Archive for the “Uncategorized” category

Message To the TOURS #8 Elbow Room (Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)

by nielskunze on March 30, 2014

Since about mid-February we’ve been in “The Squeeze.” At the level of the collective, the forces opposing humanity’s bid for freedom have been doing everything possible to suppress our realization of freedom’s true potential. “They” put the lid on us (…)

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Message To/From the TOURS #7 Q & A Continued (Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)

by nielskunze on March 29, 2014

Firstly, yes I do edit the questions for clarity and brevity. However, I still appreciate the lengthy explanations so that I know exactly how the questions are intended. Also, I do consider this to be very important– the answering of (…)

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Quick Note

by nielskunze on March 28, 2014

I hope to post the continuation of the Messages to the TOURS Q & A session either later today or first thing tomorrow, so please check back.

The Daily Forest Report March 28, 2014 The Cracked and Battered Remains… Is All that Remains

by nielskunze on March 28, 2014

Man, if I could just teach Sitka to write these posts instead of just inspiring them… This one practically writes itself; I just hope that the symbolism isn’t too bloody obvious. This is what the forensic archeologist dragged from the (…)

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Message To/From the TOURS #6 Understanding (to stand under) Forms the New Foundation

by nielskunze on March 25, 2014

(Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns) Something’s got to give; we can feel it. There’s a great deal of tension just beneath the surface, and you don’t need to be particularly sensitive in order to feel confident that something of significance (…)

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Message To/From the TOURS #5 Practicing Unity (Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)

by nielskunze on March 22, 2014

Crunch time is coming. Today is March 22. In eight days the first New Moon of the astrological new year will kick off a brand new round of intentions in the ongoing Year of Transformation. And before I receive the (…)

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Message To/From the TOURS #4 The March Meetup (Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)

by nielskunze on March 19, 2014

The meetup in the dreamtime is progressing exceptionally well. With all of the dreamtime activity though, I’m experiencing days of sheer exhaustion. I sometimes feel like I’m partying all night long in my sleep… and then awake I’m feeling somewhat (…)

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Music Explores, Shapes and Defines Breathing Space in Consciousness

by nielskunze on March 14, 2014

(The Dog Breath Variations from the 1969 album Uncle Meat by Frank Zappa) Complex patterns of frequency featuring polyrhythms and melodic harmonies… Is it music? Or brainwaves? Or analogs of both? Simple music tends to make its appeal through emotional (…)

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March 2014 Newsletter Audio Links

by nielskunze on March 8, 2014

(Transcendental) Juke Monkey Awakening to a Hyper-Dimensional Blog Post Message to the TOURS (Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns) #1 and #2 The Boy at the Bus Stop Shifters Episode 3: What Dreams and Sisters Are Made Of Unity Consciousness and (…)

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Message To/From the TOURS (Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns) #3

by nielskunze on March 7, 2014

Oops! Silly presumptuous me! With the First Contact message I had just assumed that I was initiating first contact. Well, it turns out that I was actually a bit of a latecomer to the party. There were already 219 TOURS (…)

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