Mystical Masters Collaborative for the Week of November 26 to December 2, 2014

by nielskunze on December 2, 2014

The topic presented to the “Masters” this week is Ascension and/or Unity Consciousness.

Scaffolding of the Sun

Scaffolding of the Sun

Come explore all the perspectives at Mystical Masters Facebook Group.

Here is my contribution:

Twenty years ago I began to obliquely write about ascension and unity consciousness. I didn’t know that’s what I was doing at the time, but now– and thousands of written pages later– I feel competent to tackle such issues head on.

The conversation which follows is an excerpt from my Muse Trilogy, specifically from the third book, Liquid Immortal: The Seed of God, which is still currently under construction/discovery. The main speaker, the boy from the Children’s Collective, is attempting to instruct the gathered adults on the basics of unity consciousness.

This is a long and heady discussion, but I will provide the link to the narrated version as it appeared in my free monthly Newsletter, the February 2014 edition. You may listen or read as you feel motivated. The narration is approximately 12 minutes long.

Discussions At the Round Table Part 2 (Audio Link)

“Unity consciousness is an integration. As such, it requires integrity. Transparency is the benign enforcer of integrity.” The teenage boy representing the Children’s Collective knew that he was merely sketching a rough outline through this discourse. The path toward unity consciousness could be a difficult one, particularly for adults whose habits of perception were already significantly entrenched.

“The main obstacle to transparency is shame. Everyone has skeletons in the closet, aspects of themselves and isolated instances from the past which they wish to remain hidden. There is a strong conviction that these ‘unsavory’ aspects are not true representations of the total person. Therefore shame is justified and supported. It seems logical and necessary to suppress them.

“What needs to be understood about unity consciousness however is that these ‘shameful’ incidents and aspects do not exist in isolation. In fact, they cannot be separated out from the whole. They are every bit as much a part of the total person as are the more refined and desirable attributes. All of one’s attributes serve as context and balance for each other. You cannot take just a portion of yourselves into unity consciousness and leave the rest behind. Perhaps you can see the obvious contradiction?

“At the moment of total transparency, when the soul becomes consciously unitive, the very concept of self-and-other is transformed. Whatever shameful admissions you may bare to the collective are instantly perceived as belonging to the collective– along with all of the reasons and context, all of the thoughts and the feelings surrounding such shame.

“From your current habitual mode of insular perception, judgment seems almost natural. If we were to go around the circle right now, asking each one of you to share your most embarrassing moments, you would resist and feel uncomfortable. However well-articulated and thorough your recounting, you would each still fear that your justifications for acting in a shameful manner would come across as inadequate. Your own memories are unable to fully justify your past actions to yourselves, so you would naturally find it impossible to justify those actions to others. Therefore, you instead choose to keep them hidden.

“The special quality of unity consciousness however is such that the shared unitive mind which has been created through full participation is able to exercise a new holistic perception. All justifications are intrinsically understood in an instant. What this essentially means is that there is no judgment, for there is nothing to be corrected or forgiven. Forgiveness as an actionable choice is a precursor to unity consciousness. Once unity has been achieved there is no longer anything to forgive, for all aspects of what is are equally valued… and cherished.”

“You make it all sound so easy,” said Colette, “and almost inevitable.”

“I would choose the word ‘simple’ instead of ‘easy.’ And yes, it is inevitable… because we are One. That is the ultimate truth of our condition in this existence. All paths lead to integration; all roads lead to mind fusion.” The boy glanced over toward Mi-Fu in the corner, but the others seemed incognizant of the oblique reference.

It was Joseph who took up the conversation next. “I’m very intrigued by this idea of a whole new mode of perception coming online through unity consciousness. You’ve already expressed that it’s as though a completely different world of experience becomes available. And I must admit that all of the children here– immersed in unity– seem very much unlike my experience of children any time previously. Can you tell us more about the world of your newfound perception and experience?”

“Certainly.” The teenager smiled broadly. “Your whole stance in this existence– as you are now– is fundamentally oriented and dedicated toward demarkation. You habitually divide your experience into distinct and discreet chunks to be processed in a linear understanding. Linearity is simply a mode of perception which takes time as its foundational attribute. You define yourselves as being separate and distinct from your environment, from time, from your perceptions, from your experiences. You pour energy–continually and habitually– into the illusion that these things are not you.

“But… you are a fractal of the universe. You are completely and precisely a universal fractal. There is nothing I can point to that belongs to the universe and not simultaneously to you. You are it, all of it. In this moment, you are a point of awareness that is unaware that you are already all of that which you may choose to experience. Your point of awareness– the self-aware you that consciously knows you as you– is like a candle, able to illuminate a small space surrounding your limited self-definition. You may choose to move the candle around in a linear trajectory, exploring novel experiences of yourself in a sequential manner, creating stories, lifetimes. It is what you have done countless times already. Or you may increasingly choose unity as time approaches… absurdity.

“Unity consciousness burns like a star, reaching to the far reaches of the universe, knowing itself to be the expression of light of the entirety, concentrated in a singular point of focus. Martin– and now I am referring to the disembodied spiritual entity– exists somewhere between these two modes of perception. He shares both in aspects of the perceptions of the Children’s Collective as well as the traditional perspective of an individual, insular human being. My advice to you in this moment, Mr. Dexter,” and now the boy was speaking to the seeming empty space beside the kitchen, “is that no matter where you desire your further explorations to take you, always keep in mind that it is you moving through you, that it is you experiencing you. All of space and all of time from eternity to infinity is your own body. Claim it and then know it… through whatever experience you desire.”

“I’m still confused,” insisted Colette. And even Chandra nodded in agreement. “How can we all be having these many different experiences– experiencing each other– and it’s all really just ourselves experiencing ourselves? I mean, how can Chandra truly be me and me truly be Chandra when neither one of us is actually having that experience of the situation? Do you get what I mean?”

“I do. A year ago I wouldn’t have even begun to understand your question. And it may not seem like I’m answering your question now, but if you’ll indulge me a moment it might make things clearer… eventually.

“The objective universe does not exist. There is no part of ‘it’ that may be separated out and held up to scrutiny. We are each of us– and there are trillions of souls here– having a subjective experience of ourselves. Your insular perspective imagines an objectifiable universe. That is the basic nature of the illusion which even your greatest scientists have sought to capture and define. It is a ghost or an artifact of misperception.

“The reason why the misperception persists is that the trillions of souls embarked on this journey of subjective exploration keep finding commonality among themselves. Our experiences overlap; we find places and points of agreement. Our shared agreements about perception and experience present themselves as an objective universe; they are not. Does this help any?”

Colette sighed. “I’m afraid not. Now you’re talking about trillions of souls… yet we’re all one… what gives? I don’t even know what a friggin’ soul is! Are we one, or are we many?”

“We are both.”

“Somehow I knew you were gonna say that!”

“Let me take you all back to the beginning… before our experience of this universe began. The many– our existence as individuals– is sourced outside of this universe. Before all this began, we were each Eternal Essences within the omniverse. We were not created; we cannot be destroyed; each of us is unique and eternal. At some point, one of us– let’s call him God– invited us all to partake of a specific universal journey. God had set up the conditions within himself to facilitate a unique subjective experience of his own Eternal Essence in equal partnership with each of our Eternal Essences. Souls are the expression of this partnership and the vehicles of this exploration. Your unique soul in this universe is an equal blend of your Eternal Essence and God’s Eternal Essence– fifty-fifty. Every traveller here is half God and half Self, moving toward greater self understanding.

“Our experience here in this universe is all one. We are all one within the body of God– literally. At the completion of our universal journey we return to multiplicity in the omniverse. From our vantage in the omniverse, this universe is an objectifiable reality… able to be viewed from the outside. But while we are immersed in this universal experience in complete and equal partnership with God, all is subjective– a cumulative experience of God and ourselves. Do you understand?”

It was Joseph who spoke as the others scratched their heads. “So… originally I came from outside of this universe– which is the body of God. God invited me in to have a unique experience within his particular bounded infinity. In order to do that, I had to temporarily become a soul which is an equal blend of God and my Eternal Self. This soul is able to experience whatever it chooses within the body of God… as God and Self. God is the oneness aspect of this universal journey, whereas Self is the multiplicity aspect which transcends this universal experience. How am I doing?”

“Quite well,” assessed the boy. “Continue to ponder the situation of our universal juxtaposition and many more insights will be forthcoming. And eventually in unity consciousness it will become so very clear. I think we should abandon this discussion for now, as I perceive a bit of burnout in the candles around this table.”


And then the next voice to speak was wholly unknown. It had never been heard before inside Martin Dexter’s cabin. It spoke from the shadows… in the corner. “Regrettable. I was so enjoying this discussion… to which I can well relate.”

It was Mi-Fu! The android was awake!

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