Story of the Year for 2014

by nielskunze on December 31, 2014

I was asked for my pick of the most impactful story of the year. On this last day of 2014 it seems appropriate to share my answer. (I wanted to wait until the last day because so much is currently happening that an even bigger story could emerge at any moment.)

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So my choice is Gordon Duff’s recent historic address in Damascus concerning world security matters to officials from sixty-eight countries. Please click HERE for the full article including video footage and followup interviews.

For the first time, publicly, in an international setting, the senior editors of Veterans Today explained to the representatives of security forces assembled that the problem of terrorism and its threat to world security is actually the covert machinations of a pervasive and truly massive criminal organization spanning virtually all national governments. Terrorism is not the inevitable result of religious fanatics and zealots; it is rather the manufactured, politically-expedient, ever-present threat funded and controlled by an international organized crime syndicate covertly embedded within national governments and global industry.

Once we let go of the idea that the precarious and insane state of world affairs is merely the result of gross incompetence and that it is instead the deliberate result of intentional corruption at the highest levels, then the news actually begins to make some sense. The international crime mob known primarily as The Cabal is a premise which I adopted way back in 2011. The evidence certainly has pointed to something more than mere incompetence as being the root of our current state of chaotic depravity for a very long time. Now that the real problem has been identified to the principal players in the ongoing manufactured conflict, for the first time they can organize themselves in such a way as to take appropriate countermeasures.

In my opinion, this really is a game-changer. As always, we shall see.

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