Message To/From the TOURS #16 An Open Q & A Session

by nielskunze on August 1, 2014

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Well, it seems I managed to piss off a whole lot of people with my revised timeline for the “time of transition” as described in the article Tiptoe Through the Tarot. In case you missed it, here are the audio links to that lengthy article:

Tiptoe Through the Tarot Part 1
Tiptoe Through the Tarot Part 2

As a result of this version of events “taking way too long,” my readership immediately dropped off. (Don’t worry, we’re still holding pretty steady now at about 200,000 readers per month.) Seems I wasn’t telling the people exactly what they wanted to hear, so a number of them decided not to listen. That’s great! I’m certainly all for weeding out the “dabblers” from the true pragmatists. Here’s a very brief summary of that timetable:

2000: We begin in foolish naivety.
2001: The Magician weaves his most devastating illusion on 9/11.
2002: The High Priestess sparks the collective intuition that “something ain’t right here.”
2003: The Empress encourages massive creativity through “easy money.”
2004: The Emperor’s achievement through reason keeps us focused on worldly/material affairs.
2005: The Hierophant begins the questioning process through the lens of tradition.
2006: The Lovers make us look at our predominant attractions and all the ways in which we partner.
2007: Enough questions have arisen and remain unanswered that we jump aboard The Chariot and resolve to hold the determination to look deeper.
2008: This is the year all Brave Hearts were tested and called to define the character of True Strength as the economy imploded.
2009: Without the external networks of “easy money,” introspection was forced upon us in order to reach a clearer self-definition.
2010: With the Wheel of Fortune we tried to reassert ourselves within the natural cycles– finding it difficult or impossible to do so.
2011: With the whole world still obviously floundering, we looked in earnest for Truth and Justice– and found none.
2012: The Hanged Man kept us all in suspense as the end date of the Mayan calendar came and went with little fanfare.
2013: With the illusions of a quick resolution set aside, the Transformation began in earnest– quietly, secretly.
2014: Here we are, learning Temperance, the patience and fortitude required to see this through.
2015: The mask of The Devil comes off. The great deceiver, the trickster, is revealed.
2016: Lightning (the light) strikes the tower again and again as the ineffectual systems crumble– visibly, undeniably.
2017: With the debris newly cleared, our collective light shines unfettered into the universe… and we are answered in certainty. Open contact with ET/EDs is established.
2018: The Moon organizes our collective Night Journey in which our bodies are physically reconfigured in order to meet the emerging expanded reality.
2019: We discover experientially that we are The Sun. Humanity’s Radiance forges new cosmic alliances.
2020: Our vision is clear; our Judgment is flawless.
2021: The World reaches a culmination point. It’s graduation day. Oneness as a new mode of perception becomes available.
2022: The Fool has come full circle. Time ends– in that it is recognized as only a social agreement, and the agreement of linear time is dissolved.

That’s the archetypal journey in which we are currently embroiled. The question I’ve been asked from numerous quarters is: What’s the holdup?

There is no holdup. Everything is truly progressing at breakneck speed! We need to really sit down with this process and contemplate it fully in order to realize the enormity of what is actually transpiring. Half the world still is convinced that everything is business-as-usual. The nature of what is transpiring is a complete about-face. That such a mammoth shift in perception/experience can occur by 2022 is astoundingly remarkable. The Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak stretch it out to 2028 and beyond. The WingMakers speak of generations still, where the shift isn’t fully rooted in this reality until about 2070 or 2080.

Our wishing for a miraculous change happening in a day (think rapture) is actually an obstacle preventing the growth needed for such a change to occur at all. If all we’re doing is waiting, then we’re the holdup.

There’s plenty of websites offering the continuous message of “everything will be fine any day now… just wait a little longer.” If you prefer a pablum of lies, go for it. However, I fully concede that once things start becoming more publicly visible, an incredible acceleration will quickly ensue. But the actual journey from “here” to “THERE” will take time, effort, resolve and fortitude. And yet I expect it to be fun and easy if you’re well prepared.

The next topic of concern here was spawned from the recent article Once (More) and for All (Time). In it, I sought to emphasize the importance of our quantum reality which was scientifically set forth more than eighty years ago… but has still not taken root in the collective consciousness of humanity. Then, in the last TOURS Message (#15), The Demise of the Objective Universe, I began to delve into the implications of our quantum reality versus our ongoing attachment to the illusion of an objectified universe.

Through a series of emails, with one reader in particular, it became clear that the implications of accepting our quantum reality must be elucidated further. If I can sum up the question(s) posed by this reader, it boils down to this: So what?

Let me begin by saying that I firmly believe that just the acceptance of our quantum reality by the majority of Earth humans would be more than a sufficient tipping point to rapidly and radically transform our Earthly experience. And I also believe that it will.

I was reluctant to delve into the implications initially because I don’t want to be the one who’s saying “This is how it is.” The quantum reality is such that there is no “this is how it is.” That’s something we determine together through our (so far) unconscious agreements. The quantum reality versus an objective universe is such a fundamental shift that it should provide food for thought for well into forever!

I will spend significant time exposing the implications as I see them. But for now I’m going for a walk. (It’s where I do my best thinking.) In the meantime, you can contemplate the well-established scientific verity that there simply is no universe of matter and energy existing “out there” in time and space independent from our perceptions of “it.”

I will continue this article shortly… and will recirculate it via Facebook at each update.

Update: August 5, 2014

The quantum enigma changes everything!

If our purpose is to explore reality, the acceptance of the quantum enigma along with the demise of the objective universe is like turning us around 180 degrees, so that we face the right direction for the very first time.

Looking at the “objective universe”– erroneously— has given us a very strange sense or definition of ourselves as an insignificant, random, coincidental and largely ineffectual byproduct of physical/energetic happenstance. From this standpoint, we have come to some very limiting concepts about power.

An “objective universe” (the Newtonian worldview) is actually a reflection of something deeper and more fundamental. Despite our grave and persistent error, we actually learned how to manipulate aspects of physicality by rearranging “objects” within the mirror reflection of reality… or so it appeared. Physical manipulations from the Newtonian perspective require a great deal of energy to accomplish!

We are now at the cusp of discovering that all that energy was being misapplied and misdirected… because we had always thought of such manipulations as occurring wholly outside of ourselves.

Experiences Replace Events

In the old Newtonian worldview, the basic building block of reality in motion was an infinite string of events– whether the explosions of supernovas or the collisions of billiard balls; physical/energetic events were what was happening. In the new quantum view, the basic building block of reality is experience. If there is no one having the experience of an event, the event does not/cannot occur. That’s the quantum reality!

Experience always presupposes an experiencer. Consciousness/perception is inextricably interwoven with any and all occurrences within the quantum universe. I’ve already touched upon the significance of this for evolutionary theory in the last TOURS message linked above. To speak of a purely physical/energetic universe existing for billions of years before the advent of life and consciousness is absurd and utterly impossible from the established quantum perspective. Such a universe bereft of conscious observation/participation cannot be upheld by the quantum reality.

(As an interesting side-note… I find it mildly ironic that in the ongoing debate between evolution versus creationism– a debate that I’ve always felt was outrageously stupid– the evolutionists and the creationists have always agreed perfectly with each other on their fundamental error: that an objective universe exists at all. The evolutionists posit its existence through the agency of evolving physical systems while the creationists have the “objective universe” being created by an intelligent designer. According to the undeniable implications of quantum theory– the most successful theory in the history of modern science– they are both equally incorrect in this regard.)

I have always maintained that evolutionary theory as it stands today has some glaring weak points. The three that I have long pointed to are 1) the origins of life– how the universe went from a purely physical system utterly bereft of life to one where life evolves into countless forms of expression– remains largely unexplained. The abiogenesis process is supposedly a random occurrence, or at least a confluence of very specific conditions, which bring about the first rudimentary forms of living cells. To date, our brightest minds working tirelessly in the most sophisticated laboratories have been unable to duplicate those conditions which just happened fortuitously billions of years ago somewhere on the surface of a dead and certainly unintelligent planet.

2) The second weakness in evolutionary theory occurs at the juncture when only single-celled organisms competing in a survival-of-the-fittest environment suddenly begin co-operating to create the first multicellular organisms– pretty much by chance.

3) And the third weakness in evolutionary theory– and the one that really drives our discussion here– is the very origins of consciousness. What is consciousness? How does it come about? Can it be derived from purely physical (non-conscious) systems? When it comes to consciousness (mind), we simply don’t know. Modern science is uncomfortable even settling upon a consensus of what consciousness actually is. Consciousness has long been science’s ultimate taboo subject. Because of this, our sciences have chosen to remain mired in an outdated Newtonian worldview– despite knowing undeniably that such a view is in error.

When science is founded upon such a fundamental error, some very serious problems will inevitably arise. We are at a time in our development when it is becoming obvious that a correction to that fundamental error is imperative… and if the “scientists” still refuse to go there, then it’s up to the layman to chart the new course himself.

The Universe As Psyche

It all comes back to consciousness. Time and space do not exist independent from consciousness. Matter and energy have no intrinsic existence apart from consciousness. Mind is the matrix in which everything exists. Mind is the “place” where all experience occurs– remember, experience is the building block of the quantum universe.

The implications of this inverted (corrected) view are enormous. When we consider consciousness as just some lucky occurrence in a physical evolution, it’s natural to think that when the physical system purportedly producing that consciousness breaks down (physical death), then the consciousness ceases to exist altogether. However, when we recognize that consciousness must be present in order for physical systems to exist at all, then death ceases to be such a stark absolute. Consciousness precedes life; therefore, it is actually logical to assume that it also maintains some continuity through death.

Update: August 10, 2014


When we entertain the Newtonian worldview, we are unavoidably faced with the problems of inexorability and inevitability. That great big universe out there is gonna do what it’s gonna do, and there isn’t really much we– or anyone else– can do about it. How often do I still hear the phrase “Well, that’s just the way it is,” or “That’ll never change,” or “There’s nothing we can do about that”? It’s the defeatist attitude built right into the Newtonian view. It creates the victim mentality… and then purportedly backs it with science!

Why should anyone in their right mind try to change the world? It’s impossible, so why try? And furthermore, it’s not my responsibility! It’s all very impersonal… because in an objective universe, persons are minuscule things, lacking significance or power.

In a quantum reality, however, it all comes back to you. You are the centre of your own universe, just as I am the centre of my own universe. Certainly, portions of our universes intersect or overlap. That’s a consensus we can share for as long as it proves fruitful to do so. Each of us chooses in every moment how we are going to experience “the universe.” In this regard, we have absolute power.

Reality is between you and the quantum field of all possibility. All that can ever separate you from that absolution are belief systems to the contrary. Belief systems are the tools of priests and other intercessors. And they are simply misguided. Pay them no heed. (Easier said than done, I know.)

Let’s return now to a lingering question…

Q: If we can’t trust objective science to be our guide, and we can’t reliably call upon any religious authority to properly inform us, who or what should we follow?

A: Our own experience. Can you imagine that for a moment? Imagine if we were unencumbered by any belief systems at all. In every moment we are guided by only that which we have already experienced. The sum of our experiences– bereft of the forced dogma of others– guides our very next step into our ever-expanding reality. Talk about life being an exploration! Our souls sing at the very thought. The concept of “impossibility” would utterly vanish! Every moment would be one of learning. And is that not what a human being was truly equipped to be?

So to sum up, the quantum reality demands that we define and redefine our personal relationship with reality in every moment. Nothing is taken for granted in fat and inertial conclusions; there are no conclusions, only infinite beginnings– trim and lean and eager to explore. A simple example of this redefinition of our relationship with reality is the concept or belief in aging. It’s safe to say that most people believe that aging is inevitable and utterly inexorable. I have long maintained that it is not. I’m convinced; and only your own experience of such will be adequate to likewise convince you. It is a choice placed ever before you.

And before I leave this topic, I want to offer something in the way of a definition of consciousness. You can read a great deal about consciousness, it seems, without really gaining much insight into what it actually is. It’s a very tricky subject for sure. Nevertheless, I am confident that I can offer the following statement, and that it might prove useful at some point:

Consciousness is that which self-organizes.

Utilizing this statement as a springboard, we will discover that everything is conscious. Even the seemingly inanimate world of physical objects is cloaked consciousness. Entropy is the principle consciousness uses in order to organize that which is non-living. Life organizes itself in the direction of greater and greater complexity, while the inanimate world of physicality organizes itself in the direction of ultimate heat death (thermal equilibrium). It’s all consciousness self-organizing, but here in duality, the hemispheres arc in opposite directions… completing the circle, the sphere… the totality.

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