Message To/From the TOURS #30 Stepping Out of Astral (Light) Agendas & The Old Astral Time-Loop
by nielskunze on February 25, 2015
Recently, an entire lifetime has been placed within full, exquisite context– mine. The whole journey of these nearly 49 years is suddenly crystal clear. I won’t go into all of the mysterious details which have suddenly resolved here, but I can add some much-needed clarity where curious comments and questions remain.
Let’s begin with a reader comment received via email:
“I don’t know about you Niels, but my meditations seem to be very different from everybody else’s. When I sit down to meditate it’s like my mind automatically wants to sink into my belly. If I try visualization I usually get a headache. I can’t stay in my head at all! The place that I create from, the infinite space at my center, is pure darkness. It’s The Void! I don’t talk to Light Beings, no Ascended Masters, no Arch Angels, nothing! But everything I need, or ever will need, is there in The Abyss. Every possibility exists in total darkness, and doesn’t NEED the light. And it’s so peaceful! You’re about the only one out there who isn’t all gung-ho about the light these days. Victory of the light… over what? The beautiful darkness containing every possibility? You can’t conquer The Void! It’s where we come from. It’s home, our Source, and it’s inside of us!”
Excellent intro, and I couldn’t agree more! I’ve gone to great lengths to point out that the superficial darkness– that which we associate with evil– is actually a creation of the light. It’s physics 101. With light as the only energy source, through duality (double-slit) interference, darkness is created from light– invariably. So far, very few people have attached much significance to this fact– that superficial darkness is a direct creation of the light. For light to wage war on its own creation seems stupid and wasteful to me… and ultimately resolves nothing!
Through countless lifetimes spent warring, have we not learned that nothing is ever resolved satisfactorily by merely choosing sides in any conflict? Even when we choose the ‘winning side,’ have we not learned that invariably such victories are less than permanent and contain within them the seeds of a future defeat? It’s an oscillating cycle, a sine wave. Every peak is followed by an equal trough– guaranteed. That is the nature of light expressed as a wave. Make no mistake; we are being herded toward a light dictatorship.
It’s an astral agenda. The astral planes, which exist outwardly, are primarily an elaborate energy-harvesting system. They have no direct access to Source. Light is the medium of external creation. The Big Bang was an expulsion of light from The Void, from the Source. The amount of light emitted was tremendous but finite. (Please note that the word ‘emit’ is ‘time’ backwards; time brings the light creation back to Source.)
At some point in our distant past, the astral circus discovered the means for creating an astral timeline for Earth which presents as a loop– a time-loop. The astral time-loop ends in an uncreational event, a global catastrophe, which then sends all Earth-incarnating souls back to the moment in time immediately subsequent to the destruction of Atlantis… and we live that period over and over again– from the fall of Atlantis to 2012. We’ve been through this recurrence at least four times already… but this time, in the fifth (astral) world, there was no uncreational event at the 2012 winter solstice. Something else entirely– and largely unexpected– occurred instead. More on that in a moment.
The time-loop is a little more than twelve and a half thousand years in duration, half of the Galactic or Great Year (25,000+ years). The astral wizards also figured out how to keep Earth humans incarnating in a purely negative cycle (which makes energy-harvesting easier). The original time-loop as it was first created was the full Galactic Year in duration. Half of the Great Year would cycle through darkness, and the other nearly 13,000 years would cycle through a reoccurring Golden Age: positive and negative in balance (light creation–duality– has some stringent rules). With the Fall of Atlantis placed at the midpoint of the time-loop however, the astral wizards found a way to keep us perpetually within the dark cycle exclusively… or so they thought.
Earth Mother herself never acceded to their wishes or machinations… and she devised a plan of her own. The heart of Mother Earth is permanently connected to Source. In recent decades, many beings who have come into Earth-human lifetimes have incarnated through the core of Earth– rather than through the astral reincarnation grid. These humans (approximately 15% of the total population) are also permanently connected to Source internally through their own hearts and through the heart of Earth Mother. They are not programmed with astral agendas as their primary purpose. (We all have some astral programming from past lives.)
In general, the big 2012 push was essentially a huge astral agenda. From the perspective of the Light Forces, many beings were sent or seeded onto Earth at this time in order to bring about the prophesied Golden Age. This Golden Age, however, was merely the other half of the astral time-loop which we’d been denied in recent cycles. Although it was undoubtedly a generally positive plan, it did nothing to resolve Earth’s entrapment in the astral time-loop. And that’s why Earth Mother devised her own plan.
There is now an organic Earth timeline running tangential to the astral loop– away from it. This is Mother Earth’s own timeline. Although it began at the winter solstice of 2012, it remained hidden for a time, in order for it to become fully established and incorruptible. The organic Earth timeline was revealed last year, first to a few Earth-attuned sensitives, and then more widely once it was understood within the collective.
Ever since the end of 2012, the astral realms have been in utter confusion and general disarray. Just look at all of the channeled material of the last few years; confusion is the name of the game. Only two possible outcomes were expected at the 2012 solstice. With the ‘success’ of the main astral agenda of the Light Forces, we were expected to enter into the Golden Age forthwith. Conversely, with the defeat of the main astral agenda of the Light Forces, we were to expect a major cataclysm destroying Earth’s population and resetting us back to the point on the astral time-loop just after the fall of Atlantis… for at least the fifth time. Neither of those outcomes occurred, and as a result, there are many in the astral hierarchy who are genuinely perplexed– and they’ve shown it (at least, in my opinion).
The new Earth timeline is a comprehensive plan. It seeks to completely dismantle the astral time-loop– eventually– as well as disassemble the slave matrix which has been erected within it. Additionally, Earth’s sacred purpose is to facilitate the return path home for the whole astral circus. The external light creation was the out-breath of Source Creator; with the subsequent in-breath, the whole elaborate light creation exploration returns to Source as the information of all experience in the Light… being reintegrated.
At the very pinnacle of the astral hierarchy exists the intent to continue on with the light creation through pirated energy from those connected to Source. A Luciferian agenda (I use the term ‘Luciferian’ because it seeks to be equal or greater than God) seeks to hold God (Source) hostage through heart-connected proxies in order to glean additional energy for the continued expansion of the external light creation. The external light creation has a finite life; that is how it was always intended. It must end and return to Source– its natural evolutionary cycle. In the far distant past, the Luciferian agenda attempted to harvest Source energy directly through the heart of Earth Mother. Earth responded by tilting her axis to its current 23-degree angle. This thwarted the plan.
The astral functions on recycled energy. There’s nothing wrong with that per se. The light quotient of the external universe is vast but finite. The whole hierarchical structure of the astral realms is designed for energy-harvesting– primarily through both positive and negative emotion (worship is a positive emotion energy-harvesting technique). Its very nature is subtly predatory. We exit the endless cycle of predation by choosing the return path Home, by connecting heart-to-heart with Earth Mother. We will bring all of our experiences back to God, back to Source, which is where our true eternal essence resides. That is the equitable completion of this whole Light journey.
85% of Earth’s current population is programmed with primarily astral agendas. Only 15% are naturally oriented toward Earth communion and dominion. The astral agendas are slowly failing as Source-connected humans are claiming and standing in their sovereignty, refusing to be continually harvested for the unnatural prolongation of the light creation.
There is no judgment demanded or suggested here. The astral light is what it is. And just as we find it unnatural and abhorrent for any entity to seek its own immortality at the expense of the lives of others– Voldemort anyone?– we cannot condone such a prolongation of an entire universe either. Our future lies with Earth… and the return path Home; that much is clear.
I’ve written enough here for now. This is already going to rub a great many people the wrong way. So be it.
This will be followed up shortly with a brief Q & A session wherein I expound on my personal sources and explain why I don’t go in for or otherwise promote group meditations dedicated to the victory of the light. (In a nutshell, I don’t resonate with the very concept of victory.)
Stay tuned… and think and feel deeply, my friends.
For further study please see the following article: It includes a 3-hour radio interview with Lily Earthling, whom I have followed avidly for the past 6 months.
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