Message To/From the TOURS #31 Q & A Mostly Relating to Sources

by nielskunze on March 1, 2015

(TOURS = Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)

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If you think that conditions on Earth are messy and convoluted, it’s far worse in the astral– though, just like our earthly politicians, there are those who desperately try to paste a smiley face over the whole fiasco.

As above, so below.

The last TOURS Message #30 was primarily sourced in an article by Michelle Walling which included a 3-hour long radio interview with Lily Earthling (she used to go by just Lily Earth). Everything that Lily has spoken about for the last six months or so has resonated deeply with my own life experience… and has cleared up much confusion.

And for further reference, there is a page on my blog where I list most of the primary sources of information I consult on a regular basis, as well as recent books read by me. Please note: just because I frequent a particular source is no guarantee that I agree with the views therein expressed in any way. Often, I read material just to see what certain factions and agendas are up to, to see what people in the New Age community are thinking, or simply to try out a perspective which I personally find foolish but is nevertheless gaining popularity. I read a lot of comments on various websites too.

The other primary source I need to speak of before we can proceed is my lifelong ability to ‘dream’ with the collective. This skill is not limited to nighttime dreaming; I can ‘dream’ with the collective while perfectly awake too; some might call it my attunement to the Muse. (Essentially, I receive impressions about the foremost questions posed by the collective mind of humanity; that’s usually how I decide exactly what to write– topically.)

Q: You’ve recently written about a portion of the population being released from the matrix; won’t this result in an overall strengthening of the matrix for all those still entrapped? Isn’t that a very bad thing? You’ve said that those who’ve been freed will provide a viable alternative to the matrix reality, but will those in the matrix even see the alternative possibilities?

A: The dynamic within the matrix has shifted dramatically. The key to this new dynamic is desperation. The only reason that the matrix functions at all is because those who are most firmly within it believe that the matrix doesn’t exist. The life of the matrix depends upon its covert existence; as soon as it becomes blatantly obvious to everyone, it’s over– unless total overt dictatorship has first been firmly established. Tyranny will not succeed.

The matrix is an elaborate energy-harvesting system, serving primarily astral agendas. The persons who have and are soon to exit the matrix are mostly those we can call the earthlings– the 15% who have incarnated through the Earth’s own heart: the Cave of Creation. These are the Earth humans having a direct heart-link to Source; they are like inexhaustible batteries to the matrix. Through withdrawing consent, declaring sovereignty, and taking full responsibility for co-creating one’s life, the inexhaustible batteries are rapidly unplugging from the matrix’s energy-harvesting scheme. The light creation– primarily the astral realms– are still expanding (theoretically), requiring more and more energy to fuel the expansion… and yet less and less energy is actually available. And this is where desperation creeps in.

Desperate, ‘starving’ entities tend to do very stupid things; just pick up any newspaper for confirmation of this! The current moves being made by the fascist alliance of global government and industry are becoming increasingly transparent and overtly dictatorial. Unfortunately, the overall conditions within the matrix are rapidly deteriorating… but that has the unavoidable consequence of making those entrapped within it much more aware of what is truly going on.

It’s a pressure-cooker situation. The astral realms would very much like to continue on with business as usual, but the completion of the light creation’s full evolution necessarily includes an integration and return-to-Source phase. It simply cannot go on expanding forever; it’s unsustainable. As more and more people on Earth withdraw from the old model and embrace the integrative phase, extending the true path Home for all, the matrix will simply lose the very purpose of its existence. It will become something like a heavy old winter coat… yet spring is dawning and summer is just around the corner; time to ditch that old shabby coat!

Q: I know you don’t like to comment on specific internet personalities, but you must be aware of the current controversy surrounding Neil Keenan and all those associated with him such as Wilcock, Fulford, Drake, et al. You, yourself, posted an epic summary of David Wilcock’s Financial Tyranny, do you still stand by that work? And what about Keenan?

A: Yes, I much prefer to deal in ideas rather than personalities. Principled ideas are very trustworthy; unprincipled people are not. It’s always a matter of taking the message above taking the messenger at face value.

My opinion on Neil Keenan is an easy one. What’s Keenan’s message? Ever since he withdrew the Trillion Dollar Lawsuit, I have been unable to clearly discern what the hell Keenan is trying to do. Sure, you can read on his website that he’s “securing the collateral accounts,” but by what means? What’s his strategy? What’s his special leverage? Why Neil Keenan and not someone else? Since I can’t satisfactorily answer any of these questions, I have no difficulty dismissing Keenan and his team as insignificant and possibly a downright intentional fraud.

As for the rest of them in Keenan’s orbit… it get’s a bit trickier.

First, Ben Fulford: Ben has always clearly stated in his weekly reports that he’s simply passing along information as it’s given to him by contacts within various spy agencies and secret societies. He makes no overt claims to the veracity of the information he disseminates. Under such circumstances, it’s difficult to fault or condemn Fulford outright, so I let him pass.

Next, let’s deal with Drake. Drake’s chief defining characteristic as an internet personality is his supreme arrogance. He is definitely the most arrogant man I have ever listened to. That means I probably wouldn’t like him as a person, but I’m still interested in his message. The obvious problem with Drake’s message (mass arrests and restoration of the Republic of the United States) however, is that Drake could very well be being fed utter bullshit… and his supreme arrogance would blind him to the possibility. I listened to Drake for about a year wherein every week he assured his listeners that within two weeks from each broadcast there would be very visible major moves made… which always fell flat, and still does even years later. There’s very likely some truth to what Drake says, but listen to him once and you’ve gotten pretty much everything he has to say. Drake is largely irrelevant– as evidenced by his track record.

Now Wilcock is a slightly more difficult assessment. He too is rather arrogant, but at least he keeps putting out new information which seems to mostly pan out over time. If the whole Financial Tyranny narrative is a CIA psyop, it sure is well-referenced and imminently plausible. There could very well be an angle here which is directing us toward the eastern (BRICS) alliance in order to substitute one form of financial tyranny for another slightly improved version of financial tyranny. As always, transparency is the keyword going forward.

The other thing I would comment on in regard to Wilcock is that he seems overly sold on the pineal gland in the brain as being the truest spiritual connection, whereas heart-centered connections receive virtually no comment from him. It seems to me that Wilcock– knowingly or unknowingly– serves primarily an astral agenda… but I still like a lot of his work!

Q: And what about Cobra? You list him and his website as one of your sources, but you’ve never promoted his weekly meditation for the victory of the light… why?

A: Cobra has been extremely consistent. His information appears to be really good. In fact, when Drake was endlessly spouting his “two weeks” crap, Cobra said that the scenario Drake was describing was essentially correct, but Cobra couldn’t agree at all with the timing Drake was suggesting. He was certainly correct on that!

Now, as for Cobra’s weekly meditation… I personally don’t go in much for the whole spiritual warriorship through meditation gambit. It all seems very head-based to me, not very heart-centered. My general feeling at this point is that Cobra too serves primarily an astral agenda… as opposed to an overtly Earth-allied agenda. (Feel free to disagree.)

The thing about any group meditations is that they usually consist of mostly amateur meditators who don’t really understand what they’re doing or even why they’re doing it– other than the vague furtherance of some distant goal. These group meditations are a perfect source of harvestable energy. If I am not crystal clear in my intent as I try to accomplish something with my meditation, I know that my efforts will be wasted at best, or that my energy will be stolen from me at worst. If we were all well-trained expert meditators, I’d say sure let’s pool our resources in the energetic realms and get some shit done! But that’s not the case, so I advise caution instead.

(And one other thing. Cobra often organizes group meditations separate from the weekly one for the purposes of opening various portals… yet there is always a paucity of information as to why these portals were closed in the first place and what reopening them really means. Are these portals being reopened for energy-harvesting reasons? Unless I can unequivocally answer no, I won’t participate, nor promote them. But please make your own decision in this regard.)

Q: So now everything astral is bad? And only earth-based initiatives are good?

A: No, not at all. I NEVER subscribe to such black-and-white conclusions. Technically, the astral is exactly balanced in terms of good and bad… or any other of the polarities. Overall, it is a polarized (light) realm– although there are sections or ‘planes’ where the polarity appears shifted to one extreme or the other. I’m sure that all the astral heavens seem really nice, for instance.

This shift away from the astral and more toward Earth is merely a setting of priorities. All I’m saying is: Earth first… because, ultimately, the Earth and her heart-connected earthlings are the lifeline home… for everyone on Earth AND in the astral.

We can’t return to Source as a confused clusterfuck; astral adepts will still be required. The integration process I speak of is based in remedy and resolve. Somehow we have to untangle the whole clusterfuck– the Earth and the astral and their myriad connections.

Q: In our personal lives, what should we be focusing on now, on a day-to-day basis?

A: Personal integration, oneness, unity. Just as the veils of the apocalypse cannot lift somewhere out in the world at large– they can only be lifted one at a time in individual minds according to personal experience– our task toward unity is for achieving that unity within ourselves. We are, each of us, internally divided.

Our primary focus at this time should involve dreaming. We have a complete dream-body which resides in and emanates from our gut. This dream-body dreams ALL of the dreams of all of our soul shards. It has the full experience of every reality we are currently invested in. By reconnecting our awareness to this gut-based dream-body, we begin to dissolve the long-standing divisions within ourselves, especially our fractured psyches.

Throughout history, our ancestors consistently honoured the ancestors– not themselves, but those who came before. We are meant to dream with the Earth and with our ancestors and with the generations waiting to incarnate here. It is all meant to be one seamless dream– from ancient past to far distant future.

Our dreaming world is also meant to integrate daily with our ‘waking’ world. (The waking world is merely another dream we have given precedence and overemphasis to.) Not only should we daily remember our dreams, but we should be able to consciously choose our dreams too. Our dreams need to become interwoven again with our daily lives– that is the place where unity occurs.

Cleanse yourself. Cleanse your space, especially your bed. Reclaim your right to dream intentionally. That is where our practice now lies.

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Update – March 2, 2015:

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Not surprisingly, my willingness to speak about people, personalities and other sources has opened up a huge discussion. I suppose I should have anticipated this! We all want to know who to trust, right? Well, truthfully, the answer to that hasn’t changed one bit: trust yourself. And if you don’t really trust yourself, work on it; everything else is a diversion, an avoidance pattern… and you simply need to get over it. It always all comes down to you… and no one else. You are the one responsible; denial won’t change that.

I can safely forego writing out the first (additional) question because it seems that it’s the same question already on everybody’s mind: What about Obama?

Yes, it seems like a lifetime ago when even I still had a shred of hope attached to the man occupying the White House. In the meantime, we’ve learned so much!

When I dreamed with Obama right before the election to his second term in office, he shook my hand and looked me directly in the eye. I knew immediately upon waking that the dream accurately portended Obama’s winning of the election, but I couldn’t read any clear message into the piercing stare he delivered. Was he sizing me up, or was he wondering how I was sizing him up? It’s almost like Obama was ‘created’ in such a way as to make the actual truth about him utterly indiscernible.

For me, the message he’s delivered to the American public and the world at large is that the office of the president of the United States holds very little real power. It matters very little who actually occupies the position; most of the weighty decisions don’t rest on the president’s shoulders. Those decisions are made behind the scenes by the secret monied interests.

When Obama first took office, I think that he was generally surprised by the degree to which he would be made the scapegoat for everything wrong in the USA. From the beginning, he learned that his was the public face that would be put out for every decision made in his name– with or without his actual consent.

Democracy in this day and age is a total farce; it’s a joke. Perhaps that’s why Obama developed his sense of humour during his presidency. The media– of all stripes, mainstream and alternative– have told consistently the wildest of tales of what all Obama has done. One news agency is paid handsomely to spin every news event such that the president appears as the devil himself; a rival news agency is paid equally as well to spin each item so that the president appears incapable of doing any wrong. The alternative sites are left in poverty, choosing a little from column A and a little from column B in order to cobble together a different view altogether. Joe Public is left not knowing what to believe. In such an entrenched state of obfuscationism, democracy is an impossibility; the electorate is not informed; they are manipulated and played as fools.

I really do like to believe the best about everybody, so I still hold out a shred of hope that when the full tale of this president’s term in office is finally revealed we will find that he really did all he could do for humanity– though all he could do may have amounted to precious little in the practical course of events.

Q: I’m really curious now what you think about Matt Kahn? I really like Matt’s video presentations, but he admits to spending time in the astral communicating with Arch Angels and Ascended Masters. Does his close association with the astral realms and astral entities detract from his teachings?

A: Honestly, I can find no fault in Matt Kahn’s teachings. He seems the very epitome of sincerity.

Each of us– every last one of us– has associations and connections to the astral realms. As stated before, the astral realms contain just as much genuine authenticity as they do outright deception. Nothing, absolutely nothing, in this relative plane of existence is purely good or purely bad; everything is a mixture, yourself included. Our task as discerning, responsible adults is to utilize the good in overcoming/transforming the bad. I think that Matt provides priceless insight into doing exactly that. I love Matt Kahn.

And on a related note, Jim Self is another teacher who openly admits that his teachings come primarily from Arch Angel Metatron… delivered in dreaming. I don’t have a problem with that. I evaluate what any teacher has to teach on the merits of the teachings themselves. I don’t really care if the teachings come from listening to the farts of woodpeckers; let’s see what the teachings actually reveal. “By their fruits you shall know them.”

We’ve all been taught that judgment is bad… is it? Sort of. When we utilize judgment to evaluate people in any ‘objective’ sense, trying to label them as either good or bad, we are misusing our judgment. When we utilize our judgment to determine whether a thing, teaching, or person is good or bad for us in this precise moment, then we are judging properly. Again, it is the misapplication of absoluteness to the relative truths revealed that lands us in trouble.

Focus on yourself; what is useful for you in this moment? No one is expecting you to make sweeping proclamations about the qualities of the world you encounter. The experience is yours; manage it accordingly.

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