Archive for the “Uncategorized” category
Message To/From the TOURS #30 Stepping Out of Astral (Light) Agendas & The Old Astral Time-Loop
by nielskunze on February 25, 2015
Recently, an entire lifetime has been placed within full, exquisite context– mine. The whole journey of these nearly 49 years is suddenly crystal clear. I won’t go into all of the mysterious details which have suddenly resolved here, but I (…)
Message To/From the TOURS #29 Q & A at the Critical Juncture
by nielskunze on February 21, 2015
TOURS = Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns It’s true: I don’t always connect all of the dots– purposely. No matter how much I lay it all out according to my understanding in the moment, I want each reader to reach (…)
Mystical Masters Collaboration for the Week of February 11 to 17, 2015
by nielskunze on February 18, 2015
This week’s topic was paradox. I decided to have a little fun with it, but hopefully there’s something instructive or otherwise of value contained in my little story as well. A Pair o’ Dogs They were an odd pair, even (…)
Phase One Terminus Newsletter Audio Links (incl. Music Credits)
by nielskunze on February 13, 2015
Phase One Terminus Newsletter Introduction (Phlakaton by National Health / Main Song: Uberjam by John Scofield with excerpts from Monty Python’s Life of Brian, The Holy Grail & South Park & Jolly-The Audio Guide to Happiness) Message To/From the TOURS (…)
‘The Truth’ Is a Red Herring or What the Apocalypse Is Really All About
by nielskunze on February 10, 2015
(Author narration with musical accompaniment) Seven billion truths knocking about, and most tacitly claiming to be the real one… or at least a superior one– I’m sick of it! Hey, all you science types who love to enforce your relative (…)
Introduction to the Phase One Terminus Newsletter (February 2015)
by nielskunze on February 7, 2015
Well, it seems this is the moment I’ve been waiting for… for the last twenty-odd years. I haven’t exactly been sitting on my hands though, so ‘waiting’ might not be exactly right. I knew that at some point there would (…)
What Did I Do to Deserve This? An Open Letter to the Universe
by nielskunze on February 6, 2015
(I Remember I Believe by my band Missing Peace, a live front-end mix cassette recording at The Rose and Crown in Banff in 1998. This was my ‘coming out’ song, and the very first one we ever recorded. It was (…)
Mystical Masters Collaboration for the Week of January 28 to February 3, 2015
by nielskunze on February 4, 2015
This week’s topic was Intuition. Originally, I had a lovely little story in mind about the intuitive message I received at the very first meeting with one of my best friends. However, when I sat down at the computer to (…)
The Deep Pathology of Hero-Worship
by nielskunze on February 1, 2015
The hero’s paradigm is fraught with paradox. As a society, collectively, we are ever in search of the latest-greatest hero who might soothe our societal ills, and yet the very structure of our societal institutions serve the function of ensuring (…)
Mystical Masters Collaboration for the Week of January 21 to 27
by nielskunze on January 25, 2015
On Astral Travel and Out-Of-Body Experiences (OBEs)… I’ve written about years spent using my own sensory deprivation tank to explore short dream sequences (realities– while you’re in them), but that’s more a loss of body awareness than an OBE. Suspended (…)