Mystical Masters Collaborative for the Week of December 3 – 9… Channelling
by nielskunze on December 10, 2014
Although my current worldview is derived from a great deal of channelled information, I nevertheless feel a great deal of dissonance with the vast majority of channelled material appearing on the internet. This is a topic I might have taken in many different directions… but here is my contribution to the topic among our group of Mystical Masters.
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Channelling… Self or Other?
I try to speak from the authority of my own experience…
I was completely unfamiliar with the phenomenon of channelling when I embarked on a strange, magickal, mythical, creative adventure which I would later question “Was that… channelling?”
In the dying throes of 1993 and throughout ’94, I entered into a world of wonder. Although I never would have formulated my intent so succinctly at the time, I had entered the open-mind space where I wanted to “relearn the world.” I started with the idea– never quite taking it seriously, though– that perhaps I didn’t know a damn thing! I could take that revolutionary thought just seriously enough, however, to be the springboard for my subsequent contemplations… amidst strangely corroborating experiences.
In a span of exactly 51 weeks, I had written my first (500 page) novel. When the project began, I had no inkling that I was writing a novel; I wasn’t even writing a book! It took me to the sixth chapter (issue) before I fully conceded that yes, indeed, this is a novel. I surrendered to a plot that emerged spontaneously as a strange literary device from somewhere wholly beyond my conscious conception. I didn’t create the plot; I AGREED to it.
The Thousand-Petalled Lotus: The Flower of Human Consciousness, Book One of the Muse Trilogy was issued as a periodical, every three weeks for a year, before it was compiled into its novel form and published as such. The whole book was improvised. It was being read by about forty paid subscribers as I was writing it. Its final form– that of a rather complex philosophical adventure– was, of course, its true form right from the beginning… only I didn’t know it, not a clue… yet I was its creator.
It was effortless to write. At the time, I described the process to friends as that it was writing itself. I was choosing the specific words, but everything else was already there. My personal experience was unfolding into another world, wholly unlike the one I had known so far. Little did I know that the book was writing me! After all, my mind had already agreed to a re-write…
At the end of that year I learned about channelling. I immediately set about reading dozens of channelled books. Eventually, it was natural to ask myself “Was I channelling?” For a long time I wasn’t sure of the answer. Something outside of my conscious awareness had scripted and directed a brilliantly immersive teaching experience, but then the obvious question became “Who was that?”
I never felt the energy of an other. There was nothing foreign or alien about the experience; it was organic and natural… wholesome, even. It always felt like Self to me.
I guess this is more accurately called creative flow rather than channelling, although I would argue that it is every bit as astounding, perplexing and potentially transformative! My own creative process continually surprises me. Often I am not too sure exactly WHAT I’ve done, but I always know when I’ve done it RIGHT.
Living in a world of wonder is maintaining the ability to keep surprising yourself. I know of no other way of doing that than diving into the creative flow… again and again, like a narcissistic junky!
And if, truly, Oneness underlies one’s philosophy, then ultimately there is no other for “us” to channel… just the lighting of pathways in a singular Universal Mind.
I’m such a neuron!
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