Worlds Within Worlds… Plans Within Plans
by nielskunze on May 7, 2012
Okay, I’m all in.
The evidentiary freight train has gathered enough momentum that it can’t be stopped. We are precariously balanced upon the tipping point now, awaiting the revelatory avalanche of truth to sweep us into the New Earth and to simultaneously bury the old systems of enslavement in the process. Many new pieces of the puzzle are falling into place rapidly and beautifully… and sometimes (for many) shockingly.
I would like to begin fitting the pieces together by recalling an earlier blog post from March: The Greatest Hypocrisy Since Hitler… or Shrewd Maneuvering for the Forces of Light?
In this article, I argued from the position of total incredulity that President Obama couldn’t possibly be the unmitigated hypocrite that he appeared to be; nobody could be that big a douchebag. I was playing around with the idea that the signing of the NDAA–nullifying due process, and the executive order which essentially nationalized the US economy even in peacetime, and finally the authority of the president to terminate anyone deemed to be a terrorist without any judiciary oversight– that these acts could be viewed from the opposite angle from which they are commonly displayed in the media. From that angle, one could make the argument that the President was really putting into place the very legal tools that would become necessary to affect a total housecleaning of the cancer which has long infected the political/industrial class.
It’s rather difficult to arrest and convict some of the most powerful and influential people in the world, especially if they have access to billions of dollars and the best lawyers in the world. They are already masters of obfuscation. How much more would they attempt to muddy the waters if their very lives depended upon confounding the public and the courts? The keystone to the whole plan of the mass arrests is that the truth must come out. Once everything is exposed, there’s no going back to tyranny and enslavement. Their entire house of cards rests upon a foundation of secrecy. The truth demolishes it completely and makes reconstruction utterly impossible.
Next, let us consider this tidbit I posted a few days ago to my Facebook Author Page: Veterans Today May 3, 2012.
In this article we learn that the President has rejoined the United States to the International Criminal Court, meaning that current and former US government officials can now be tried as criminals for violations of international law. Why in the world would Obama do that if it would land his own butt in jail? This one only makes sense in the context of the plan for mass arrests.
This brings us to our next link from Bill Brockbrader from this past weekend: Brockbrader Video (The other 5 parts contain very little info, just Bill and Eva rambling on about not much in particular.)
In it we learn that Bill was briefed by an insider who instructed him to release the info which says exactly what I’ve speculated about the President– that he’s been playing a duplicitous role. He has pretended to be the spineless puppet of the Dark Cabal, signing into law draconian legislation and issuing nefarious executive orders which themselves serve a dual purpose. As Barack put the pen to paper he assured the American public that these measures would not be used against the American people. His words rang hollow among a populace who had for nearly four years witnessed a string of lies long enough to encircle the globe. Now, we begin to see a glimmer of truth.
The next puzzle piece to consider is the recent incident involving the Secret Service and prostitutes in Columbia. My initial response to the incident was based on something Drake had said. Drake suggested that when a would-be dictator is preparing to seize complete control, it is imperative that he surrounds himself with the most trusted personal allies whom are loyal only to him. The scandal was a convenient way to accomplish such a task. More recently however, Drake has been reiterating that everything is a two-way street. His position– along with my own– has now flip-flopped.
The President has laid all of his cards on the table. The Dark Cabal now know that he has been playing both sides. In order to prevent being JFKed, Obama had to surround himself with Secret Service agents whom he could trust. An SS agent allied with the Cabal could easily nullify much of the intelligence gathering the President has been involved with.
As far as “objective” evidence goes, this next consideration isn’t likely to convince the non-spiritual readers of much. I read a fair bit of channeled information. It provides an off-world perspective. I like to consider the most obtuse angles, even if they’re really “out there.” In regards to Obama, Matthew Ward and SaLuSa have consistently maintained that Obama is a highly evolved spirit of light who has thoroughly trained for this most perilous mission for lifetimes. They insist that his soul-integrity is ironclad. For years now I have taken this message with a grain of salt… but now I am willing to consider the possibility. I had always hoped that it was true… and if it is, I expect that the President’s tale when disclosure comes will be extraordinary to say the least… ’cause Barry, you got some serious explaining to do!
In a slightly more general vein I would like to share the good news that David Wilcock will be appearing on Coast To Coast with George Noory on Wednesday night at 11:00 pm Mountain time and running into the wee hours of Thursday morning. The whole story of the impending mass arrests centres largely around David Wilcock. He will be sharing the story with a huge, almost mainstream, audience. For months people have been asking why David hasn’t appeared on Coast To Coast if this story was true. Well, their wish has been answered.
Everyday more and more people are on board. The liens have been filed against the 12 Federal Reserve banks in America. Additionally, liens have been filed against the BIS and the IMF and all of the central banks of the G7 countries. The international alliance of countries supporting and beginning to implement the new global financial system has swelled to 143 countries, centring around the BRICS nations. The mainstream news has become stale and insubstantial. A few weeks ago the push for war with Iran and/or Syria seemed to be gathering to an unstoppable pitch… and now all is relatively quiet. Watchers of the evening news should at least be wondering what happened– that is, if they still have a discerning neuron in their heads.
As a last little tidbit, I will share information from Drake’s last radio interview from Sunday morning. One of the final questions he was asked about the Plan for the mass arrests was whether Ron Paul was aware of the Plan. We only got a one word answer, but it was “Yes!”
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