Podcast #5 Healing Fundamentals: Our Most Intelligent & Adaptable Organ: The Microbiome

by nielskunze on May 30, 2018

Crying Over Spilled Life

(Podcast #5 May 30, 2018 – Our Most Intelligent & Adaptable Organ: The Microbiome; music excerpts: Chameleon’s Teardrop by my band Missing Peace from our 1996 debut album Tense Moments; Ludvig & Sverker by Beardfish)

Previous Podcasts:

Part 1 of The Redox Revolution: Re-Establishing Inner Knowing
The Redox Revolution Part 2: The Revolution Can Pay for Itself
Cope & Survive vs Repair & Thrive… And a Bit on Vitamin C
Metabolic Flexibility & The Proper Role of Supplements

Here’s a partial list of the health personalities I’ve been using as references as mentioned in the podcast:

Dr. Zach Bush
Dr. Gary Samuelson
Dr. Terry Wahls
Dr. Steven Gundry
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Dr. Benjamin Bikman
Dr. Darren Schmidt
Dr. Berg
Nutritionist John Bagnulo PhD
Dr. Josh Axe
Dr. Lee Know ND
Dave Asprey
Dr. Jason Fung
Dr. Russell Jaffe
Dr. Thomas Levy
Dr. Suzanne Humphries
The Riordan Clinic
Dr. Dan Nuzum
Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr. Jerry Tennant
Andrew Saul Phd (doctoryourself.com)
Dr. Robert Cassar
Dr. John Douillard
Thomas DeLauer

And not mentioned in the podcast: Dr. Robert Morse, Mark James Gordon

Here’s Dr. Nuzum on the general framework for the Healing Journey:

The above two videos provide the basis for the point-form Healing Template I’m currently working on with resource links. I’ll post it here when the first draft is complete.

Getting started on Lymphatic system cleansing:

Comprehensive movement for energy/lymph clearing and cleaning by Niels (as taught by Carlos Castaneda):

Zach, very briefly, speaking on hydration and electrical potential:

Thomas DeLauer on the importance of glycine (collagen) for bile production and fat metabolism:

The two supplements which I found to be essential in breaking all of my lifestyle habits are Restore and ASEA, re-establishing the most basic communication between the microbiome, the human cells and even the mitochondria. This was the main part of the First Phase of Healing for my journey: Stabilization.

Restore can be found at restore4life.com and ASEA can be found at my Associate website at Niels D Kunze (ASEA).

Please check back; I may be adding more links over the next few days… in preparation for the next podcast.

Podcast #4: Healing Fundamentals: Metabolic Flexibility & The Proper Role of Supplements

by nielskunze on April 23, 2018

Recent Reads

(Podcast #4: Healing Fundamentals: Metabolic Flexibility & The Proper Role of Supplements; music: excerpt from studio run-through of Islander by my band Missing Peace; excerpt Ludvig & Sverker by Beardfish)

Previous Podcasts:
Part 1 of The Redox Revolution: Re-Establishing Inner Knowing
The Redox Revolution Part 2: The Revolution Can Pay for Itself
Cope & Survive vs Repair & Thrive… And a Bit on Vitamin C

Anyone who is interested in approaching their own health concerns from a functional/metabolic/mitochondrial/energetic perspective is encouraged to check out the cellular/microbial (microbiome)/genetic communication essentials of Restore (restore4life.com), ASEA, Molecular Hydrogen (molecularhydrogenfoundation.org)… and now add in Cannabis Oil (whole spectrum)- essay forthcoming.

The above components comprise the basic foundation for reinvigorating the internal communication systems within the body at the molecular/chemical level as expressed in the exchange (flow) of electrons: redox signalling. Only the body (as a complex ecosystem) knows how to heal itself… and will unfailingly do so when provided the proper tools.

To order ASEA, or for more information about products, testimonials, and business opportunities please visit my personal ASEA Associate website: Niels D Kunze Team ASEA.

Here’s a couple of source lectures which I found particularly interesting and informative:


If you wish to contact me for any reason, you can write to my public email at niels@nielskunze.com. For lengthy exchanges I may provide you with my private email, or– god forbid– my phone number, if you’re very charming and unusually persuasive. Seriously though, you can talk with me, ask me questions, or tell me why I’m totally misguided.

Podcast #3: Healing Fundamentals: Cope & Survive vs Repair & Thrive… & A Bit on Vitamin C

by nielskunze on April 2, 2018

(Podcast #3 April 2/18; Cope & Survive vs Repair & Thrive / Vitamin C; musical excerpts: Whitman’s Gauntlet by my band Missing Peace from our 2016 album Second Thoughts; Ludvig & Sverker by Beardfish)

Previous Podcasts:
Part 1 of The Redox Revolution: Re-Establishing Inner Knowing
The Redox Revolution Part 2: The Revolution Can Pay for Itself

Anyone who is interested in approaching their own health concerns from a functional/metabolic/mitochondrial/energetic perspective is encouraged to check out the cellular/microbial (microbiome)/genetic communication essentials of Restore (restore4life.com), ASEA, Molecular Hydrogen (molecularhydrogenfoundation.org)… and now add in Cannabis Oil (whole spectrum)- essay forthcoming.

The above components comprise the basic foundation for reinvigorating the internal communication systems within the body at the molecular/chemical level as expressed in the exchange (flow) of electrons: redox signalling. Only the body (as a complex ecosystem) knows how to heal itself… and will unfailingly do so when provided the proper tools.

To order ASEA, or for more information about products, testimonials, and business opportunities please visit my personal ASEA Associate website: Niels D Kunze Team ASEA.

Next week’s podcast will be about Metabolic Flexibility.

If you wish to contact me for any reason, you can write to my public email at niels@nielskunze.com. For lengthy exchanges I may provide you with my private email, or– god forbid– my phone number, if you’re very charming and unusually persuasive. Seriously though, you can talk with me, ask me questions, or tell me why I’m totally misguided.

Podcast #2 Healing Fundamentals: Redox Revolution Pt.2 The Revolution Can Pay for Itself

by nielskunze on March 22, 2018

*Subjects may not be exactly as implied*

(Podcast #2 Healing Fundamentals March 21/18; musical excerpts: Diamonds ‘n Pig Shit by my band Missing Peace from 1996 album Tense Moments; Ludvig & Sverker by Beardfish)

Previous Podcast: Part 1 of The Redox Revolution: Re-Establishing Inner Knowing

To order ASEA, or for more information about products, testimonials, and business opportunities please visit my personal ASEA Associate website: Niels D Kunze Team ASEA.

Further Reading:

My original essay about ASEA: The Real Magic of Redox Signalling

And a brief overview of redox in general: Redox Universe

As always, I ask that you DON’T believe me. I encourage you to do your own research into the science of redox potential and how it relates to the future of medicine as discussed by Dr. Zach Bush, Dr. Gary Samuelson, Dave Asprey, Dr. Hunningshake, Dr. Lee Know ND, A S ‘Narain’ Naidu, and many others.

This is the beginning of the end to all disease… but we’ve still got a long way to go.

Podcast: Healing Fundamentals #1 The Redox Revolution Part 1 Re-Establishing Inner Knowing

by nielskunze on March 13, 2018

Niels: March 11/18

(Healing Fundamentals Podcast March 13/18; music excerpts: Superman’s Song – Crash Test Dummies; Superman – The Kinks; Ludwig & Sverker – Beardfish)

Restore products at: restore4life.com
ASEA products & info at: Niels D Kunze Team ASEA
Molecular Hydrogen info at: molecularhydrogenfoundation.org

Related articles by Niels:

Redox Universe
“Dear human, you are an ecosystem. You are not an entity. You are not alone; you are a community.

You are a capable steward of the environment: first, within, fostering care for your own bio-terrain; then, without, tending to the urgent needs of a planet fallen into confusion, isolation— discommunicated.

Nevertheless, we are here together, finding resolution.”

Restoring the Biome
“We carry a representation of the world in our bellies. We have to, or we wouldn’t be able to meaningfully interact with it. The lining of our gastrointestinal tract is our primary interface with the world around us. The very necessary microbes that make their home in our gut must closely resemble the microbes which reside in and on our daily food and the living soil in which it grows. They have to, or we wouldn’t be able to digest it. For everything which Nature builds, she also provides the means to break it down again— mostly via microbes.”

The Real Magic of Redox Signalling
“How free radicals are handled within the body is an intricate, carefully choreographed dance involving complex and elegant chemistry… and molecular signalling.”

Molecular Hydrogen: The One True God Particle
“It appears that hydrogen is another important molecule in the redox universe, essential for maintaining optimal health. This shouldn’t be surprising since it figured prominently in the formation of the early universe, the genesis of life on Earth, and was a major constituent of Earth’s early atmosphere. It naturally follows that the presence of hydrogen gas in the human gut would foster microbial diversity and be implicated in numerous positive gene expressions. It is perhaps somewhat surprising that H2 should have such positive impact upon all of the body’s systems through mechanisms that are not readily understood… yet. The far distant past, it seems, cannot be discarded in regards to this ancient elemental god. Hydrogen will not be denied its role, and we would be wise to embrace it.”

A New Introduction To Health
“Our conscious minds are ill-suited to intervening in— let alone, supervising— complex systems we don’t adequately understand. Can you imagine if the healing of a little cut on your finger required your conscious attention and direction every step of the process? Would any of us really have a clue what is required at the microscopic or even molecular level to take place… and in what precise order? Fortunately, we’re not required to consciously know and think our way back to health. Our bodies already know the way.”

Fat Magick

by nielskunze on March 6, 2018

A young Grizz I met under the power-line 2 springs ago

Fat Magick

Wind whipped and whistled through the naked branches of larch boughs gone bare in the sunset of seasons. Blustery autumn music crashed against a sky smudged grey like ashes on the elder shaman’s face before performing funeral rites for children. Although it wasn’t raining, the ashen sky was streaked with tears, etched with grimaces, lined with age for another year nearly gone by— a contoured canvas for the cold sighing breaths of indifferent gods.

Tawnee pulled the beaver-skin collar of his winter tunic up around his cheeks, hiding from the cold as best he could, redirecting his gaze back down to earth. One of the young boys from the village had shown him the fresh bear tracks leading up the mountain pass. They were big, clear and deep… awesome.

The grizzly had perhaps a quarter-day’s head start. The big bear would be moving pretty fast too. There wasn’t much left for forage, and there’d be even less the higher they climbed. Almost certainly the bear was headed more-or-less straight for a winter den to sleep through the barren uncompromising winter months. Tawnee and his people had no such option. That’s why Tawnee and his three companions stalked the monster now, quickly, determinedly. With the blessings of luck and skill, no one would starve this year in their village.

The previous year had seen no such opportune tracks, heavy with invitation and promise. There had been no stores of bear fat laid up, just the dried elk meat pounded into pemican with mixed currants and buffalo berry. The buffalo berry made it taste like shit. And the coyotes had kept the snowshoe hares away— beyond mounds and drifts of snow too taxing to traverse. Six villagers had starved to death before the spring could come and settle in again.

Many lives were depending on the quiet skill of these four braves sent to bring back Brother Bear and his most precious medicine. Tawnee loved bear— not so much the flavour of his meat, but the quiet wisdom in his adaptations, the deliberateness, independence and indifference of his character, the solitary fearlessness in his heart. Grizzly was a wholly different character from black bear who was all curiosity and brash adventure— look, run, stop, look again… Grizzly was more mission-oriented; he didn’t give the slightest fuck about you, unless he thought that he could make an easy meal of you. But mostly he was happiest to ignore you, and just wanted to be left alone too.

Sorry Brother, my village needs you.

Tawnee’s moccasins were trudging through the first fringes of alpine snow. They had climbed quickly through the frozen mud of the swamplands below. And these high meadows saw at best only three months of summer bloom. Summer had already ended fully two moons ago here among the fields leading to scree slopes, piled boulders, peaks… and caves, the dens of fattened bears come to hibernate.

The braves moved as quickly as they could in the deepening drifts. It was easy to follow the tracks of the big bear in the snow, through the thinning trees, over hillocks and boulders. But if he made his way to a nearby scree slope before the braves could sight him, they’d lose the trail in a sea of rocks. The den would be hidden in among the rocks. Bears aren’t stupid, Tawnee knew.

So far, luck had been on their side. Though the cold wind bit deeply into their flesh, it had been directed in their faces. Walking into such a stiff and steady breeze, it would be nearly impossible for the grizzly to scent its stalkers. On the contrary, it would be the hunters who should smell the quarry first, despite the bear’s legendary nose. And lo! There it was, the smell of damp fur, muck and musk. In a moment they could see it too— a lumbering, rippling hulk of single-minded attitude, maybe three hundred paces ahead. The hunt was on!

They had to move fast now. The bear wasn’t pausing for much; there wasn’t anything here to eat. If he reached the cover of his den, he could easily defend himself from a frontal attack of arrows, spears and knives. Tawnee had once traded for one of the rifles of the white man, but without ongoing exchanges with the cunning and deceptive traders there were no bullets and the rifle was useless. On this day, their more traditional weapons would have to do.

His three companions rushed ahead, taking wide arcs to flank the beast and finally encircle him, while Tawnee kept pace straight on, keeping the grizzly in sight. When all were in place, they tightened the circle and Tawnee rushed straight at him with voice and spear raised to the battlecry of fierce need. The bear whirled its raging bulk to face the intruder, and in the seconds right before Tawnee and beast could meet for battle, a hail of arrows stuck in his flanks from all sides. Just as Tawnee arrived— spear-tip first— the bear had turned in reaction to the pain from behind, and the spear penetrated its neck, plunging deep. The bear screamed its fury before coughing and choking on blood. In an instant, the other braves were upon him knives unsheathed. Tawnee ducked low to the ground as though in self-sacrifice, letting go of the spear, and when the bear reacted, he slashed at the throat with his own lightning fast blade before the beast flopped on top of him, bleeding. The bear died very quickly as Tawnee struggled to free himself beneath the colossal weight.

She must have weighed about 800 pounds. As the four hunters got busy preparing the carcass for the transport home, they had quickly noticed that this bear was a sow. Tawnee and the others would have much preferred that this had been a male, for in all likelihood the she-bear would be pregnant, preparing to give birth during her long hibernation. Though cutting short her lineage was not ideal, it had been necessary. As they carved the spoils and readied their prize for the gruelling trek home, Tawnee thought about the magick contained in her flesh and especially in her rolls of rippling fat.

For five solid months the prized fat would’ve kept her nourished, warm and even hydrated. If she had indeed been pregnant, her fat would’ve supplied everything for her suckling cubs too when they were born in the midst of hibernation. It was truly remarkable to think that two or even three suckling babies would be fed all that they needed to grow into toddlers ready to face the world in spring, all while mother slept, never eating, never drinking, relying only on the ancient magick of her own awesome fat metabolism.

And now that same magick would keep Tawnee’s whole village from starvation. Though it would be tough to transport home, it was easy to store. Cold fat was concentrated calories that would easily keep for months. First they would nourish themselves and the whole tribe on the blood they collected in their water-skins. And then they would share all of the richly prized organ meats and glands, bestowing the promise of health upon all who could accept the profound gift of healing. Next, the muscle meat would be rationed throughout the coldest weeks, keeping everyone’s energy up. And finally, the pure fat would be saved until it was needed most, when spring was approaching but still frustratingly far off. And then the whole village would greet the first green shoots with an eager appetite for change…

Though he couldn’t know it, in seven generations hence, Tawnee’s distant descendant would teach a wisdom-starved world about ketosis, about fat magick.

I was already most of the way to ketosis before I knew what a ketogenic diet even was. My body had very quietly, very deliberately, led me to a new set of culinary values without my hardly noticing the profound shift. My body needed time for burning almost exclusively fat in order to recuperate from several rather unconscious decades of careless choices.

Sugar is sticky. Fat is slippery, like a lubricant. Burning carbohydrates is like burning wood; oil burns much cleaner in the context of energy produced. These bodies need to periodically burn clean, to detoxify, to heal.

For me, it all began by hearing so clearly that small sure voice within— the voice of my innate body intelligence. Once my internal healer was back in charge of directing my behaviours, healing was easy and assured.

I invite you to come join me on this healing adventure. There’s something essential for everyone… and a world which awaits the resurrection of care.

The Healing Fundamentals podcast is coming soon… because you can’t properly heal the rest until you’ve healed the fundamentals.

To begin on your own inner-directed healing journey see also: Redox Universe

Redox Universe

by nielskunze on March 2, 2018


Information flows with the movement of energy.

All physical communication is the exchange of electrical potential.

“Moreover, modulation of optimum REDOX signalling through aqueous delivery systems could be the future of global healthcare.” – Narain Naidu PhD. (Medicine)


Dear human, you are an ecosystem. You are not an entity. You are not alone; you are a community.

You are a capable steward of the environment: first, within, fostering care for your own bio-terrain; then, without, tending to the urgent needs of a planet fallen into confusion, isolation— discommunicated.

Nevertheless, we are here together, finding resolution.

First Language

Reduction and oxidation, the give-and-take of electron flow, constitute the base pairs of the primal language, the first orderings of a physical world, the first stirrings of life. The whole history of universes is written in electrical charge and discharge, creating a map of energy transfer— soft words whispered in the ear of entropy, speaking of complexity.

Even in dire chaos, order remains exquisite, recognized in beauty, symmetry… in the indefatigable desire for life and love. We listen; we respond; we heal, become whole.

Math is hard. Chemistry is complicated. But everything speaks… to everything else… through countless numbers of reactions. And we don’t even have to learn the language ourselves, but just recognize that it exists— has always existed— and allow it to be spoken… freely, again.

Complex systems cannot be effectively managed from the top down. Nature knows this. Evolution allows systems to be self-organizing, and selects those which are successful, to perpetuate a burgeoning complexity in the face of pending (heat)-death.

Your Health (Wholeness)

We are mired in the midst of a health revolution. Why mired? Because it can all be so damn confusing! “Should I be taking more copper or less copper? Is calcium missing in my diet or is it slowly killing me? Do fats make me fat? Really…?”

Taking a strictly intellectual approach to self-healing can be daunting, to say the least… and perhaps, next to impossible. How do we figure out what’s really going on inside? Or, do we even have to?

Our insides already know what’s going on inside… or at least they should.

The internal imbalances which we commonly experience as symptoms and disease are the time-tested perfected responses to the environment we’ve fostered, created. If we have parasites, they’re there to clean up our messes. If our immune systems are attacking our cells, it’s because the once well-defined barriers between self and other have been compromised— at the cellular level we are confused.

There are countless remedies for every ailment we can name. There are chemical agents to carpet-bomb candida, or restrictive diets to starve it out. But what’s the use, really, if we never honestly address the habits, choices and behaviours which created the perfect environment to invite them in and to flourish in the first place?

We are not at war… at least, we shouldn’t be.

We’ve lost the critical skill of listening. Most alternative health gurus will urge you to “Listen to your body.” But how do you distinguish between the small still voice of your innate body intelligence and the bellicose ravings of a yeast overgrowth whispering in your inner ear “Feed me! Sugar please… or a beer will do,” like some invisible devil perched upon your shoulder? Just like our immune systems get confused in distinguishing self from other, so too does the intellect get easily lost in a cacophony of voices screaming for precious resources.

Primarily, first and foremost, it’s a breakdown in communication. Signals are getting lost and crossed. And in the spiral of deepening degradation, it gets more complicated, confusing and seemingly hopeless as we age. But if only we could restore clear and precise communication to all of our trillions of cells… and all their constituent parts… and among all of the quadrillions of non-human microbes participating in this human community being. We can! Rather easily…

Through the unique language of redox signalling, we can receive— internally— clear and precise instructions on how to effortlessly drop our bad habits, curb our damaging behaviours, and learn the moment-to-moment protocols of nurturance and self care. We don’t have to figure everything out with our heads… as to what might have gone wrong in our bellies. Given the right tools, our bellies know how to heal, how to bring us back to wholeness.

We don’t have to guess at the right diet that’s exactly right for us today— but maybe not tomorrow. When the voices of cravings from our internal imbalances are hushed, we will simply know— without even thinking about it— what is precisely the right thing to have and to do in every moment. We shouldn’t be agonizing over information overload. Certainly, we can still satisfy our intellectual curiosity and expose ourselves to all manner of helpful healing tools and strategies, but these should be secondary— confirmations of what we already know from within. At least, that has been my experience… on this healing journey.

Specific Tools

The science of redox signalling as it pertains to medicine is still young. And as with most new sciences, the experts have loudly proclaimed that it is impossible to develop viable tools for therapeutic benefit from and for such a delicate and innately volatile language spoken in atoms and milliseconds. But tell the humans that something can’t be done… and it’s just a matter of time…

As I’ve already detailed in previous essays, Restore, ASEA and Molecular Hydrogen have already been developed for great and unprecedented therapeutic benefit. Derived from the living motherboard of soil-organism-redox-signalling contained in pristine and vibrant soil from the diverse life of 50 million years ago, Dr. Zach Bush created a simple but effective ‘dirt tea’ to foster diversity and balance within the gut microbiome. And then with ASEA, Dr. Gary Samuelson figured out how to stabilize the various redox metabolites produced in our own cells’ mitochondria in a balanced aqueous solution, re-providing the stable background for clear and precise intracellular and extracellular communication. And finally, the Molecular Hydrogen Foundation is aggregating the burgeoning research of the critical role that hydrogen gas (H2) plays in our communal physiology as a very specific signalling molecule affecting gene expression, all body systems, as well as microbial health and diversity in the microbiome… and of course the various ways to obtain that tricky and pesky hydrogen gas.

These three, the triumvirate of REDOX life, give back to the body— and its innate intelligence— the pre-eminent tool for re-establishing health, homeostasis, wholeness: the ability to effectively communicate. Restore allows all of the various microbes— the bacteria, the fungi, the molds, yeasts and viruses— to talk to each other in a dialogue seeking balance rooted in diverse inclusion, and to send clear signals from the microbiome to the host human cells, while ASEA allows the organelles like the mitochondria to speak to their host cells, and then among their neighbours, and finally back to the microbiome to complete the circle. Finally, hydrogen— that wily and uncontainable god— inserts its own soothing voice to bring reassurance and the reminders of far distant origins in the pressing of key biological buttons and markers. And the body-voice is restored…

The clear knell of my own body-voice restored and intoned has made all the difference. With deepest sincerity I want to share it with you, with everybody. Please understand that seeking the countless remedies to ‘combat’ our ailments is a strategy doomed to failure if we don’t first seek to correct our own damaging behaviour, to curb our lifestyle choices and finally stop the relentless onslaught placing our bodies in perpetual repair-deficit, in coping mode, in survival, in fear. We MUST change the conditions which brought on the various ailments in the first place.

Change is hard… when it relies solely upon the action and power of headstrong will. But change is easy when it is directed moment-to-moment by the clear guidance of the healer within. That has been my experience… and my pleasure.

Uh-Oh Here Comes the Sales Pitch!

Yes, it’s true. I have something to promote. My agenda is your perfect health. And I know it’s achievable.

In many ways, I’m a selfish prick. And I’ve grown very weary of living among seven billion lunatics harbouring dangerous amounts of pain and fear. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can heal ourselves; we can heal our world. The triumvirate of REDOX life is the beginning, the foundation, the first step. (I consider Restore and ASEA to be essential in re-establishing full communication, and molecular hydrogen is rather more optional— but perhaps critical for some.)

Restore can be found at restore4life.com (I have no affiliation; I just believe very strongly in the product).

Oodles of information about ASEA and their full product line can be accessed through my personal ASEA website at http://1800132290.teamasea.com.

Yes, this is a multi-level marketing company— and that’s a good thing! The health revolution can fund itself. I very much want to spearhead a true health revolution and I’m going to need lots of help. There’s a real opportunity here for anyone who has any networking skill and believes in the product. If what I am outlining here can really transform your health (like it has mine), then why wouldn’t you want to share that with everyone? I too was hesitant at first, but now I clearly see it as a win-win-win… for me, you and the world. You can contact me through the website or through my email at niels@nielskunze.com (the commissions are very generous).

The various sources of Molecular Hydrogen are thoroughly enumerated and discussed at the molecularhydrogenfoundation.org.

Together we can do this!

Be well.

Molecular Hydrogen: The One True God Particle

by nielskunze on February 22, 2018


Unrecognized errors get compounded… until they become recognizable… and then they are corrected… as we change direction.

Health is a state of high electron flow (information/communication). Disease is a state of low electron flow (isolation/ignorance/stagnation).

Poor digestion is far worse than poor food. A healthy gut can handle bad food, but even the best food digested poorly will cause problems and suffering.

Suns & Moons

Molecular hydrogen, H2, hydrogen gas— is the smallest molecule in existence. It is extremely energy dense and highly diffusive. It is the first element of creation, occupying the premiere position on the Periodic Table of Elements. It is very difficult to keep it in, nearly impossible to keep it out. It goes where it goes… and does what it does… like a single-minded god on a sacred mission.

There’s something poetic, even romantic, about hydrogen. It’s simple, stable and elegant… but also fiery, explosive and dynamic. And any story about the origins of life would be woefully incomplete without the inclusion of this archetypal character.

The Origins of Life

Water is life; life is water. These two are so inextricably bound as to be nearly synonymous.

H2O: on the Periodic Table, hydrogen is the first element, oxygen the eighth— exactly one octave higher. That these two should have a natural and magical affinity for each other makes perfect sense in a universe of such symphonic order and complexity. Incidentally, oxygen is the most abundant element in the human body by mass, while hydrogen atoms are the most abundant by number. They are the same, yet different— two combustible gasses, when combined they create a liquid, the common antidote to fire. There’s is an archetypal romance, fiery and passionate in their individual characters, cool and loving in union… begetting life…

Between them they had a child, and its name was Carbon— the 666… and then all hell broke loose!

Organic chemistry was born… and along with it, the complete language of molecular signalling, redox, the pathways and patterns of electron flow, an electric universe constantly singing to itself, the lullaby of Life.

My First Flirtations with This Wily God

In the alternative health world, there has always been a natural and obvious attention placed upon oxygen. After all, that’s the main reason we breathe, right? Our whole metabolism revolves around oxidative processes. And so it seems rather forgivable that hydrogen, that other aspect of life’s watery nature, might be oft forgotten. But then, it also shouldn’t be too surprising to find out later that hydrogen too plays a key— albeit somewhat mysterious— and central role in the maintenance of our optimal physiology.

When first I learned of this, I was fascinated. I was hooked!

That hydrogen has therapeutic and even essential effects upon physiological function is a rather new concept in the medical world. Only since about 2007 have the serious and comprehensive investigations into its role been pursued. And only since about 2010 has this information really begun to trickle into the mainstream, largely due to the persistent efforts of Tyler LaBaron, founder and director of the Molecular Hydrogen Foundation.

The first key role for hydrogen that I learned about was its elegance as a selective antioxidant. Being a rather stable, non-polar gas, H2 will only bother to react with two free radicals in the body: the highly reactive and damaging hydroxyl radical and peroxynitrite. Honestly, I had never heard of peroxynitrite, but I knew that the hydroxyl radical was widely considered one of the most damaging and volatile of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced during typical mitochondrial energy production.

When a molecule of H2 gas encounters hydroxyl radicals, it splits into its constituent hydrogen ions and combines with two of the dangerous radicals to form two brand new molecules of H2O, or water. So not only does it neutralize the dreaded radical, it also serves to hydrate the cells from the inside out. Pretty neat!

Later in my research investigations, I learned more about peroxynitrite… and was equally as fascinated. I happened to be reading an article on the damaging effects of EMFs on our cellular biology. It had always seemed obvious to me that our wireless technological world was having a detrimental effect on the health of our cells. I just never knew precisely what the mechanism causing the damage might actually be. It’s one thing to say that EMFs destroy the health of our cells; it’s quite another to describe exactly how.

That’s where peroxynitrite comes in. As it turns out, the most damaging electromagnetic frequencies cause a devastating spike in the production of this particular free radical. The damage occurs within the cells, from the inside out, as peroxynitrite is drastically up-regulated by exposure to EMFs. Molecular hydrogen to the rescue!

Due to its tiny mass and irrepressible diffusive nature, H2 will penetrate any cell in the human body, and even penetrate the mitochondria, arresting the damage right where it occurs. Isn’t it interesting that molecular hydrogen only bothers with the most damaging and reactive of the ROS? It’s almost as though it has intelligence.

In addition to its antioxidant capabilities, H2 positively impacts every major organ system in the body, is implicated in at least 20 positive gene expressions, and directly fosters biodiversity in the gut microbiome. Although not considered a nutrient, molecular hydrogen appears to be an essential player in human physiology nevertheless.

Sources of Molecular Hydrogen, Natural and Otherwise

In the lives of our far distant ancestors, H2 was produced in the human colon by the action of various bacteria responsible for breaking down fibre in the diet. Like hydrogen, fibre is not considered a nutrient in the human diet, but is absolutely essential to maintaining health. It is estimated that a healthy human colon should produce about 11 litres of hydrogen gas per day. But don’t worry; hydrogen gas won’t accumulate in the gut; it disperses as it’s produced, conferring its benefits continuously— provided we’re consuming enough fibre AND the microbiome is rich in the appropriate microbial species.

Unfortunately, nearly everyone in our modern world has a compromised microbiome to some degree, and very few consume adequate fibre compared to the dietary habits of our ancestors. As a result, we’re not getting nearly enough H2 in our systems to perform even the specialized tasks it traditionally performed. But compounding matters, the oxidative burden in our bodies is wildly exacerbated by persistent environmental toxins, EMF and radiation exposure, chronic stress, and very poor dietary choices and habits. The marked diminishment of hydrogen in our systems compounded by the additional oxidative burden has left a gaping hole in our physiological defences.

Breathing hydrogen gas at about a 4% concentration is a therapeutic avenue currently being explored in Japanese hospitals and health clinics, but obviously requires highly specialized equipment. For health-conscious consumers elsewhere, other forms of administration have been pioneered and disseminated.

Due to both convenience and efficacy, the most common way to ingest molecular hydrogen is in the form of hydrogen rich water. Hydrogen rich water releases the dissolved gas in the gut in a very similar manner to its natural production in the colon from dietary fermentation. From that central location, it then disperses throughout the body easily.

There are several methods for dissolving hydrogen gas in drinking water. Perhaps the most convenient method is through the use of tablets containing elemental magnesium and malic acid, which when placed in water initiate a hydrolytic reaction, releasing hydrogen gas in the process. Under normal pressure, 1.6 parts per million of dissolved hydrogen is the saturation rate. When the reaction is contained under pressure— like in a sealed water bottle— typically 3 or 4 parts per million can be achieved with a single tablet. This is generally considered a therapeutic concentration.

The tablets are generally priced at about a dollar a dose, which can get fairly pricey if one is undergoing proper hydrogen therapy requiring about 4 such doses per day. Some intrepid YouTubers have developed much more cost effective methods involving elemental magnesium rods being placed in sealable swing-top bottles with malic acid and hot water. Glen Ingram has a good video demonstrating the procedure.

Other common methods of dissolving H2 in water involve electrolysis. Recently, various hydrogen water generators have been developed which run a current through water to split it into its constituent parts, allowing the hydrogen gas to bubble through the water while venting off the oxygen. Generally, these don’t run under any significant pressure, and so produce hydrogen water at a concentration of about 1.5 parts per million (normal saturation). They are however very convenient and cost-effective over time.

Incidentally, hydrogen gas has been used surreptitiously for a few decades already in alternative health circles. Alkaline water has been a popular craze for many years already. Alkaline water as produced by the typical machines marketed under that title however produce alkaline water that has virtually no buffering capacity— meaning that it has very little or no chance of directly affecting one’s body pH. Interestingly however, the users of such machines most often report significant health benefits nevertheless. The reason, as we have subsequently determined, is due to the hydrogen gas produced in the making of alkaline water. Another incidental way in which hydrogen gas is having a clandestine effect in people’s health is through the use of detox foot baths which similarly use an electrolytic reaction to presumably pull toxins through the feet soaking in water. Perhaps the detoxification process has legitimacy, but certainly the hydrogen gas produced during the process is diffused into the feet and circulated throughout the body, at least contributing to the therapeutic effects consistently reported.

In Conclusion

The medicinal applications of molecular hydrogen therapy is still in its earliest stages. Besides being a specific genetic signalling molecule and a bio-terrain conditioner for the gut microbiome, there is compelling evidence that hydrogen can help with specific autoimmune conditions like psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. The future research looks promising.

It appears that hydrogen is another important molecule in the redox universe, essential for maintaining optimal health. This shouldn’t be surprising since it figured prominently in the formation of the early universe, the genesis of life on Earth, and was a major constituent of Earth’s early atmosphere. It naturally follows that the presence of hydrogen gas in the human gut would foster microbial diversity and be implicated in numerous positive gene expressions. It is perhaps somewhat surprising that H2 should have such positive impact upon all of the body’s systems through mechanisms that are not readily understood… yet. The far distant past, it seems, cannot be discarded in regards to this ancient elemental god. Hydrogen will not be denied its role, and we would be wise to embrace it.

Coming Up…

So far in this essay series we’ve examined the tools and modern modes of life’s very first language, redox signalling— or the patterns of electron flow. Restore, ASEA, and Molecular Hydrogen are the three pillars of this complex language system. In just 4 months, it has already been my experience that using these tools in concert with each other, along with the basics of nutrition and detoxification, can unravel and therapeutically address any complex health challenge.

Before moving on to the promised instalments on Carbon 60 and Cannabis Oil, I will provide a summary essay on redox signalling and how the three modalities presented compliment and support each other in order to provide a viable and comprehensive treatment program for readers facing complex health challenges. Look for that in the coming weeks.

For more information, feel free to contact me at niels@nielskunze.com with your questions, or through my ASEA website at http://1800132290.teamasea.com if you would like to experience the subtle power of redox signalling in your own life.
Previous Essays:

The Real Magic of Redox Signalling
Restoring the Biome
A New Introduction to Health

Forced Catharsis… And A Little Help from a Friend

by nielskunze on January 31, 2018

This is a New Paradigm Papers supplement, not part of the main series.

Typically, catharsis refers to an emotional purgation only. In the relation of this incident, I am using it as something much more holistic and encompassing, including a full reset for the physical, mental, and spiritual levels of my being, setting a new foundation for emotional wellbeing thereafter.

It happened a little more than a week ago. But to say that it just ‘happened’ is a bit misleading. It was upon my own insistence; I forced it, somewhat unwittingly.

For the better part of the last year, I’ve been dealing with an unprecedented flare-up of psoriasis on my hands. As anyone who’s gone a few rounds trying to shoo this unwelcome visitor from the temple knows, just when you think you’re making great headway and the recalcitrant is nearly out the door, he suddenly turns upon the threshold and storms back in— much like the Peter Falk character of Columbo waving a stubby cigar and muttering “Uh… there’s just one more thing…”

What now?!

I know that psoriasis, at its root, is systemic, having its foundation set in some sort of autoimmune dysfunction. So to thus characterize it as some easily recognizable character to simply be ushered out the door, is also misleading. There’s nothing simple or easy about it.

I had already come to understand a great many things— about this particular character, and especially his relationship with every aspect of my health-questing self. With the aid of redox signalling technology tools, administered consistently for at least the last 3 months, I had come to know— from the inside out— this special relationship psoriasis seemed to have with particular food choices I typically made.

With my body re-establishing its inherent molecular signalling systems, I was being gently but insistently nudged toward a lifestyle of far fewer carbs, especially alcohol, sugars and grains. Over this time period, I was able to establish a direct correlation between overt carb consumption and pesky psoriasis flare-ups. Sometimes it was almost instantaneous, taking no more than a half hour after ingestion to see and feel the correlative link.

On the dread night in question, I had had my supper of two seemingly healthful wraps, filled to bursting with wholesome veggies, a bit of brown rice and a home-made yellow curry— which included a generous dollop of raw honey. I’m inclined to think now that it was more the whole wheat wraps and rice which spiked my blood glucose rather than the honey, or perhaps it was the combination. Nevertheless, my fingers shortly began to itch.


Okay. So I got out my handy-dandy tube of redox gel (Renu 28) and began applying. After each time I rubbed it in, the itch was quelled for a minute or two at first and stretched to longer periods of relief as I persistently reapplied. I must’ve put that shit on at least 20 times! The recommended use is twice daily. Oops!

By the time I went to bed, there was no more itch.

I should also note that the week prior to this I had increased my oral dose of ASEA (redox signalling) from 2 ounces twice daily to 2 ounces three times daily— a 50% increase. Quite frankly, I was looking for resolution.

Apparently, I had sent a clear communication to my body: I want this thing resolved ASAP! And the message was received.

I slept most of the night normally… and then awoke abruptly at 4:00 am. My tummy felt a bit uncomfortable. I felt like there was gas in my intestines, so rather than risking a fart, I went to the washroom. Smart choice.

My body decided to evacuate my bowels completely right then and there. It was more than a bit liquidy. What I didn’t realize quite yet was that my body had completely shut down all digestion. The supper I had eaten that evening was still sitting mostly in my stomach. A couple hours later, at about 6:00 am, I continued my purge through the back end as well as added a few bouts of good vomiting from the front end. I was surprised that so much food that I had eaten 12 hours before was now still being puked out.

This very intense purge continued every two hours until about noon, so it lasted a total of about 8 hours… but it was incredibly thorough!

Now, I know what you might be thinking: “Niels, that was just a bout of food poisoning.” No, it wasn’t. I had a lot of leftovers from that supper— the rice and yellow curry. I revisited those leftovers a few nights later without incident, so the food wasn’t tainted.

And what occurred during that intense purge was a total systemic reset. My body felt completely different afterward, almost like I had been reborn— albeit painfully. Absolutely everything had changed.

The purge marked the beginning of a total 36-hour fast. I had no desire to eat for a day and a half, so I didn’t. I just drank mineral water. Then, when I did return to eating, I wanted fat and protein. I didn’t even want to look at carbs. The thought of sugar was repulsive. This was quite new to me, as I’ve always been a bit of a sweet-tooth. My sugar addiction was utterly broken, and the psoriasis had disappeared completely. There were still dry flaky patches on the surface, but underneath there was just healthy pink new skin; no redness, no puss.

With the help of redox signalling tools, Restore and ASEA, my body had been working out its issues slowly, inexorably for the past three months. Now, with this very intense purge, it seemed I had gotten over a major hurdle. I was definitely pointed toward a ketogenic diet before I even really knew what it was. In a nutshell (pun intended), it’s a very high fat, moderate protein, and very low carb diet. Its main drawback is that there’s an initial period of days when the body is making the switch from primarily burning carbs for fuel to burning fat which tends to be rather uncomfortable.

With my purge and fast, I seemed to have already gotten through the tricky bit. So now I’m keto— and I’ll have much more to say about that after I’ve properly sussed it out.

But here’s where my little story gets a bit woo-woo. You may not find this aspect of the tale particularly compelling, but for me, personally, this is way beyond mere coincidence.

On the very night of the purge, some hours before I began to hug the toilet bowl, that night one of my best friends whom I grew up with died of brain cancer. As teenagers we were very close, hanging out almost daily. It was only during the university years that we had grown apart, as he went off to medical school while I sniffed out the next great party.

Throughout high school, he had widely been considered the smartest guy in the grade. He’d led a relatively clean lifestyle, drinking only on occasion, never smoking, and growing up on a traditional Indian cuisine. He became a practicing MD as well as becoming a medical researcher with the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Health-conscious and smart, and now he was gone at fifty-one. It was terribly shocking when I found out two days later that he’d died— when he’d died.

I don’t believe that it was mere coincidence that my friend’s passing and my excruciating catharsis occurred nearly simultaneously. And though both happenings were shocking and very uncomfortable, I choose to look upon this synchronicity as an old friend— the Healer— come to help me out in my time of need. Through my own actions and insistence I was looking for a breakthrough, and my friend’s spirit answered saying “You want to break through and truly change what needs to be changed? Then brace yourself. Here we go…”

Thank you, my friend. I’m in a better place now… as are you.

This whole experience has reaffirmed what I’m attempting to do with this series of medical essays through the overhaul of my personal health and its attending tale. I sincerely hope that my readers can derive great benefit from this sharing, and I look forward to hearing about your own health adventures.

If you are interested in more info about redox signalling, or would like to purchase these revolutionary tools, please contact me at niels@nielskunze.com

The Real Magic of Redox Signalling

by nielskunze on January 18, 2018

Let me begin this next episode of New Paradigm thinking by pointing out that I’m not trying to be a “salesman.” The important thing to remember throughout this series is to look to the consciousness behind these products and modalities. In everything that I write, it’s always about consciousness— not money, things or convenience.

Please also note that in the previous essay (Restoring the Biome) I have added an addendum briefly touting the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, for those who are on a restrictive budget.


Think differently.

It is no coincidence that my blog has always been called The Free Radical.

Even the most accomplished healer may only assist the body in healing itself.

Suppress the acute, invite the chronic.


Before: A clear need for detox. After: All clear.

This essay is about ASEA, the other half of the redox signalling story. Where Restore provides the ‘liquid motherboard’ for detailed communication among and between the non-human microbiome and this human organism, ASEA provides the balanced medium for cell signalling, gene expression and systems regulation originating within and around our human cells. The two together form the foundation for a comprehensive molecular communication network, one that’s critical for restoring and maintaining superlative health.

The redox signalling molecules in ASEA are completely native to the body, to our cells. Every living cell produces them, along with the ‘messages’ they contain. In this way, they represent a continuous ‘status report’ issued among the uncountable players in this living human tapestry. ASEA is nearly identical to the basic medium in which life arises, thrives and evolves— a mild saline solution.

So it’s just salt water?

No. ASEA is derived from sodium chloride (salt) and water, but it holds normally highly reactive molecules in perfect balance in a stable form. It contains reductants along with oxidants— many of the same ones produced by the mitochondria in our cells, free radicals and antioxidants— but holds them in an atomically stabilized matrix, in perfect balance.

ASEA is 100% non-toxic. It will do no harm. And perhaps surprisingly, it holds the potential for facilitating tremendous good.

Non-Linearity and the Butterfly Effect

The human body’s complexity is non-linear, non-binary. A single cause will almost assuredly initiate a cascade of effects. For decades, our common understanding of oxidative stress and, in particular, free radical damage, has been overly simplistic. Highly reactive oxidants, like the hydroxyl radical (OH) for instance, just require adequate antioxidants to be present in order to neutralize them, right? Just dump enough antioxidants into the body and free radical damage will cease. As continued research is now clearly showing, it’s not quite so simple as this.

Free radicals are actually vital to our functioning; they’re not just waste products, ‘smoke’ or ‘exhaust.’ For example, nitric oxide is a well known free radical… and it plays a key role in our moment-to-moment physiology. There are currently many methods, procedures and good reasons for increasing nitric oxide in our bloodstreams which fitness buffs are exploring and incorporating into their workout routines. The idea that all free radicals are always bad is a quaint and outdated notion.

How free radicals are handled within the body is an intricate, carefully choreographed dance involving complex and elegant chemistry… and molecular signalling.

If we try to think of ASEA in the old linear/binary way, it won’t really make much sense. ASEA contains a balance of both oxidants and reductants, and if we apply it to the interior of our cellular biology according to the old thinking, where the reductants (antioxidants) are used to neutralize the typical overabundance of oxidants produced in our cells, well that would leave the oxidants in ASEA to fall out of balance as the reductants are depleted, and there would be no net gain. This kind of linear thinking doesn’t really get us anywhere.

Redox signalling is a relatively new science. Although already well accepted scientifically, research into redox signalling is still very much in its infancy. How exactly a product like ASEA achieves positive results is still a bit of a mystery. However, THAT it achieves positive results is irrefutably provable.

What we can say— supported by the research so far— is that ASEA upregulates the master antioxidants like glutathione produced within the cells, increasing their efficiency up to 8 times. It influences gene expression with positive specificity. It aids in the detoxification process, like helping to mitigate lactic acid buildup in the muscles. It makes more energy available within the body and cells, despite not being any sort of fuel source. In essence, ASEA makes everything more efficient, more intelligent.

A little nudge in the right direction shifts everything toward healing, repair and replacement— rejuvenation.

And that’s a really good thing.

My Personal Experience with ASEA

I’m about 3 months into continuous use of ASEA— both the original ‘water’ for internal consumption and Renu 28 for topical application. They are both essentially the same product, Renu 28 being a concentrated gel version of the original.

From the very first moment ASEA touched my lips, my intuition said “Yes!” It tasted like the water from a just-cleaned swimming pool— a little bit salty and slightly chlorinated. And right from the very first application of the gel on my skin, I could see and feel its undeniable efficacy almost immediately.

For about 6 months prior I had been battling a first-ever stubborn flare-up of psoriasis on the palm of my hand. Virtually the whole palm was inflamed with a red and crusty itchiness. Whatever I had tried couldn’t seem to stop its inexorable spread… until I tried the ASEA redox gel. It immediately began to look better and to FEEL better. But that was just the beginning.

Incomplete Healing and Aging

I’m in my fifties now. Since I’ve been using the two premiere redox signalling products, Restore and ASEA, I’ve come to a new understanding of the aging process— an understanding back-engineered from the healing process itself.

It seems to me that my experience of aging has been a slow accumulation of health challenges throughout my lifetime which never completely resolved themselves at the time they first presented. These would include things like old injuries, subclinical infections (sinuses), susceptibility to cold sores (herpes), skin outbreaks (pimples, boils, rashes, etc), stiffening joints (shoulders and knees), intestinal gas, lower back pain, mild tension headaches, unexplained muscle soreness… the list goes on and on. These types of things would flare up from time to time and then die down again, but I could always tell that they hadn’t been completely healed even when the symptoms would diminish to a tolerable level.

All of these things together have a cumulative effect, placing a growing burden upon the immune system. My immune system has done a remarkable job of coping with each and every challenge to the best of its ability. However, in each and every one of these instances, as the immune system fails to return my body back to perfect balance, homeostasis— even though I may be symptom-free for a time— there is a cumulative burden placed upon my immunities which eventually becomes overwhelming. We call that “the common signs of aging.”

In particular, it seems to me that in trying to cope with so many things at once, the clear signals which are required for complete and perfect healing are increasingly lost in the static and noise of increasing toxicity and stress. After time, the immune system’s ability to sort out all of the myriad distress signals and its ability to marshal appropriate intelligent responses becomes critically compromised. The result is a cascading deterioration presenting as more and more ‘visible’ symptoms— some familiar, some not.

Just by consistently providing the means for significantly improved internal communication (redox signalling), our overburdened immune systems gain the opportunity for sorting it all out and respond accordingly. That has been my personal experience.

The Healing Journey

Every symptom we experience is a direct communication from our bodies about what is going on— going ‘wrong’— inside. Symptoms are our bodies’ response to imbalances and a breakdown of the delicate communications needed to completely resolve them. This 3-month long experience (so far) with redox signalling molecules has been very much like a recapitulation of my entire medical history, as every little thing, in its turn gets addressed— or redressed… and thankfully, resolved.

It’s been like the peeling away of the layers of an onion— layers of mild yet significant dysfunction. As one-by-one the old symptoms would be expressed, I could quickly, intuitively and empirically observe their resolution. Intuitively, it felt like a ‘movement of resolution’ beginning in the centre of my being and moving outwardly through phases of expression, pushing outward. I don’t pretend to understand all of what’s going on inside of my body, within its complex systems, but I can assuredly feel when the processes underway are to my overall benefit.

In this process, the Renu 28 topical gel has been a marvellous tool for bringing me through this in a relatively pain-free manner. If there was a flare-up of gout in my big toe, I would apply the gel, and within an hour it would completely subside. If I developed a mild tension headache originating in my neck, I would apply the gel to the back of my neck and the tension would be gone in minutes. As old subclinical infections in my sinuses began to clear, cold sores would threaten to break out here and there, but just a few dabs of Renu 28 gel and they would never have the chance to visibly manifest. There are way too many little things which have cropped up during this healing journey to list them all, but frequent and consistent application of redox signalling molecules to the affected area— whether of the skin or deeper— has in every case resolved the discomfort quickly. And the psoriasis I mentioned at the beginning— it’s very nearly completely gone!

It seems almost magical, too good to be true, but once we understand that what redox signalling products like ASEA are doing is re-establishing a fundamental communication pathway involving all of the living agents in this human frame, including DNA, we can see why once-elusive healing becomes suddenly possible and everything within our functionality becomes more efficient, more effective. It is a uniquely wonderful tool.

A True Health Product

If you provide a healthy person with a pharmaceutical drug, it will very likely make them sick. If you provide a healthy person with ASEA, it is most likely to help them to become even healthier, more vital, more alive. That’s what a true health product does. ASEA may very well be the very best adaptogen.

ASEA works holistically, systemically. The body will use the redox signalling molecules wherever they can be used for the greatest overall benefit. This means that if a person begins using Renu 28 topically for a condition like psoriasis, for instance, the body’s innate intelligence may decide to divert the bulk of the redox signalling potential entering the bloodstream to more significant or pressing matters elsewhere. This is perhaps the most common complaint with a systemic remedy such as this: you begin to use it for a specific purpose which your conscious mind finds particularly troublesome, and that complaint doesn’t seem to resolve in a timely manner. But in the meantime, some other half-forgotten health challenge does find resolution while you’re busy thinking “Hey, this stuff isn’t working.”

(Side note: Heart disease is still the reigning champion in terms of the leading cause of death in the western world. Recent research has shown that, contrary to what is still widely believed, the cause of heart attacks is NOT arterial blockages in about 80% of cases. In only 41% of heart attacks are there accompanying arterial blockages, and half of these occur AFTER the heart attack, and so cannot be the main causative factor. So what causes heart attacks? Lactic acid buildup in the heart muscle. Just like your muscles will get sore and even unusable after a strenuous workout, the heart too— being a muscle— is susceptible to the very same dysfunction. Many athletes use ASEA for working out because they report better muscle performance and reduced recovery time. Now, I can’t claim that ASEA prevents, cures or diagnoses any disease, but I invite you to connect the dots yourself.)

Over the past few months, I’ve been sharing ASEA and Restore and actively encouraging their use among friends and family in addition to using them myself. One thing that has been completely consistent among my contacts is that everyone has effortlessly begun to move in the direction of their ideal weight. I, myself, have lost about 15 pounds over the past 3 months… without even forming the intention to do so. I gave up beer; I gave up scotch; I eliminated wheat from my diet; I’ve reduced my sugar consumption by about 80%; I’m eating less, generally. I didn’t really consciously ‘decide’ to do any of these things. They just naturally ‘happened.’

Our bodies don’t want to be fat. As I have now come to understand it, many of our cravings, especially those for unhealthy indulgences, don’t originate with our innate body intelligence. Rather, it’s as though various ‘factions’ of internal imbalances are ‘whispering’ into our internal ears “Feed me. I want sugar… alcohol will do in a pinch…” As these internal factions— candida, for example— return to a state of balance within our internal microbiome and cellular physiology, those unhelpful whispers diminish and eventually disappear. It’s remarkable and wonderful!

A Comment on Price

At first blush, ASEA looks to be pretty expensive, at least that’s what I thought. However, in its reliable aspect of tuning my physiology to becoming noticeably more efficient, and especially in its resolution of longstanding health dysfunctions, my opinion now is that it’s rather cheap. Just in the elimination of certain vices and aspects of my diet like beer, scotch and sugar, I’ve found that I’m not really spending any more money than I was before. Many people find too that they can reduce or eliminate expensive supplements as all nutrients seem to experience better absorption and utilization when redox signalling is functioning optimally. With the aid of redox signalling, your body seems to know better what to do with every nutrient coming in.

It’s much like a fuel additive that pays for itself by providing better mileage. (I’m currently using 4 bottles of ASEA ‘water’ and 1 tube of Renu 28 per month— which is about $250 Canadian. That’s right about the recommended dosage.)

ASEA is also a multi-level marketing company, which normally I find annoying or distasteful, but when you truly believe in the virtues of the product, it provides a unique business opportunity instead.

Full Disclosure

In the interest of full disclosure, I should also mention that I’ve been using DMSO in conjunction with the Renu 28 gel— which is not an authorized combination, but one which I intend to continue due to its efficacy. First, I apply a generous dab of Renu 28 to clean skin, rub it in, and then I follow that immediately with a similar amount of DMSO to drive it deep into the tissue. (I think I’ll write a whole separate essay in this series about the marvel that is dimethyl sulfoxide— DMSO.) I have also been employing daily doses of Carbon 60, molecular hydrogen and sporadic use of Cannabis oil. Essays on each of those are yet forthcoming.

Not For Dabblers

ASEA is for people who are serious about turning their health around. If your plan is to employ ASEA so that you can continue with unhealthy vices and lifestyle choices in hopes of putting off the consequences of doing so, I strongly suspect that ASEA will not adequately support such an intent. As it reorganizes your physiology and metabolism toward greater health, expect ASEA to similarly reorganize your mind toward the same goal.

If you’re serious and you’re willing to make changes, I would suggest making a 90-day commitment to trying redox signalling technology for yourself. If after such a time you find no significant benefit from ASEA and/or Restore— both of which I hold to be the foundation upon which to build a new abode of superlative health— then I apologize for having led you astray. I definitely believe in the power and ‘magic’ of redox signalling molecules.

I never ask others to believe me. Rather, I encourage you to look into these things for yourself, and please try them if you feel so inspired.

(Note: ASEA and Restore should be taken at least 30 minutes apart. Taking them together can reduce the efficacy of each as they may interact with each other.)

This one’s a bit of an infomercial, but still valid.


Looking to Try ASEA?

Anyone interested in trying the ASEA product line or even becoming an Associate in order to distribute these health essentials yourself can find much more information at my personal ASEA Associate website: 1800132290.teamasea.com. You can contact me personally through the site or explore product info, further scientific research, company profile and business opportunities. For any other general inquiries not directly related to ASEA, you can email me at niels@nielskunze.com.

It’s way past time for a worldwide health revolution, don’t you think? So please come join me and my team… and let’s get the world to a healthier place together!