The Greatest Hypocrisy Since Hitler… or Shrewd Maneuvering for the Forces of Light?
by nielskunze on March 23, 2012
If only we could see clearly into the hearts of men…
Barack Obama I can’t seem to wrap my brain around you!
With the President’s signing of the latest Executive Order last week which basically cleared the way for the complete nationalization of the US economy– a clearly fascist move right out of Hitler’s playbook– I can’t figure out this President’s motives. I find it difficult to believe that any human being could be such an extreme hypocrite as Obama now appears to be. The Bill of Rights has already been gutted like a fish with the signing into law of the NDAA on New Year’s eve, and now this. Did Obama learn and practice constitutional law in order to more efficiently subvert and dismantle it? Even the Huffington Post– that left-leaning mouthpiece which usually bends over backwards to kiss Obama’s brown ass– had difficulty putting any kind of positive spin on this latest development.
“Change we can all believe in” and “transparency in government”… We thought we knew what he was talking about, but apparently not. Many were alarmed at the direction in which his predecessor George W steered the country– a decidedly fascist one, so when Obama spoke of change we assumed he meant in the opposite direction. But then, perhaps by “transparency” he really meant that the fascist agenda would become painfully obvious to even the dullest of democrats as he accelerated and expanded it… shockingly.
And despite the apparent obviousness of these latest moves in the new year, a great many Americans are still granting him the benefit of a long laundry list of doubts. The federal government currently has the legal right to kill any American citizen who has been declared a terrorist by the state without any legal redress (which they have already done at least once); they can detain and imprison any citizen without due process; and now they can seize any and all personal property, resources and labour on the President’s say so… even during peacetime. Chilling, no? Read through the comments at the end of this article from the Natural News, and take note of how many “likes” the comments defending the President’s latest actions have received. Shocking, no?
Something is not adding up. At least with Hitler it was rather obvious that even his closest friends would never address him as “Sweetie” or describe him as a “softie.” But Obama, dammit, the guy seems likeable. I want to invite him over for poker night… unless this is all just a bluff. In which case, I’m sure he’d kick my ass at cards! So terribly many people just can’t seem to find it in their hearts to outright doubt this guy’s good intentions. So let’s take a closer look at the other outrageous possibility.
It’s plain for everybody to see that there’s something hideously ugly and downright malevolent in today’s governments. There is some Dark Force which has infiltrated the highest levels of control in our societies. It is well-entrenched, and has a knack for side-stepping the law at every turn. The infection is so gangrenous at this point that amputation seems imminent. In order to effectively cut out the rotten, offending tissue, extreme measures must be taken to eradicate the tumour once and for all. Is it possible that Obama has enacted these draconian laws in order to apply them to the cancer among his own body politic? Because nothing else would do? The timid laws of due process and individual rights might very well be wholly inadequate for dealing with a disease which has festered unchecked for centuries. How ironic would it be if the Dark Forces have been pushing Obama to enact these loathsome pieces of legislation only to have them turned upon those very same Dark Forces because nothing else will do? I’ve always said “Life loves irony!”
Time will tell. Benjamin Fulford, the chap who introduced us to the Trillion Dollar Lawsuit to End Financial Tyranny, has insisted that the Dark Forces have until the end of March, 2012 to surrender or face the consequences of a public arrest. I so want to believe ol’ Ben; I just want it to be true. Well, Mr. President, it’s your move… Which side of history will you come down on? Are you the most evil hypocrite I have ever witnessed? Or the shrewdest player to ever play the game for the good guys?
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