Archive for the “Uncategorized” category

Message To/From the TOURS #27 Released from the Matrix! (Or, the ‘Splitting of the Worlds’ Explained)

by nielskunze on January 22, 2015

Well, the other shoe finally dropped… I ‘get it’ now! Sometimes we’re just messin’ around… and something profoundly true is revealed in our play. You may recall that a couple months back I was rather confused by the reawakened prospect (…)

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Mystical Masters Collaboration for the Week of January 14 to 20

by nielskunze on January 21, 2015

This week’s topic: Grief and Loss The Story of Jazz D’oh – Ray – Me – Fah! – So? – La – Tee – Rrrroooo! “Rrrrooo!” was the only note she could sing. She’d tip her head back until her (…)

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A Prog’s Peregrination

by nielskunze on January 14, 2015

We’re stepping out of the old muggle-maze, and stepping into a labyrinth of a different sort… (Seven Is a Jolly Good Time by Egg from their 1970 self-titled debut album) Set the mind in the mood of gladness in odd (…)

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Mystical Masters Collaboration for the Week of January 7 to 13, 2015

by nielskunze on January 13, 2015

On the topic of Great Souls… I tried to kill two birds with one stone. The embedded poem (in all caps) in the following narrative is from the ancient Chinese sage, Chuang Tzu; it is titled The Empty Boat. That (…)

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Mystical Masters Collaboration for the Week of December 31 to January 6, 2015

by nielskunze on January 7, 2015

I was all set to write something about the Pleiades– I’m a Taurus, after all– something about our galactic progenitors, one of the seed tillers of our ancestry. I even sleep beneath a depiction of the Seven Sisters I painted (…)

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Story of the Year for 2014

by nielskunze on December 31, 2014

I was asked for my pick of the most impactful story of the year. On this last day of 2014 it seems appropriate to share my answer. (I wanted to wait until the last day because so much is currently (…)

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Audio Links for the November/December 2014 Newsletter (incl. Musical Credits)

by nielskunze on December 23, 2014

Mega-Deluxe November/December 2014 Newsletter Extravaganza… with Accessory Attachment Introduction (excerpts from Jeff Wayne’s progressive rock musical production of War of the Worlds – 1978 with narration by Richard Burton) Foreword to the Lanonandek Heresy by The Anarchist (Adrift by Happy (…)

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Mega-Deluxe November/December 2014 Newsletter Extravaganza… with Accessory Attachment

by nielskunze on December 19, 2014

“The Galactic Ascension machine has been switched off; we’re running strictly on the placebo effect now.” – The Galactic Historian ______________________________ Reality creation is an inside job. ______________________________ Awakening War Veteran: “And here I thought I was slaughtering people abroad (…)

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Mystical Masters Collaborative for the Week of December 10 – 16

by nielskunze on December 17, 2014

The Mystical Masters Facebook Group has tackled another engaging topic. Please come join us for the multiplicity of perspectives required to attain a fluidity of perception… Here is what I wrote… in all its indignant glory! Topic: Transformation, Transmutation, Transfiguration (…)

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Message To/From the TOURS #24 Question Period (Without Russell Brand)

by nielskunze on December 12, 2014

Q: Is there or isn’t there going to be a global financial reset and currency revaluation? A: All indications are that something is shaking down behind the curtain regarding world financial matters. Unfortunately, reliable details are still very hard to (…)

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