Archive for the “Uncategorized” category

The Slow-Boiling Prog

by nielskunze on May 25, 2014

When we’re young– and all we want is to fit in– very simplistically, we think that we can carve out a unique identity for ourselves merely by proclaiming our personal preferences, especially those pertaining to music… (Words and Miracles by (…)

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Message To/From the TOURS #13 Parasite Removed and Destroyed

by nielskunze on May 20, 2014

During the night of May 15/16 I received the following clear and precise message in the dreamtime… “I am the body of Humanity’s Collective. For as long as I can remember, I have been under siege. In a rare moment (…)

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Message To/From the TOURS #12 Another Q & A Session (Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)

by nielskunze on April 30, 2014

Let’s just dive right in… Q: Who is Grandfather Mahat? A: Golly, I wish I knew! This question, I surmise, comes from the last Message #11 in which Grandfather Mahat offered some dreamtime instruction. For me personally, Grandfather Mahat is (…)

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Message To/From the TOURS #11 Cry of the Eagle and the Unfocused Eye

by nielskunze on April 28, 2014

(Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns) Sometimes when I awaken in the morning all I have is a phrase repeating in my head and no other recollections to go along with it.The title of this piece, Cry of the Eagle and (…)

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The Daily Forest Report April 26, 2014 Laying Low in Plenitude

by nielskunze on April 26, 2014

There’s a certain time of year when all worries and concerns over lack cease to have any basis in reality. This day, right now, is that time. In amongst the old dried husks of days and seasons gone by there (…)

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Message To/From the TOURS #10 A Propensity for Intensity (Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)

by nielskunze on April 21, 2014

“I’m not a tube of toothpaste!” But sometimes it sure feels like it! Let this serve as a brief commiseration. The reports are coming in, and it’s clear that we’re in the thick of things right now. Like aspiring diamonds, (…)

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Everything Hitler Did Was Perfectly Legal

by nielskunze on April 13, 2014

Modern tyrants are sticklers for paperwork. Before any heinous act they’re prepared to commit, they make sure to secure the appropriate court order or injunction… and even have the laws changed if necessary. Assholes and douchebags with political clout will (…)

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by nielskunze on April 8, 2014

Let’s begin with a song. I believe that if Mother Earth was given the opportunity to sing a song to us all, this is what she might sing. It’s called “Ludvig & Sverker” by the Swedish prog band Beardfish. This (…)

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A Tarot Reading for the World April 2 – July 2, 2014

by nielskunze on April 3, 2014

There seems to be a great deal of consensus in the cyberspace circles I frequent that right now is the time that things really get moving in terms of global drama and fundamental change. With that in mind, I thought (…)

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Message To/From the TOURS #9 More Q & A (Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)

by nielskunze on April 1, 2014

Before I get to the questions, there’s just a couple of brief items to address. First, the above artwork is courtesy of a web presence who goes by the name of Valiant. Intuitively, I feel that this visual prop can (…)

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