Message To/From the TOURS #11 Cry of the Eagle and the Unfocused Eye

by nielskunze on April 28, 2014

(Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)

Sometimes when I awaken in the morning all I have is a phrase repeating in my head and no other recollections to go along with it.The title of this piece, Cry of the Eagle and the Unfocused Eye, is just one such phrase from several days ago.

Frequent readers of my blog will already know that these past couple of weeks have seen a great deal of interaction with Eagle energy. I’ve refrained from writing up every encounter in my Daily Forest Reports for fear of being too redundant. Then I realized that Eagle was actively working with me in both the waking world of physicality as well as in the dreamtime. Knowing this, I was able to bring additional awareness into dreaming…

Raven is the Dark Priest
who divided the light
of consciousness,
Hiding self from Self
in the sacred act of creation
of ‘another.’
He flies as a moving veil,
casting shadows before the sun,
subtracting dimensions
as they move upon the ground.
He would speak to you
of flights and fancy words,
But his meaning is often lost…
in the cost of dreaming…

Make no mistake; Raven too is a being of light… Even the darkness is held in constructs of light. What does this say about inevitability?

In 1972 a quiet and ever-so-sublime turning point was reached. Light tipped the scales so that even dark obfuscations thereafter served enlightenment. The secrecy of false elitism (all elitism is false) could venture no further… yet many dramas still needed to be played out.

In 1995 the Cry of the Eagle went out from the collective voice of humanity. In Toltec reckoning (not mesoamerican), the Eagle is the representation of our collective consciousness. At that time, the Eagle was sated, and its cry was a call for the deepest level of change possible on this planet. We’ve been diligently working at this for nearly twenty years!

A young eagle on a power pole, I watched him closely… as he observed me. A colorful aura developed around him and his perch. At first red, then quickly blue and to purple in a single heartbeat, I marveled at him limned in light so startling! He cried to me, ruffled his feathers, dispersing the light, and then flew off to the West, then arcing North. His flight was powerful now, where only days ago he struggled to stay aloft… harassed by the other birds.

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(Click to enlarge.)

Two days later, three emissaries from the New Unfoldment came to greet us in the rain. First, Grouse flew up in my face, as Sitka, my dog, initiated the Dance. A moment later Whitetail Deer was waiting at the Gate as Eagle perched nearby. It was clear that they were in cahoots. “It is Time.” Brief encounters set the heart to beating brand New Rhythms…

And in the dreamtime… Grandfather Mahat explained. (I had never noticed the eagle feather braided in his hair before.)

“The Cry of the Eagle initiated a long journey. Countless households were called and brought to order… though chaos seemed to reign. All was broken down into singular indivisible units– capable of choice.

“Free Will, your power of choice, is only as large as that which you grant to others. To the degree that you allow others to choose for themselves is the degree to which your own choices hold sway.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”


“Has anyone ever changed your mind?”

“Well sure, lots of people have served to change my mind.”

“Who has changed your mind? Pick one.”

“Okay. I’ll say David Icke.”

“Have you ever met David? Have you ever spoken to him?”


“So how did he manage to change your mind? Through magic?” More laughter.

“I read his books, listened to some of his talks. It changed my mind about a number of things.”

“David shared his journey… with all… and individual minds made the choice to change… or not. Each mind has a unique criterion for truth. Is there enough information freely available now for any mind seeking change to find satisfaction… to find suitable catalyst?”

“Yes, I imagine there is… but many still refuse to change, or to even look.”

“And is that not their right of choice?”

“Yes… but aren’t they holding the rest of us back? I feel so much frustration among the torchbearers!”

“Do you remember some of the things you would see with unfocused eyes?”

(Grandfather Mahat was referring to my early childhood when I would often allow my stare to ‘go soft.’ I would completely relax my eyes, letting them fall out of focus… and I could see the strangest things!)

“Yes! It’s like the aura, or etheric sheath, I saw around the young eagle on the power pole. I would see that around everything when I relaxed my gaze! It was fun, almost mesmerizing.”

“The Focused Eye sees the mind’s lines of intent. The Unfocused Eye sees unknown possibilities. It is time to remember the unknown possibilities… to remember the Unfocused Eye. The Cry of the Eagle calls for new lines of intent, but only the Unfocused Eye can see such possibilities out at the periphery of habitual awareness. The mind’s habit is to recreate the past… unless exposed to new stimuli. You must seek it now– a new stimulus– by letting go of your habitual focus.

“You have exactly zero power to change another’s mind. That sovereignty has been reinstated individually; that is why so many seem so stubborn. It is actually what you have struggled so hard to achieve! Only events will convince them. Their own experience holds ultimate sway… as it should be. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“I guess…”

“Abandon those who disagree. Embrace those of like-mindedness. Together now you can manifest the New Possibilities… and THAT will move the recalcitrants… through their own experience. Do not squander your power and ability where it can make no headway. Respect the Free Will of others in order to claim the power of your own.”

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