Archive for the “Uncategorized” category
Message To the TOURS #21 The Fate of All the Worlds and Heavens Lies in the Hands of a 5-Year-Old
by nielskunze on October 3, 2014
The sound of puzzle pieces falling into place is like the gentle pattering of rain… I generally don’t get too excited about materials from outside sources. And in the rare instances that I do, I usually have something to add (…)
An Astral SOS
by nielskunze on October 3, 2014
Rose fancied herself a channeler. Her method employed a form of automatic writing that would have her sit before her computer for an hour at a time– anything longer tended to make her dizzy– carrying on a written conversation between (…)
A Glimpse Through the Tarot Lens
by nielskunze on October 2, 2014
“Oh, here we go again… How can you believe in that tarot crap!” In a material-based paradigm, in a Newtonian worldview seeking objectivity, the employment of tarot decks is assuredly idiotic. Fortunately, I don’t inhabit such a scientifically unsupportable and (…)
My Current Sources
by nielskunze on September 30, 2014
(I will continue adding to this list over time.) Andrew Bartzis (Galactic Historian) (League of Consciousness Explorers) The Oracle Report (astrology) American Kabuki Kauilapele’s Blog Ben Fulford David Wilcock (Divine Cosmos) Cobra (Portal 2012) Inelia Benz Cameron Day (Ascension Help) (…)
Message To/From the TOURS #20 The Splitting of the World Revisited
by nielskunze on September 30, 2014
(TOURS = Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns) Let us begin with a question left over from the last TOURS Message, since, in the meantime, it has been asked again… and it is rather pertinent. It goes something like this: Q: (…)
Message To/From the TOURS #19 Extreme Disturbance in the Force… And a Few Questions
by nielskunze on September 22, 2014
For the last 36 hours or so the Collective has been in utter turmoil. It feels very much like an end game scenario… not the end game, but an end game. Things that have been on the table– foremost on (…)
Terrorists Don’t Know the First Thing About Comedy!
by nielskunze on September 11, 2014
It’s disgusting! It’s your big debut. You stand and deliver the goods just like you rehearsed it. Your sidekick kinda flubs one line, but they tweak that in the editing. No problem. The James Foley beheading video is a huge (…)
Followup On Yesterday’s Pain
by nielskunze on August 30, 2014
This is just a quick followup to yesterday’s Forest Report, where I relayed my near immobility. Thanks for your concern, People! And your well-wishing. It’s nearly back to normal now. This has been typical. Intense pain visits for about a (…)
The Beheading of Western Journalism
by nielskunze on August 23, 2014
Warning: What follows is in very bad taste… But then what inspired it was even worse! “Is this a joke?” I keep picturing Nigel seated before a mirror in the Spinal Tap dressing room, picking through the remains of a (…)
Message To/From the TOURS #16 An Open Q & A Session
by nielskunze on August 1, 2014
Well, it seems I managed to piss off a whole lot of people with my revised timeline for the “time of transition” as described in the article Tiptoe Through the Tarot. In case you missed it, here are the audio (…)