Everything Hitler Did Was Perfectly Legal

by nielskunze on April 13, 2014

Modern tyrants are sticklers for paperwork. Before any heinous act they’re prepared to commit, they make sure to secure the appropriate court order or injunction… and even have the laws changed if necessary. Assholes and douchebags with political clout will always claim to have the law on their side.

Now, speaking of assholes and douchebags, special agent Love (yeah, apparently that’s his real–though flagrantly ironic– name) of the BLM was no exception to the above stated policy, in his recent dealings with the armed rebellion in Nevada this past week. Of course the Feds had the law on their side; they change the laws on a whim to suit their agenda in flagrant and frequent violation of the constitution. That’s how tyrants operate; Hitler did.

Anyway, I’m glad to see that the American Revolution version 2.0 is finally officially underway… and round one scores a victory for the people without a single shot being fired. Nice job!

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I’m reminded of a piece I wrote last year as a bit of comedy, but its point is valid in the above context. It’s called Uprisers and the Polite Revolution. The active link takes you to the audio version, so you can just sit back and listen. (As I did the narration, it was all I could do to keep myself from slipping into a very bad British accent as a tribute/parody of Monty Python.) I hope you enjoy this bit of recycled nonsense… and understand its message… which may very soon become relevant to us all here on planet Earth.

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