Message To the TOURS #8 Elbow Room (Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)
by nielskunze on March 30, 2014
Since about mid-February we’ve been in “The Squeeze.” At the level of the collective, the forces opposing humanity’s bid for freedom have been doing everything possible to suppress our realization of freedom’s true potential. “They” put the lid on us and tried everything to keep us down… and for the past six weeks we were kind of stuck. There was enough movement subconsciously to forego any need for drastic moves on our part, but we just couldn’t muster the wherewithal to manifest any “large” events on the world stage. Now that has changed.
The really good news is that those opposing the efforts toward freedom took their best shot; they expended their repertoire of dirty tricks… and failed. Yesterday, March 29th, there was significant movement. The collective jiggled and jostled and gained a bit of elbow room. Now it’s our turn.
Today is the New Moon of the astrological new year (March 30, 2014). Today and tomorrow and even into the first half of the Day of Fools it’s time to set our intentions for the next month and the next year. But before you jump right in, please allow me to encourage everyone to first dream big. Go for the whole fucking enchilada! The Earth, the Sun and the Moon are all fully behind our bid for emancipation. The opposing forces have already spent themselves in a failed effort. There’s really nothing to prevent our complete success at this time other than our own conditioned fears.
“Seismic undertakings reveal the unlimited aspects of Higher Self.” This statement comes from perhaps the net’s most cryptic blog, EirePort. What do you suppose they mean by seismic undertakings? Yeah, that’s us, working deep in the collective consciousness in the dreamtime. Have you begun to feel the unlimited aspects of your Higher Self? For simplicity’s sake we can equate the Higher Self with our dreamtime doubles. The consensus among the TOURS is that we’re ready to begin to make some bold moves… although still primarily at the level of deep dreaming.
Our dreaming doubles (Higher Selves) are always in collective communication. A great deal of dreaming at the deeper levels is through shared consciousness. This is NOT however true unity consciousness… and here’s why. Our dreaming doubles’ first loyalty is to our waking selves. They (who are actually us) cannot enter into true unity consciousness without our consent and participation at the level of beta consciousness in physicality. Your dreaming double wishes to connect with you; it’s always been that way, but now it’s slightly more imperative. Generally speaking, it’s integration time.
For now it will suffice if each of us begins by granting consent for our dreaming doubles to connect with us. There have always been subtle inroads and tenuous bridges between our waking selves and our dreaming doubles. As these connections strengthen and we are drawn together toward wholeness, what often happens in dreaming is that we have dreams where we are not ourselves. We take on other identities. Quite a few of the TOURS have already noticed this phenomenon. Of course you still dream in the “first person,” experiencing the sequence of events subjectively, but strangely you are not your familiar identity from waking life; you are someone else– a stranger… and yet not a stranger at all.
You have many many “faces” to reintegrate in the quest for wholeness. You have inhabited many personas. Your dreaming double is all of these. You will become reacquainted with each of them from the inside out. You will get to know these familiar strangers… and slowly accept them as yourselves. The first step in true unity consciousness is to discover the richness and depth of your multifaceted wholeness. First you become one; then, eventually, we all become one… but that’s still a ways off.
Beginning now, lend your consent and energize your intent upon retiring to bed– or even before a nap– to experience yourself in all of your guises… and accept the gathering energy thrumming in your heart as we all proceed with this reintegration. Trust your dreaming double; it is wise beyond measure; it will not lead you astray.
And by all means, continue with your efforts to practice unity within the waking world in your select groups.
Set your intentions for this year of total transformation. Set your expectations high. There is literally nothing we can’t do!
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