Mystical Masters Collaboration for the Week of January 21 to 27

by nielskunze on January 25, 2015

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On Astral Travel and Out-Of-Body Experiences (OBEs)…

I’ve written about years spent using my own sensory deprivation tank to explore short dream sequences (realities– while you’re in them), but that’s more a loss of body awareness than an OBE. Suspended in the saline of the tank, it’s as though the body actually dissolves as it fades from awareness. I’ve already told you about my friend Jake who flew out through the top of his head one spring day, and couldn’t find his way back in, as his body had fallen into the river… all during an ayahuasca trip. We collected his body a few hours later, downstream. And there’s wild tales on my blog of adventures with DMT, the ‘spirit molecule.’ But those instances had me in two places at once: bi-located. I could ping-pong my awareness between myself up in the sky and myself lying on the ground… and somehow I could even be in both locations simultaneously. But these all kind of skirt the topic.

I’ve long had an odd relationship with the astral.

I’ve decided to share a song this week. It’s about the astral. It’s imagery came from a dream depicting my odd relationship to the astral realms. Oh, and it stars one of the characters from my Muse Trilogy, Little Sparrow.

The song is called Collapsing Paper Mansion. The astral is a house of cards built upon unused human consciousness potential. The astral lies in the outward direction, beyond the physical. This contrasts with the etheric which lies in the inward direction, and is the energetic underpinning of the physical. The astral is accessed through the pineal gland in the brain; the etheric is accessed by the dream body, which is a complete body emanating from the gut.

This was all given to me in dreaming as a group of metaphors; those metaphors became this song. When the song first came to me– and they always come as complete, self-coherent, finished things– I figured out the chords straight away, but you should have seen me trying to work out that rhythm! It took days of struggle; I remember a few times exclaiming “Yeah, that’s it!” and then muttering to myself “Now what the hell did I just play?” Anyway, this is generally how it goes…

Please click HERE for the link to the video on Facebook. (Currently, this video is only published on Facebook, and so is not embeddable.)

(Lyrics included in the video.)

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