Dear Old Souls and Earthlings
by nielskunze on October 24, 2014
You know who you are.
Armageddon is upon us. The final battle commences. We are the battlefield.
Evil is not an externalized thing to be hunted in the world at large. Evil requires darkness in which to hide and grow. Spiritual darkness is created behind barriers of personal denial.
Whatever we refuse to look at, cover up, push away creates the psychic darkness in which evil takes root.
In the final battle, we are confronting our shadow-selves.
Light, under certain conditions, vanquishes darkness. Light, under certain conditions, creates darkness.
It is not a matter of quantity; it is the quality of light that decides.
In a room cluttered with denial’s antique furniture– all that we rail against, all that we would choose to deny its rightful existence, all that we label evil or bad– no matter how much light we pour into that room, the furniture will always cast shadows; darkness persists.
Only by clearing the clutter, by backlighting every obstacle, by probing each of the shadows with the neutral light of awareness, can every particle of that room finally be lit.
We know it beyond any doubt that light filtered through the lens of duality creates an interference pattern– alternating bands of light and dark– upon the screen of our earthly experience. Duality is driven by fear. Period. Once again: duality is driven by fear. It’s obvious: a portion of creation is to be feared… by the rest of creation; that’s duality– the dividing of creation, the UNIverse. Clearly, old soul, you see that it’s not meant to be that way… anymore.
We are the dividing/deciding factor. Fear divides us… inside and out. There is only one way to vanquish fear… by bearing the torch of experience right through the middle of it.
Old soul, earthling, you of all people know beyond any doubt that there is nothing to fear but fear itself. You have been here so long, experienced it all before; you’ve already gone through the very worst, so many times… And here you are. What could possibly still cause you to fear?
Your light is singular in your steadfast connection to Source. Your awareness through the eons has turned from divisiveness to integration. Your consciousness is attuned to unity… Now.
Remember, you are the battlefield. If you march upon evil in the world at large to confront it with your righteous anger, it will take root in the shadow of your own righteous anger. The battle cry is singular, consistent and ridiculously simple: “Bring truth to light!”
In every situation, light warrior, that is your mission– to help bring truth to light. It matters not whether evil is punished; only that the truth concealing such evil be brought to light… so that evil cannot linger anymore.
Be prepared to have all of your own dirty little secrets exposed. You cannot demand that truth be brought to light while still actively harboring your own deepest shadows. But know that your own little indiscretions will warrant nary a glance in the face of the avalanche of disclosure coming now to the fore.
Old soul, earthling, your personal missteps in this lifetime are truly nothing compared to the endemic, systemic, institutionalized corruption you came here– this one last time– to finally uproot and expose.
Be brave; don’t worry; we got this!
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