Mystical Masters Collaboration for the Week of March 4 to March 10, 2015

by nielskunze on March 10, 2015



This week we have a dual topic: Nourishment and Dance. They’re practically synonymous, right?

Okay, not quite. I choose nourishment. Now, I’ve written heaps on my blog already about conventional (and maybe not-so-conventional) nutrition, so this time I’d like to play a little game of ‘What If’ instead…

What if there’s only One here?

What if we’re actually self-nourishing?

What if predation is a lie?

What if each of us exists in a unique universe all our own?

What if all of the ‘others’ we encounter are like hired, scripted actors working for the Improv Academy? What if everything they say to us is intended for the evocation of certain responses from us? (We’re the only ones improvising in our unique universe; everyone else is just role-playing.)

What if everything we say and do in response to the world in front of us is only intended for our own ears, our own eyes?

What if we’re just all talking to ourselves all of the time? What if our subconscious minds are listening intently to us all of the time?

What if we’re really the only ones who notice everything we do? What if we’re the only ones always there for us?

What if we’re the only ones fit to judge ourselves?

What if we only had to live up to our own expectations? And even when we fail, we’re the only ones who know of our failure, so we just quietly begin again?

What if love can only be shared with the world when it comes exclusively from a place of self-love?

What if loving ourselves outrageously has the power to nourish the whole world?

What if everything we say to others is only really heard by ourselves?

What if everything we do for others is what we actually do for ourselves?

What if being the change you’d like to experience in the world rests in changing the way you experience yourself?

What if you ARE good enough?

What if you ARE worthy?

What if you ARE totally awesome?

What if you ARE outrageously lovable?

What if loving our own hearts simultaneously extends that love to ALL hearts?

What if there was only one heart… everywhere?

What if you went back to the beginning of this piece and removed all of the what-ifs? I reckon you’d be left with the god’s-honest truth! Fill your belly with that!

For other enlightened perspectives, please join us at the Mystical Masters Facebook Group for our weekly discussion.

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