Mystical Masters Collaborative for the Week of November 12 – 18, 2014
by nielskunze on November 14, 2014
As mentioned in my free monthly Newsletter for October 2014, I recently joined the Mystical Masters Group on Facebook as one of the administrators. We also have a Mystical Masters Community Page.
Among the Group of about a half dozen administrators (Masters) we each post original content on a pre-selected weekly topic. This week’s topic is “Prayer.” What follows is my contribution for this week’s discussion.
Born and raised among kindly atheists, the word “prayer” never really came up. But closet-spiritualists find novel and creative ways to cloak their prayers in the finery of metaphor and allegory… lest they be caught out by the spectre of merciless “scientism.” Here’s a little prayer I created for humanity’s Now… (But shh, don’t tell anyone! *winks*)
The Mouse in the Maze and His Flying Elephant
(Read-along audio version)
The mouse was born in the maze
…and oh what a maze it was!
Truly amazing!
It was all he knew–
this being amazed… and confused…
Perhaps for a time he thought
of finding a way out,
But no one he met
had ever found the way–
For if anyone had… well…
they’d… be… out!
So he lived on the government cheese,
and lived as mice will do.
But displeased with such tedium…
deep in the labyrinth… he began to think it through…
Where do I go as I dream?
Perfectly real– the ordeal as I’m in it–
and then upon awakening… denied… unseen.
Clearly. Here. I stand on denial…
I deny… therefore I am not.
…and oh what a knot it was!
Perhaps the dreamer is more real than I,
and I, the schemer he can’t deny…
And then quite suddenly
amidst his mousely ruminations…
He fell abruptly awake into a dream… and…
The illumination of what he’d seen…
seemed so terribly irrelevant,
For what has a mouse to do
with a big old flying elephant?
But the elephant was patient,
and yes, of course… wise.
He waited for the mouse to speak–
a squeak… a pip… perhaps a peep–
before he’d offer his advice.
Who are you? asked the mouse.
Another part of you, said the flying elephant.
But I can’t fly!
And Ellie crashed to the floor.
Must you deny?
Well… I’m a mouse… after all…
And then quite suddenly
amidst his mousely chagrin
The mouse had a fall… within…
again… the labyrinth.
He awoke to a sleepy daze–
the maze in a foggy haze–
had clearly seen some better days,
But the ways of the maze
Can make the most amazing days… crazy…
And a mouse wouldn’t think twice
about the relevance or reality
Of what it might be like to be an elephant…
who denies gravity!
But a mouse’s dreams, tucked
beneath old straw and droppings,
Lie forgotten, forlorn…
Swapping the reel
for these scenes… of scorn… so vile and rotten.
You see, what the mouse didn’t know… was…
Who directs the show?
He never would have guessed
that blessed elephant would confess–
and really seem to understand–
that the flying elephant
was at the mouse’s command.
We are one, spoke Ellie in a dream:
You are free will,
And I am the wisdom to guide you…
through empty and fill… until…
The spirit resides and decides within you…
as you breathe…
so as you are.
So the mouse directed the elephant
toward the tasks that he found relevant
Things with labyrinthian significance–
and utterly meaningless to flying elephants!
For remember wisdom is elegance,
not this floundering in the maze,
And the mouse sometimes wanted done
what wisdom cannot do– amazing things
to impress the kings
and the tigers… at the zoo.
Oh mouse, seize this advantage.
What I see from my vantage–
tomorrow… and you…
the curves in the road,
the lessons and challenge;
Lessen your burden; lighten your load!
Use me according to your own imagination.
…and oh what an imagination it is!
For the mouse thought his thoughts were his,
not this script from beyond the scene–
But where do you think you have been
every time that you dream…
If not escaped from the labyrinth?
Lay to rest this doubt
once and for all…
You’ve known the way out… always…
You fall… asleep…
And we speak… and the hallways
and corridors of your amazement abate…
As finally you realize that I’m yours… truly…
to have a flying elephant is great!
Please come join the discussion on Facebook! (links above)
We also have a website.
And very shortly we will be launching a monthly podcast with a very similar format as the Group page where all the Masters will present original content pertaining to a selected topic and a discussion to follow.
This invitation is offered in the highly unlikely event that you’ve become bored with little ol’ me. Naw, just kidding! Multiple perspectives are instrumental in providing insight for the widest possible audience. Come check us out… and join the Group or the Community as you feel moved.
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