.

Can’t we finally get past this nonsense?

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