Message To/From the TOURS #6 Understanding (to stand under) Forms the New Foundation

by nielskunze on March 25, 2014

(Team Of United Renegade Sovereigns)

Something’s got to give; we can feel it.

There’s a great deal of tension just beneath the surface, and you don’t need to be particularly sensitive in order to feel confident that something of significance is brewing. At the level of the collective consciousness of humanity there is a stark division. On the one side of the lines of tension are all those who are yearning– and have been yearning for a long time now– for a catalyzing positive event to manifest upon the world stage which may serve as a turning point in our dark history. Tugging from the other side of the various lines of tension are the traditional players whose agenda is manipulation and control. As they begin to lose their grip– and their minds– they are still striving equally for a catalyzing negative event in order to plunge all of humanity back into the old familiar fear. I suppose I should mention too a third faction, those who are in the majority; although they feel the very same tension, they are unaware of its source or its probable resolution. They feel disturbed at a deep level and are profoundly confused.

Even among those who have definite ideas about “what’s really going on” there persists yet a great deal of confusion. The dynamics of the collective consciousness are frankly rather overwhelming… and this confusion is to be expected. I’ll take this opportunity therefore to answer some more questions.

Before I do however, allow me to present the following analogy in order to convey a general basis for understanding. This actually comes in answer to a rather bizarre question I recently received. After a great deal of mostly incoherent rambling, the question boiled down to this: According to your philosophy, who are the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost? In the world we currently inhabit the Law of Threes is certainly pertinent, so here’s how I see it.

As Einstein once said “The field is everything.” Therefore, the field is God… or the Father. What is the field? It is the all-pervasive quantum field of all possibility from which all physical manifestation springs and eventually returns. The field is equally everywhere and literally nowhere. We, as individual human beings, represent the Son– and, of course, the Daughter. These bodies we utilize in order to locate ourselves within time and space arise from the field; we are offspring. We, the Father and the Son, are reflections of each other. The reflecting surface, the mirror, the looking glass– remember Alice went THROUGH the looking glass– is the Holy Ghost. The collective consciousness of Earth– which includes every life-form who has ever or will ever participate in this world’s reality– is the Holy Ghost.

So on the one side we find ourselves, desperately trying to make sense of an obscure big picture. We are actually ultimately one with our reflection– God, the field– on the other side. We ARE God, but as we’re in the thick of experiencing ourselves, Earth’s collective consciousness mediates and distorts our view of our creatorship, our godselves… in order to present a consistent experience of the world (the consensus) for all who are participating in this Earth experience. The mirror, the Holy Ghost, is the repository of our collective agreements for creating a consensus which is nothing more than a shared dream. Our seeming objective experience of Earth reality is this shared dream.

You can’t get to your godself without going through the collective… and by “going through” I mean changing your relationship with the collective consciousness of all of Earth’s inhabitants. In the refinement of your personal relationship with the collective, you essentially begin to polish the mirror, to reflect back less and less distortion as you learn about your ultimate creatorship.

In presenting this three-part image I hope that the answers to the following questions can be made clear by referring back to the analogy given.

Q: I’m confused. I thought we’re all trying to come together in unity, but so far you’ve been talking about breaking up factions and creating MORE division. What gives?

A: Unity consciousness is our natural state of being. Our existence outside of the Earth reality is hardly individualistic. We are used to being in constant communion and rapport with our surroundings and fellow travellers. The Earth experience, however, was DESIGNED (by us) for individuation.

During the long and painful process of individuation, each of us amasses beliefs. All belief springs from fear. They are limitations which we freely choose to impose upon ourselves when we deem a portion of reality to be unsafe or fear-inducing. Beliefs keep us contained within the boundaries of our perceived fears.

Within the collective consciousness– which is the basis for our experience of the world (the consensus)– we are automatically grouped according to the beliefs we inhabit. The whole mass of humanity is divided into numberless factions along the lines of individual belief… until such a time as the process of individuation begins to move each of us beyond fear and the necessity for those limiting beliefs. We are at that time now.

Historically, group or mass events have been “assembled” within the collective according to these amassed beliefs. Our individual experiences within the general framework of belief (fear) has now been exhausted. It is time now to break apart those limitations in order to complete the process of individuation… so that each of us has the unfettered opportunity to realize our unique creatorship– our godselves– by freely redefining our unique relationship with the whole collective.

Once reacquainted with our godselves, we will naturally enter into unity consciousness with the creative partners who share our preferred goals of creatorship.

Q: Realistically, what are the odds of us achieving unity consciousness anytime soon as opposed to falling back into catastrophic fear instead?

A: As I already stated above, unity consciousness is our natural state. Our state of fear is temporary; it was designed to be temporary, as a unique opportunity for exploration. The majority of humanity already feels strongly at an intuitive level that our exploration of fear-based belief has reached its natural end. We’ve literally exhausted the kinds of experiences to be had in this framework. We deeply feel that it is time to move on.

Having said that, it is highly improbable that we would now collectively or individually choose to move back into that arena merely because it is familiar. Despite our often timid human natures, we are all intrepid explorers at heart. I’m confident that we will choose now to move on to greater adventures– though this one’s certainly been a blasty-blast!

I will also point out that it is the natural inclination of the collective consciousness as a whole to skew events toward growth. The universe at large is supportive of life and growth processes. All antagonism is individually based, coming from severely limited perspectives. Antagonism and strife are finite and really quite limited; love and support are infinite. It really is as simple as that.

There are still quite a few more questions which I will continue to address in the coming days. But this is enough for now. Happy grokking!

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