Message To/From the TOURS #20 The Splitting of the World Revisited
by nielskunze on September 30, 2014
(TOURS = Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)
Let us begin with a question left over from the last TOURS Message, since, in the meantime, it has been asked again… and it is rather pertinent. It goes something like this:
Q: Where do you get your information from? Or… How do you know what you claim to know?
A: Fair enough. I don’t mind explaining myself and my ‘process,’ just be forewarned that it’s not quite as cut-and-dry as you might like.
My ‘process’ is something I began working on sometime in 1993– or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that it began working on me. Indeed, I was at a juncture in my life where I was thoroughly disillusioned with the usual methods of gaining reliable insight into the ‘big picture.’ I’m a big-picture guy. I love putting together conceptual puzzles at individual, global, universal and cosmic levels– primarily for my own enjoyment. If you enjoy any part of it too… great! I regard what I do as art.
I was dissatisfied with the common ‘understanding’ gleaned from popular media and state education of a world characterized by a shallowness and sterility which directly contradicted the vibrant intensity of my experience of life as a young man. I embraced my own experience suddenly as the ‘decider’ of what was real… to me. And I embarked on a mythic journey as I opened internally to the voices within me desiring to be heard. And those voices are the characters of the Muse Trilogy, begun with my first book The Thousand-Petaled Lotus, which was written spontaneously over the course of fifty-one weeks through most of 1994.
So I was listening to my ‘Muses.’ I began giving credence to mythic possibilities because I was convinced that reality is not completely rational. I learned to love life again, founded in the love of learning new possibilities. I share and espouse and mythologize the possibilities that fit most easily into the big picture. The big pictures are ever-changing, morphing, transforming…
When puzzle pieces (concepts) suddenly snap together there is an internal spurt of euphoria that tells me I’m onto something. And similarly when I’m writing, I won’t necessarily know where I’m going, but I always know when I get there and I’ve gotten it right. There is a feeling of content knowingness which is not egoic. It comes from a larger part of the consciousness that is me; it is the context within which my moment-to-moment thoughts are couched, cuddled and massaged. It is the plotter who plotted my books wholly outside of my conscious awareness. The plot emerges as a literary device pointing to deeper allegories (in life and books).
And I dream. Even as a child I always had the ability to select the topic of my dreaming before falling asleep. I remember once explaining it to my mother when I was about five years old, that it was like flipping through the channels on the television right before falling asleep and settling upon one as the focus of my dreams. In this way, I ask the ‘architect of my dreams’ for special insight into whatever might be puzzling me.
I inherently trust that just-out-of-reach composer/conductor always at the edge of my awareness. My intuition grows stronger as I trust it. I trust my ability to always assemble a coherent big picture, as I turn over the pieces in my mind. My feelings confirm it. That’s my process in a nutshell. (Am I the nut?)
Now that only leaves the question of where I get the puzzle pieces– the concepts– from. In my books, I fell into the habit of listing all the books I read during the writing of each of my own titles. I didn’t exactly provide a proper bibliography, but a scan of the rather extensive lists would suggest sources for many of the concepts explored in those pages I’d written.
My sources nowadays are primarily internet-based. There are many websites I visit daily, weekly and monthly. Rather than list those links here, I will supply a separate external link.
My Current Sources (I’ll keep adding to the list as more sources occur to me.)
Just because I gather and consider information from these people, books and websites, doesn’t necessarily mean that I agree with the content. And even sites that I visit just to see “what nonsense they’re spewing today,” have a piece of the puzzle to contribute to the big picture; everyone does. And those who hold up their delusions are really propping up loftier truths too.
And just one more thing: my obvious bias. I’m an optimist. My big pictures all tend to have a bit of a rosy glow. From a very young age I always knew that everything will work out in the end… here on Earth. It’s just that I used to think that it would take a few thousand years… and now, perhaps as little as just this generation.
And before we revisit this idea of the splitting of the world, there’s one more leftover question that kind of fits right here among the melange of multiple sources I continually draw upon.
Q: What is the most accurate and reliable news source today?
A: Honestly, I haven’t a clue… and that doesn’t really concern me overmuch… and here’s why. In assembling the big picture, what I’m looking for most are multiple perspectives. I wish to view every issue from multiple angles or vectors… because those differing perspectives are each inhabited by other Earth humans with whom I am in collective agreements and ultimately sharing oneness. I am far less concerned with assigning ‘rightness’ to any one perspective above the others, as I am tasked with moreover understanding the beliefs underlying those perspectives. Reality as we experience it is a construct of our collective beliefs– they are the ‘atomic structure’ in the metaphysical realm… shaping reality.
The Splitting of the World
Prior to the December solstice of 2012 there was much discussion about the splitting of the world. Especially hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon talked frequently about there being two separate Earth realities developing beyond the 2012 timeline. Quite a few channels at the time also espoused a similar separation occurring.
Then, as we moved into 2013, the felt energetics supported the notion that the human collective (our collective mind) had decided to forego the physical separation and energize a single organic timeline through our evolutionary future. We were all in this together.
In the meantime, a metaphorical separation was occurring as each of us was being stripped down to our essential, sovereign selves. For some it was a beneficent liberation, while for others it’s been a harrowing loss of external props, structures and support systems, inducing fear. Personally, I can attest that there are several, perhaps many, people whom I still regard as friends, but nevertheless are as unreachable to my efforts at communication as if they were actually living on Mars. In a way, the separation has been occurring all along.
Recently, the topic of separation has seen a great resurgence in the literature I frequent. The idea had invaded my dreams too. Then, an article by Inelia Benz surfaced a couple of weeks ago which suggested that the old idea of an actual physical separation involving two distinct versions of Earth was back on the table for consideration by the collective mind. That threw me for a loop!
In the past week I have diligently applied my process and reached a few new points for consideration. First, I do not believe that the actual separation will occur; we’re still in this together– all of us. But something of great significance did occur recently which made the faction of the manipulators panic. They saw in an instant how all of their plans laid down over thousands of years might be unravelled virtually overnight. What did they see?
Two years ago when we first tabled this notion of the physical split, the manipulators went all-in and agreed with the rest of us that we would stick it out together and not opt for the division of the collective. At that time they were still arrogantly confident that the former success they had enjoyed with controlling the collective would still prevail. In the intervening two years they have seen a steady decline in their ability to sway the collective according to their machinations. So far they had regarded it as a temporary setback, but as long as their main strategy of divide-and-conquer was still operable, the tide would turn again in their favour. They maintained their confidence that they would emerge as the controllers of the whole world in short order… until very recently.
In the realm of law and sovereignty there has been a major new development. It hasn’t been exactly sudden, but there was a coalescence which showed in undeniable terms which way the wind was now blowing. The good folks at New Earth Nation have been diligently unravelling the mystery of legal sovereignty for quite some time now. The level of corruption they’ve encountered within the judiciary is utterly staggering, but that’s not the major news. (Deep down we already knew that.) What is of utmost significance is that a template or blueprint is rapidly emerging from their combined efforts in the courts which will allow any individual to establish their own legal sovereignty and essentially exit the matrix of domination and control once and for all. The reason why this is so important is that it won’t in any way require the prolonged co-operation or organization of large groups of people. This will be something that any individual can do all on their own… without having to even go to court. Once thousands of people have employed this emerging template and gotten themselves out from under the thumb of false authority, the whole scam will unravel almost instantly. The age-old strategy of divide-and-conquer holds no sway in this scenario. That’s what the manipulators have seen on the immediate horizon… and there’s really nothing they can do about it!
This attempt at tabling the old separation paradigm is a last-ditch effort at salvaging something– a compromise. All indications in my purview are that we won’t ultimately fall for it. We’re still moving ahead together… despite all the instances and examples of separation occurring in the world at many different levels. And this ‘apparent separation’ will be the topic for a continuation of this article in the very near future.
(I intend to be putting out a lot more ‘stuff’ over the next month, as I am very much convinced that we are right in the thick of it now. Please check back frequently. Thanks.)
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