Message To/From the TOURS #9 More Q & A (Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)
by nielskunze on April 1, 2014
Before I get to the questions, there’s just a couple of brief items to address. First, the above artwork is courtesy of a web presence who goes by the name of Valiant. Intuitively, I feel that this visual prop can serve to augment the efforts of the TOURS. It is well geared toward energetic integration, especially mind-body synthesis. Use it as a tool if you feel so moved. (I consider it another “trigger.”)
Next, we have a brief message from Raven Nation. This has come through the dreamtime and is not from my daily walks in the woods (or else it would be presented in a Daily Forest Report; things ARE beginning to overlap, though). “Humans, evolve now, or get out of the way! We are the spokespersons for the Animal Nations Coalition, and you will not be permitted to continue with the destruction of the Living Earth.” Well, that’s pretty clear! Raven is very closely allied with Moose who represents the Divine Feminine on Earth. I think we’re looking at the sacred energy of a mother scorned. We don’t want to mess with that! Individually, you may wish to keep an eye out for Raven; I am always closely scrutinized on my forest walks. Perhaps you’ve already noticed the ravens and crows in your own area are particularly vocal right now… and their admonitions are definitely directed at us!
And now the questions…
Q: I visit a fair number of blogs on a daily basis and recently it seems as though more and more of the messages are intertwined or maybe feeding off of each other. Is this a deliberate thing?
A: Yes, and it’s occurring at two distinct levels. At the conscious level of our internet interactions, those of us who are working toward similar goals have been drawn to reading each other’s material. We are discovering a great deal of agreement. This is the mirror image of what is also occurring beneath the surface at the level of the collective. We’re actually meeting up in the dreamtime, having discussions, and then posting our individual takes on those discussions on our respective blogs. I’d say it’s all coming together rather nicely.
This next question follows from the above, and although it may not be familiar to all readers here, it deserves a brief response nevertheless.
Q: After tons of hype, Courtney Brown made his “big” announcement on March 15th. Weren’t you disappointed?
A: Yes, I certainly was… but not for the reason you suppose. Dr. Brown is the director for the Farsight Institute, dedicated to the exploration and establishment of remote viewing as a valid scientific methodology. During the weeks leading up to his grand announcement, Dr. Brown released a number of “Implications Postings.” From those postings it was very clear to me that he understood very well how worlds are changed; never from the top down, and always from the bottom up. At any given time, the leadership of a group reflects the basic collective belief of that group. If such leadership is left wanting, the problem must be addressed at the level of shared belief; to merely change the figurehead of the leadership will do nothing. Real change ALWAYS occurs at the grassroots level; that’s where the change in belief must be anchored; there can be no exceptions.
So as I awaited the official announcement, I had already deduced that it would entail a revelation pertaining to the wider acceptance of remote viewing– since that’s what Dr. Brown’s life is dedicated to. Establishing such a “fact” would grant humanity a very useful tool for dispelling propaganda and accessing information in a totally decentralized way. In my opinion, Courtney Brown delivered exactly what he promised. In that regard I was not disappointed.
What I was sorely disappointed with was the reaction of the “New Age” community. There are apparently so very many who think themselves highly evolved and “awakened” who are still awaiting the “magic pill” that’s going to transform this world in a fanciful moment. Any such top-down magic pill can only be employed as a deception. Remember, real change has to occur at the basic level of individuals adopting and energizing new beliefs; anything else is just a magic show. All of the “New-Agers” who are still waiting for that magic pill might as well be waiting for that proverbial flying unicorn named Jesus. There’s really no difference. It comes down to YOU doing the work as an individual; stop looking for someone else to do it for you!
And this next question follows directly from that one…
Q: For a couple of years already we’ve been hearing about something referred to as The Event. There’s a lot of information on the net about many aspects of The Event; what’s your take on it?
A: Honestly, a couple of years ago I was pretty sucked into The Event scenario. I was stuck in a limbo consciousness of waiting… any day now… any day it’s all going to change…
Whether “The Event” ever happens is not at all my concern. I don’t know specifically how to bring such a thing about. I do know how to bring about a series of small transformational moments however… for myself, and for others willing to entertain my methods… or perhaps my madness.
If the cumulative effect of all our little transformations can bring about a catalyzing event upon the world stage, I’m all for it. How such an event might manifest, I’m not really qualified to say, and as the questioner already pointed out, there’s plenty of material out there espousing exactly such speculation. It is my hope that The Event might be something like the “religious” experience I described in the last Q & A session, where everyone may experience, roughly simultaneously, a moment where we all feel undeniably connected to everything– a oneness moment, if you will. I have every confidence that the intelligence of the universe is such that such a psychedelic experience can be achieved without the complications and side-effects attendant with hallucinogenic substances. May we all have a beautiful “trip” through The Event! Bring it on!
Q: How can you recommend channeled material to support this effort when you’ve disparaged such material in the past?
A: The recommendation to which the questioner is referring is the Seth Book, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, as channelled by Jane Roberts. Truthfully, I heartily recommend all of the Seth Books. My disparagement of some of the other channelled material out there is based in its superficiality.
There’s a few things I look for in the daily and weekly channelled material which proliferates on the web nowadays when I make summary judgments. Any material which even suggests that ETs are coming to save us from ourselves is propaganda. Similarly, any messages telling us of esoteric methods and procedures that are secret and usually complicated, describing a larger “Objective” reality– of this is how it is– and you need to learn these special visualizations and meditations… they’re not for me. Evolution isn’t ever about who you know with their special knowledge and methods which only get doled out to a select few. The God who dwells in me would never set it up that way! And lastly, any channelled material which disparages, undermines, or dismisses our Earthly experiences here in the “illusion” is simply grossly misinformed. Although we have struggled mightily in this realm, it was NOT all just a waste of time. What we have achieved here is utterly monumental and we deserve congratulations, not offhanded dismissal of our “mistake.”
Compare the Seth material. It is extremely intelligent, consistent and artfully presented. The insights which Seth has stylishly presented over thousands of pages of material is simply stunning and more than impressive. In my opinion, it is unimpeachable. (Mmm… I love peaches!)
Messages should never be judged on the credentials of the messenger. That includes everything I write too. I beg of thee, do not believe a word I say just because it comes from me and you’ve decided for some misguided reason to trust me implicitly. I make mistakes, lots of them. But we all just have to be willing to learn and to develop our own barometers of truth along the way. Learn to recognize when propaganda is taking your power away, and when a real teacher is providing tools for your own reclamation of power and subsequent transformation. It’s actually not that hard with practice.
Q: On a recent Facebook post you commented about a double-slit experiment. I didn’t understand what the original post was about, nor did I understand your “explanation.” You seem to disagree though with “Victory of the Light!” Do you?
A: It doesn’t matter whether readers here ever saw the Facebook post in question or not. There is something fundamental here which needs to be addressed.
The original post, by a friend of mine, was merely advising caution with the phrase “Victory of the light!” He was making reference to Lucifer who is known as the Light(bearer). These types of personages do exist, whether as archetypal constructs or as true ensouled entities, I cannot say… so the warning is valid.
I added to that the description of the classic physics experiment for demonstrating the wave properties of light. It’s called the Double-Slit Experiment. The point I was trying to make is that even when a single source of light is filtered through two slits (duality) what results is an interference pattern consisting of alternating bands of light and dark upon a screen. The crucial thing to understand here is that the darkness is created solely with light. The dark bands occur where the trough of one wave meets the crest of the other and they cancel each other out. That’s called destructive interference. Metaphysically, the implication of this is that even when there’s only one true source of light, when it’s viewed through a dualistic filter, darkness will be created. Currently, our minds are just such a dualistic filter. Light alone is not the absolute answer for darkness. “Victory of the light!” is way too simplistic.
Our answers will never lie in choosing one polarity over another. Our task is rather to establish and maintain a position which is called the sacred neutral. We accept the right of each polarity to exist, for in truth, polarities cannot exist in isolation; one always implies the other; the relationship between them cannot be obliterated; it can be obscured or hidden though. Stop falling for this choosing of one thing over another. All that exists has the right to exist; it is all part of the One. Reintegration is simply not possible if we’re forever seeking to eradicate those aspects we find distasteful. Even in the sacred neutral we are allowed our preferences in terms of what we wish to experience, but we are not permitted to utterly destroy what we don’t like and deprive all others from choosing what they prefer to experience.
So, on that note… “Victory of the sacred neutral!”
That is all.
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