Archive for the “Uncategorized” category

Where Art Thou?

by nielskunze on March 28, 2015

(Author Narration with musical accompaniment: Busindre Reel by Hevia) Art is the future of technology. As we learn to live more through the heart, we want to be moved, to be presented with an opportunity to change, according to how (…)

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Spirit Cannot Enter Bliss

by nielskunze on March 26, 2015

Spirit expresses itself through Life. Or, in reverse, Life is the expression of Spirit. When I wish to confirm the validity of a thing, I look for examples in Nature– in living Nature. So what of bliss? I see infinite (…)

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The Daily Forest Report March 24, 2015 We Can Share the Same Love

by nielskunze on March 24, 2015

(Lavender View by Rhombus from their 2008 album Arkadoomia) Everyone’s got their own agenda. In the cacophony of conditioned desires, it can be difficult to see our way clear, through to the horizons of our spirit’s infinite potential. Spirit is (…)

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Message To/From the TOURS #32 A Balance of Questions

by nielskunze on March 20, 2015

(TOURS = Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns) (Okay, you got me. That title is a play on words of an old album by The Moody Blues called A Question of Balance.) It’s equinox time… and so the subject of balance (…)

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Mystical Masters Collaboration for the Week of March 11 to 17, 2015

by nielskunze on March 18, 2015

This week’s topic was Spirit/Animal Totems. That’s kind of my primary path! (Probably because I find it easier to get along with most animals than with most humans.) It’ll be two years in June when I began writing the Daily (…)

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by nielskunze on March 17, 2015

March 17, 2015 So many threads converge… We just had the 7th and final Uranus-Pluto square yesterday, and the new moon on the 20th will feature as well in a solar eclipse… whose full expression two weeks later when the (…)

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Mystical Masters Collaboration for the Week of March 4 to March 10, 2015

by nielskunze on March 10, 2015

This week we have a dual topic: Nourishment and Dance. They’re practically synonymous, right? Okay, not quite. I choose nourishment. Now, I’ve written heaps on my blog already about conventional (and maybe not-so-conventional) nutrition, so this time I’d like to (…)

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Mystical Masters Collaboration for the Week of February 25 to March 3, 2015

by nielskunze on March 3, 2015

Once again, this week, we were left to choose our own topics. I decided to go with a topic which was a primary focus of my latest Newsletter from February 13th– a Newsletter which sought to wrap up Phase One (…)

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Message To/From the TOURS #31 Q & A Mostly Relating to Sources

by nielskunze on March 1, 2015

(TOURS = Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns) If you think that conditions on Earth are messy and convoluted, it’s far worse in the astral– though, just like our earthly politicians, there are those who desperately try to paste a smiley (…)

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Mystical Masters Collaboration for the Week (and a Day) of Feb. 17 to 24, 2015

by nielskunze on February 26, 2015

With our intrepid leader, Cedar Branches, stalking wisdom in Peru, the rest of the Mystical Masters have been granted the freedom to post on any topic of our choosing these couple of weeks. When Rhea posted on Validation, I opted (…)

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