by nielskunze on April 8, 2014

Let’s begin with a song. I believe that if Mother Earth was given the opportunity to sing a song to us all, this is what she might sing. It’s called “Ludvig & Sverker” by the Swedish prog band Beardfish. This is the bonus track piano version from the 2012 album The Void, featuring Rikard Sjoblom, the keyboard player, singer and songwriter for the band.

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Now on to business…

It would be good for us all to remember that the TOURS is a non-hierarchical, leaderless assemblage working toward a common goal. I am NOT the leader, despite the sometimes authoritative tone I employ in these missives. I’m just a mouthpiece, and sometimes I miss important parts of the message. And that’s why I’m glad you’re not hesitant to call me to task.

I have no special knowledge in these matters. I’m learning along with everyone else. My job is to remain aware, receptive and humble… and then to pass along what we’re learning here together.

What I would like to address today is a product of my tendency to over-masculinize my personal take on these briefings. Sometimes it takes a few words from just the right feminine “energies” to adequately school me in something critical I’ve missed. Yes, I’ve been schooled!

I’ve recently been reminded that we, here on Earth in physicality, do not create outcomes; we create access to outcomes. Now, what do I mean by that? When we set intentions, we’re taking aim at a particular outcome– a response from the intelligence of the universe. The specific response that we receive is directly reflective of the degree to which we are able to love. Love is the key to access– specifically, self love.

I know that some of you may be horrified that self love as opposed to altruistic love is the key to access. But deep down we all know that it’s true that you can only love another to the degree that you love yourself. Love has to come through you. That bears repeating: love has to come through you. If you’re blocking it within yourself because for whatever reason you feel unworthy, your access to positive/loving outcomes will be severely limited.

This was spelled out to me by the Witches of Old Brunswick. In speaking about our group projects as outlined in Message #5, I placed too much emphasis on procedures and techniques, forgetting altogether the most important factor: love. Focusing on procedure and technique is definitely a masculine trait, and love relies very little on such rationalities. I thank the ladies for straightening me out!

But that’s exactly how this is supposed to work. If you feel I’ve gotten something wrong or made a glaring omission, call me out on it. I make mistakes, plenty of them! But together we’re sure to have all the bases covered.

So in our group projects, evoking and augmenting love– for ourselves and our associates– is really the key to accessing the most favourable of outcomes. Love is a spectrum. At its lowest vibration, love expresses as fear and the need for protection. If we feel very insecure in this life, threatened, then the intelligence of the universe is obligated to provide outcomes to our intentions which validate our choice of experiencing fear… until such a time as we’re willing to face and overcome our fears. That is how the universe expresses the highest vibration of love– by matching the frequency level we ourselves are at.

So when I say that we are creating access, I mean that we are creating access to the level of blessing we’ve prepared ourselves for. Developing our capacity to love unfettered is the crux of everything we’re doing here. Sorry I momentarily missed it.

Now, how do we train ourselves to love ourselves? We’ve all been conditioned to think that self love is somehow misguided. But it is really only ego aggrandizement which leads us away from our goal. Telling yourself repeatedly that you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread, that you’re god’s gift to the world, isn’t what we’re after at all. Love is experienced as a feeling, and it’s not conceited and arrogant– that’s mindstuff.

I’m going to assume that everyone reading these words here have felt at least once in their lives the sweet gentle kiss of love in their hearts. Recall that feeling… often. Feel it expand in your heart until it makes you want to weep with joy. Make feeling love in your own being the most indulgent habit you’ve ever fallen victim to. Let love be your secret addiction. Make yourself weep with joy. Slowly you will begin to notice that the outcomes to all of your intentions will become more loving… toward you and the whole world. It’s a simple practice, but probably the most profound.

And now there’s just one more little thing which I need to address. Some of the TOURS are so used to working alone in this lifetime that they find it nearly impossible to assemble into groups just yet. I can relate. Solitary work as outlined recently in an email from one member may serve to circumvent this obstacle.

“I was sitting in meditation with my eyes half open, focusing my everything on the little candle before me. The sun was setting and the room about me was becoming shadowed. The flame of the little candle danced to the rhythms of my breath; it was beautiful. Suddenly in an instant, I dissolved, and I was aware of myself as the candle flame. We were in communion.”

This is it precisely! This is exactly what we’re after: communion with each other and the world. That is unity consciousness. We can practice this alone in whatever settings we feel most comfortable. We can commune with objects, plants, animals, or even the whole planet herself. Love and beauty seem to be the keys to unlocking this sacred experience for ourselves. If for some reason group activity is prohibitive, seek communion instead as a means to practice oneness. Again, I’m glad to have been reminded of this possibility.

I hope this helps.

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