The 36th Edition of the Monthly Newsletter
by nielskunze on November 27, 2014
There will be only one more Newsletter before the end of the year. We’ll call it the November/December Deluxe 3rd Anniversary Extravaganza… just cuz.
It has undoubtedly been the Monthly Newsletter which has led the charge into 6-figure monthly readership for at least the past year. We’ve actually been a bit over 200,000 readers a month for the past several months now.
In three years I haven’t taken a break, and each Newsletter has been about 8,000 words of all-original content. Two complete (and free) novels are embedded in the back issues… along with some other essential reads. I decided to cut myself some slack and combine November and December for two main reasons: 1) There is a glut of material right now which I feel compelled to comment on before year’s end. 2) I’m beginning to reorganize the blog so that the “essential stuff” is easier to find, and newcomers will be able to quickly orient themselves to the basic points and themes.
I am anticipating many newcomers in the new year. As we begin to collectively tear the mask from The Devil publicly in 2015, more and more people will want to catch up on the lighter side of what’s happening with this Slow Apocalypse. That’s my specialty. And I’m sure that even longtime readers will appreciate the new organization of materials as the most poignant articles will be reshuffled as separate blog posts, suitable for sharing/teaching. I’ve written literally thousands of pages of material in the last three years and I realize that it’s very difficult to locate favourite pieces on my blog as it is, especially from among the Newsletter back issues.
I will try to get this 3rd Anniversary Edition out sooner rather than later.
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