Archive for the “The Daily Forest Report” category
The Daily Forest Report June 17, 2014 Buried Treasure and the Induction of Subtle Magicks
by nielskunze on June 17, 2014
Sometimes an idea gets planted in my head… and I don’t give it a second thought. The Sasquatch People seem to be fond of crystals. One in particular, amorite chalcedony rose, is specific for the heart connection and moving forward (…)
The Daily Forest Report June 16, 2014 The Advent of “Smell-A-Vision”
by nielskunze on June 16, 2014
Lately, I’ve been taking my walks after heavy rains… and the forest smells amazing! There’s such a riotous variety of olfactory indulgence going on that I seriously wish I could share with you all the incredible smells along with my (…)
The Daily Forest Report June 14, 2014 Telepathic Rapport with My Forest Crew
by nielskunze on June 14, 2014
We could confidently march right into the gaping maw of a forty-foot grizzly bear… It was at least a week ago now. I was crouched beside the river; having removed my makeshift necklace, I pried the lid from its hollowed (…)
The Daily Forest Report June 13, 2014 You Are What You Eat, You Little Shit!
by nielskunze on June 13, 2014
The bank of Silverberry bushes, as it’s now flowering, makes the whole forest smell like a candy shop. The roses too add such a pleasing spice to the air that their petals are in continually grave danger of being plucked (…)
The Daily Forest Report June 11, 2014 White Spiders in the Heart of the Rose
by nielskunze on June 11, 2014
Before anything… I am happy to report that the young girl who was rescued from Dutch Creek and airlifted to Calgary last week has been discharged from the Children’s Hospital in a state of perfect health. Phew! And Hawk is (…)
The Daily Forest Report June 7, 2014 Subtle Signs
by nielskunze on June 7, 2014
First… any pictures included in today’s post have little or no relevance to the topic being discussed. Sometimes it happens that I don’t have anything topical. At the serious risk of incurring a nasty jinx, I would like to point (…)
The Daily Forest Report June 6, 2014 Just a Quick Followup
by nielskunze on June 6, 2014
The energy was mostly back to normal. The only real difference was that things were a lot quieter. Most of the usual culprits checked in with us– Eagle and Raven– but they just did silent flyovers, whereas in recent weeks (…)
The Daily Forest Report June 5, 2014 A Major Disturbance in the Force
by nielskunze on June 5, 2014
The Self which exists beyond the confines of my skin is energetically sewn within the Forest tapestry comprising the area of these daily walks. I have become an integrated part of the living system which is the hills and river (…)
The Daily Forest Report June 4, 2014 Taking Our Time With It All
by nielskunze on June 4, 2014
Everything is so brand new! It’s the same old forest… and yet we’re all reintroducing ourselves to each other… making new acquaintances, new connections… The harsh winter took its toll. Not everyone survived. But those who did are ready to (…)
The Daily Forest Report June 3, 2014 Did/Can You Feel It?
by nielskunze on June 3, 2014
Did you feel it? So much shifting and movement internally… followed by nearly instantaneous manifestation externally… Damn! It’s getting exciting! The trickster energy abounds. But the flavour of the energy is not at all of deception; it is pure playfulness. (…)