Where Art Thou?

by nielskunze on March 28, 2015

Crazy 8

Crazy 8

(Author Narration with musical accompaniment: Busindre Reel by Hevia)

Art is the future of technology.

As we learn to live more through the heart, we want to be moved, to be presented with an opportunity to change, according to how and what we feel. There is a natural inclination to grow; Heart supports growth. Entertainments are– by definition– distractions for the mind. If they are artfully crafted and presented, they may even touch us very deeply. It is the Heart which appreciates this artfulness; the mind will relish cleverness in intricate detail, as the Heart just wants to FEEL the infinite possibilities. And naturally, as a path with a heart, this leads to a future where art is our most valued technology.

Tree House

Tree House

That art is transformative is certainly not new. Religious artifacts and architecture in every culture are a testament to this. But these are brand new times! In every way imaginable, we are invited to grow deeper into our Being, to be enthusiastic explorers in this hall of mirrors… to be the embodiments of greater and greater potential with each new discovery, revelation. We need multidimensional tools, and I like the idea of using tools guided and co-crafted by precisely the unique multidimensional energy milieu in which we currently find ourselves.



Angie Schuyler’s trance art keeps us up-to-date with the latest advancements in simple, personal, transformational technology. This strikes me as art that’s meant to be used. Each image should be grasped and manipulated with dexterity and vigor; they should be wrung out to see what more might be squeezed from pulp and pits, even as our eternal thirst seems momentarily quenched. It is the consumer of this art who paradoxically comes to it as the unmoulded clay… or perhaps, the granite block; we are all of differing densities. And then it is the artwork– the tool, this latest technological gizmo– that goes to work on the beholder. And a relationship is formed.



We want artwork that holds our attention. We’re not after just some meaningless fling; we want the longterm relationship… and we’re all wise enough now to know that in order to make any good relationship prosper, we have to be willing to change. The piece of art ain’t gonna change; it’s just a bunch of squiggles on a piece of paper, after all; it might as well be set in stone. But with each new perspective gained during the evolving relationship with this artwork, space is created– space which invites you to claim it with each expanding expression of your own Being.

Meditate… breathe… and then go grab your crayons! This is also artwork that begs to be defaced. Colouring is the consummation of this marriage. The doodle-art progeny created are novelty expressions, akin to your own DNA in their uniqueness. And when you’re finished, it’s not so much that you’ve really altered the original– it’s still there, underneath– but it’s more that you put something of yourself into it, a giving of self-expression… for the opportunity of claiming that expression AS Self, tangibly… demonstrably.

And talk about a distraction for the mind! Let imagination run wild. Each piece of Angie’s channeled art tells countless stories, gives sage advice, offers comfort and encouragement… as nothing more than a visual stimulus reflecting the energies already engulfing the totality of our Being… Now. It’s all there, in each One, fractally complete… you just have to pick out the pertinent whispers from the back-chatter of your mind. Maybe Angie’s art won’t quite move you to tears, but it’ll definitely loosen up the layers, so that when something really does move you, you’re less likely to catastrophically shatter that old crusty shell.

On the path where art is the highest technology, all concept of value is sharply skewed toward love. After all, we want to invest in and employ the things that make us feel good. Eventually, as we grow into the totality of our expression, we will choose to only surround ourselves with loving things… only to discover and embody– fully– what we’ve always and forever BEen.



Don’t you just love this!

All of Angie’s PRmia art drawings can be viewed at her website, Mystical Moment.

Single copies of of Angie’s trance art can be purchased for $.99 each– suitable for colouring– at her Etsy Page for Perceptions and Reflections Art (PRmia).

You may also join me as a patron of Angie’s art by signing up at Support Angie Schuyler, as a monthly contributor.

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