Message To/From the TOURS #24 Question Period (Without Russell Brand)

by nielskunze on December 12, 2014

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Q: Is there or isn’t there going to be a global financial reset and currency revaluation?

A: All indications are that something is shaking down behind the curtain regarding world financial matters. Unfortunately, reliable details are still very hard to come by. How this thing actually looks when it finally rolls out into view will tell us immediately whether we’ve truly gotten a fresh start or merely the continuation of prior inequities with a fresh coat of lipstick.

It really depends on the size of the event. If the changes to the global financial system are anything less than the biggest positive news story in the history of our civilization, then it’s just a whitewash, a scam. If we’re merely told that all banks are now Basel III compliant and all currencies are asset-backed– and that’s pretty much the extent of it– then, we’ve been duped. If it’s just a story fit for page C9 in your local newspaper, then it’s a lame attempt at perpetuating the old corrupt system behind a facade of newness.

On the other hand, if the reset and revaluation are accompanied by thousands of high-profile arrests, if world governments topple and reorganize in its immediate aftermath, if it is followed by a period of intense disclosure of rampant criminal conduct in government and finance, if it is finally announced to the world in no uncertain terms that human beings themselves are the source of all value in ANY economic system moving forward, then, and only then, do we have a fresh start worth mentioning.

I highly suspect that there will be an attempt to sell us the lesser version. If the masses can be appeased by a few tweaks to the system while all the current power-brokers retain their lofty positions, then we’re not ready for true reform. In today’s climate of unmitigated bullshit we’ve pretty much got to expect to be sold the counterfeit version.

When it finally begins to roll out, I’m sure I’ll have a lot more to say on this topic, so for now, we wait.

Q: How are we slaves? I have a good paying job that I like. I can afford all the things I want. From where I’m sitting, life is pretty good. How am I a slave?

A: Today’s slavery resides in subtlety. And there’s nothing wrong with enjoying one’s own slavery; in fact, it’s very popular.

Consider certain civilized concepts: nationality, the economy, value. Concepts like these are cardboard cutouts within our society. They have no life of their own– no intrinsic energy. In order for them to exist at all they require the animating energy of living human beings to allow them the semblance of being real. The country of Canada doesn’t really exist; it’s not a real thing. Canada is a hollow conceptual construct that is made to seem real by the energy self-identified Canadians willingly pour into it. If no one in Canada suddenly saw any value in being Canadian, then the country would immediately cease to exist.

Now, when it comes to things like the economy, we are even more prone to regard this empty concept as a real and very formidable thing. It directly affects our lives– if we buy in, if we invest our energy into its reality. Apart from continuing human participation and acquiescence, the economy has no verifiable existence of its own. It needs our continual energetic support in order to be considered real.

We are heavily conditioned to accept the value of things like money, countries and economic realities, so much so that we rarely even question them. It is a subtle but very real energy which animates these concepts within our society, within our common experience. We tacitly agree to providing this energy on a continuous basis for the duration of our lives… UNLESS we proactively withdraw that consent.

There are many, many cardboard cutout concepts in our version of civilization which positively serve the purposes of an elite few. We have the choice of whether to be slaves to these crafty concepts or to move in a different direction altogether. And that’s the thing; as long as we play the game unquestioningly, accepting that that’s simply the way reality is, we have absolutely no inkling of what may lie outside the parameters of the game… as they’ve been set up.

Our society, our version of civilization, teaches very insistently that consumerism is about the best we can do. Everything is geared toward it. Just find the means to buy more stuff and all will be well. The blind acceptance of this abhorrent concept can be regarded as nothing less than slavery. But like I said, you’re always free to choose it if that’s really what you want. But once you seriously begin contemplating the alternatives, slavery tends to lose its appeal.

One concept that actually does find validity in the real world but whose meaning has been hijacked in our society is the concept of democracy. The rule of majority is actually a real thing; it holds weight whether we believe it or not. But none of us currently lives in a functioning democracy. It’s a total scam.

This discussion wouldn’t be complete without asking the question: When Will We Ever Demand an End to These Sham Democracies? (A short article of great importance… for your consideration.)

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Q: Is the internet working as intended? Instead of bringing the masses together in sharing the same truths, it seems as though the internet is just a source of deeper confusion and division! I encounter people all the time who look something up on the net only to come back with the most absurd confirmations of what they ‘always knew was the truth.’ Do you get what I mean?

A: I do. What you’re talking about is the tendency for many to utilize the internet as a means for confirming their own established biases. One’s assertions are challenged, so they look it up on the net, find someone else who agree’s with their position, and from that they conclude that they were right all along– despite any ‘actual’ truth– or lack thereof– of the matter. It is rare for the average person to willfully look into opinions, and indeed data, which is contrary to their own long held beliefs. Despite this rampant tendency, the internet is working just fine.

Life isn’t about a bunch of old ladies sipping tea together and discussing how reality is– that at some point the truth about life can be succinctly known, be published in a handy little manual, and from then on everyone lives according to what everyone ‘knows’ is the truth… once and for all. No. Life is experimental/experiential; it’s about trying things out, seeing what fits for each unique individual. Our intellect wants desperately for there to be only one truth which applies to everyone and everything– no exceptions. Clearly, reality is no intellectual! It is a merry prankster with a wicked sense of humour!

Over time, even the dull-witted realize that there are many more opinions/options in the world than the ones they themselves hold dear. No matter what, the internet presents the irrefutable reality of multiple perspectives. And by logical extension, it suggests in all moments that other options to one’s entrenched traditional beliefs can be lived. The internet tells us in no uncertain terms that “You can always try something else… and see for yourself how that works out.” But that takes gumption. Humanity is mustering its gumption.

The proof is in the pudding. You’ve got to eat the pudding to know if it’s to your liking. There’s no other way. More and more, slowly, folks are trying the pudding for themselves; they’re choosing to live their convictions… to see what works in reality, not just in theory– because someone on the internet made it sound too good to be true.

The internet is a place of possibilities, not one of established facts and foregone conclusions. Those only come by through acts of actual living. It’s a slow process, agreed, but as the chaos mounts and the very concept of leadership abandons our societal traditions, eventually we are forced to try things out and see what works. Our own experience is personally irrefutable… and the internet has no substitute for that. We mustn’t expect our technology to replace our countless choices to act… for ourselves.

Idiots will continue to confirm their preferred biases right up until the moment reality smacks them down and shouts into their cowering faces “Try something different, you fool!” Or they will perish.

Q: Last month you said that November always presages what is to be highlighted in the upcoming year. What did this November tell you about what is to come in 2015?

A: So glad you asked! And the answer, at first glance, might seem a tad surprising. So out of all the sordid tidbits comprising the recent news cycle, what was it that caught my attention in a prescient way? Bill Cosby and the persistent rape allegations, that’s what.

It’s not that the Bill Cosby story itself is of earth-shattering significance; it’s that it is an entryway into the public mind for something absolutely huge– of which ol’ Bill is just a singular example. Hollywood is a moral cesspool. The public loves lurid tales of sexual misadventure. Once the lid comes off this particular can of worms, it’s gonna make us all squirm. Widespread sexual misconduct, pedophilia, sexual blackmail– I believe that these are the very pillars of the Hollywood business model. You don’t get into the ultra-famous club without participating to some degree in things that would make Ron Jeremy blush.

And once it’s revealed in Hollywood, the political scene will quickly follow suit. The very same story is already beginning to break in the UK with the ongoing outing of highly placed pedophiles. The significance and degree of what will eventually be revealed will be truly shocking– but utterly necessary for finally beginning to deal with the reality of the world we live in. Pretend time is over… the ugly truth is seeping, spilling, gushing out…

Could it truly be that we live in a power-structured world based primarily upon pedophilia and blood ritual sacrifice? We’ll see.

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