A Prog’s Peregrination
by nielskunze on January 14, 2015
We’re stepping out of the old muggle-maze, and stepping into a labyrinth of a different sort…
(Seven Is a Jolly Good Time by Egg from their 1970 self-titled debut album)
Set the mind in the mood of gladness in odd time signatures. Set off on the foot that cares not where it goes, and let the other tap along… if able.
(White Rhino Tea by Ozric Tentacles from their 1988 album Sliding Gliding Worlds)
The mind wanders along grooves made by pouting lips sipping White Rhino Tea… with the natives; we’re all natives… to Earth… that’s why we’re here.
(Flying Teapot by Gong from the first album of their Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy, Flying Teapot; the Trilogy was released during 1973/74)
Now we’re on our way… into the Gong mythology… It’s easy going. There’s plenty more tea. They play a lot of jazz FUSION on the surface of the sun…
(Oily Way by Gong from the second album of their Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy, Angel’s Egg)
It’s not the Milky Way… but it’s a nice place to wander… Alice had it easy in Wonderland! Don’t slip on that saxophone!
(Grooving On Mars by The Tangent from their 2006 release A Place in the Queue including Bonus CD)
Lids get heavy; introspection folds awareness in upon itself; one eye looks at the other with suspicions of love, and neither dares to blink… confirming syncopation, entanglement…
(The Pothead Pixies by Gong from Flying Teapot)
A booster-shot of lightness. If you’re not crazy, you’re weird! But what’s that, over your shoulder?
(A Gap in the Night Part 1 by The Tangent from their 2004 album The World That We Drive Through)
Paranoia hides in curls of smoke… There’s darkness in shoulder-length inquiries… head full of questions! Pull it together and try not to implode!
(Perfect Mystery by Gong from the third album of their Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy, You)
Melt together… Be the Fruitcake…
(A Gap in the Night Part 2 by The Tangent)
Eternity stops a moment from its inexorable flow through grasping fingers; “you can see the end of the world… on a clear day”… and oneself, on the horizon of invaginated awareness.
(Just the Same by Gentle Giant from their 1975 album Free Hand)
Okay, let’s work this out… Who have I been these unbecoming days? Same as I ever was; never again. You got it!
(I Never Glid Before by Gong from Angel’s Egg)
I never glid before either… the gliding’s good…
(Kick Muck by Ozric Tentacles from Sliding Gliding Worlds)
Might as well dance… at least, on the inside. Git yer schwitz on! But don’t trip!
(The Isle of Everywhere by Gong from You)
Okay! Spread out… one… oozing multiplicity. Yeah, Gong’s a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there! No self-respecting Prog would.
(On Reflection by Gentle Giant from Free Hand)
Let me talk this out… in my head…
(DIY Surgery by The Tangent from A Place in the Queue)
Do try to not hurt yourself… Come in… out of the darkness.
(Promises Were Made by The Tangent from A Place in the Queue – Bonus CD)
“Shake yourself alive again. Wake yourself!” We’re on our way back to the ‘real world’ now.
(Eat That Phone Book Coda by Gong from Angel’s Egg)
Yeah, lighten up… just for a moment… and the one after that…
(The Sun in My Eyes – extended mix by The Tangent from A Place in the Queue – Bonus CD)
It takes eternity to do it up right. We’re living the extended mix, slow apocalypse in retro overdrive.
(Coily by Ozric Tentacles from their 1999 album Waterfall Cities)
One last groove before Andy Tillison takes us back into the matrix… some essential programming there. *wink*
(Follow Your Leaders by The Tangent from A Place in the Queue)
Ah, smells like home! the comfort of familiar misery… Conformity is the Default Setting here.
(Forsaken Cathedrals by The Tangent from A Place in the Queue)
We are the tenants of these Forsaken Cathedrals, paying with our lives for rent.
(GPS Culture by The Tangent from A Place in the Queue)
And now we are firmly returned to the Matrix.
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