Phase One Terminus Newsletter Audio Links (incl. Music Credits)

by nielskunze on February 13, 2015

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Phase One Terminus Newsletter Introduction (Phlakaton by National Health / Main Song: Uberjam by John Scofield with excerpts from Monty Python’s Life of Brian, The Holy Grail & South Park & Jolly-The Audio Guide to Happiness)

Message To/From the TOURS #27 Released from the Matrix! (Odyssey by The Dixie Dregs)

FreeLovingWill (Bach’s Bouree played by Andres Segovia)

The Deep Pathology of Hero-Worship (La gazza ladra by Rossini)

A Little Inoculation Against the Vaccine Distraction (Kartoffelsalat Im Unterseeboot by The Tangent)

The Paradigmatic Shortfalls of Mainstream Medicine (Return to Egypt by James Asher)

What Did I Do to Deserve This? (The Fisherman by Leo Kottke)

‘The Truth’ Is a Red Herring (Night Session Part One by Riverside)

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