Archive for the “Uncategorized” category

Mystical Masters Collaborative for the Week of December 3 – 9… Channelling

by nielskunze on December 10, 2014

Although my current worldview is derived from a great deal of channelled information, I nevertheless feel a great deal of dissonance with the vast majority of channelled material appearing on the internet. This is a topic I might have taken (…)

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New Glasses; Same Rose-Coloured Eyes

by nielskunze on December 3, 2014

Is everyone going through tough times right now? It sure seems like it! Comfort and ease are scarce when absolutely everything is in flux. So, a few days ago, I was driving back home from Sunday breakfast at my parents’ (…)

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Mystical Masters Collaborative for the Week of November 26 to December 2, 2014

by nielskunze on December 2, 2014

The topic presented to the “Masters” this week is Ascension and/or Unity Consciousness. Come explore all the perspectives at Mystical Masters Facebook Group. Here is my contribution: Twenty years ago I began to obliquely write about ascension and unity consciousness. (…)

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The 36th Edition of the Monthly Newsletter

by nielskunze on November 27, 2014

There will be only one more Newsletter before the end of the year. We’ll call it the November/December Deluxe 3rd Anniversary Extravaganza… just cuz. It has undoubtedly been the Monthly Newsletter which has led the charge into 6-figure monthly readership (…)

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Mystical Masters Collaborative for the Week of November 19 to 25

by nielskunze on November 24, 2014

Our topic this week is symbology and symbolism. For many more delightful and insightful perspectives from our Masters, please visit the Mystical Masters Facebook Group and/or the Mystical Masters Facebook Page. This is my contribution to this week’s gargantuan topic. (…)

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Mystical Masters Collaborative for the Week of November 12 – 18, 2014

by nielskunze on November 14, 2014

As mentioned in my free monthly Newsletter for October 2014, I recently joined the Mystical Masters Group on Facebook as one of the administrators. We also have a Mystical Masters Community Page. Among the Group of about a half dozen (…)

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November’s Foreshadow

by nielskunze on November 5, 2014

I recently wrote that we are standing now outside the Zone of Predictability. But as always, the ultimate outcome is assured; it is only the route and procedure we employ in getting there which needs our determination. How we will (…)

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Will We Ever Demand an End to These Sham Democracies?

by nielskunze on November 4, 2014

It’s the first Tuesday in November, and my neighbours to the south get to vote today… such fuss and bother– not to mention the expense– when, ultimately, none of us lives in a democracy… and perhaps we never have. (*To (…)

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October 2014 Newsletter – Audio Version (music credits incl.)

by nielskunze on October 28, 2014

  More so than in past Newsletters, this one presents itself as an integrated whole. My suggestion therefore is to listen to it all from start to finish. It’s long. If you’re pressed for time, you can skip over the (…)

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Dear Old Souls and Earthlings

by nielskunze on October 24, 2014

You know who you are. Armageddon is upon us. The final battle commences. We are the battlefield. Evil is not an externalized thing to be hunted in the world at large. Evil requires darkness in which to hide and grow. (…)

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