The Daily Forest Report June 14, 2014 Telepathic Rapport with My Forest Crew

by nielskunze on June 14, 2014

We could confidently march right into the gaping maw of a forty-foot grizzly bear…

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It was at least a week ago now. I was crouched beside the river; having removed my makeshift necklace, I pried the lid from its hollowed body in order to add a mixture of river water and my own saliva. The “necklace” was actually a hollow wooden pendulum I’d filled with seeds a couple of weeks earlier and tied around my neck so that the seeds would dangle directly in my heart-space. (An idea I got from Andrew Bartzis, the Galactic Historian.) It was time now to begin the germination process.

During the brief procedure by the river, I completely lost track of the three dogs: Lhasa, Toby and Sitka. They were off doing their own thing– undoubtedly nearby, but unseen– as I focused on my own task. Once the seeds inside the pendulum were thoroughly soaked, I replaced the lid to seal them inside for one day more. In the process of wetting the seeds, the wooden lid became swollen and would barely fit into its proper place. After I jammed it partway in, I found it thoroughly impossible to subsequently remove it. “Oh no,” I said aloud a couple of times.

The dogs turned up immediately with total concern for whatever was troubling me. Sitka rested her head on my shoulder to get a good look at “the problem.” I quickly reassured them that there was no real cause for concern.

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We’re a very tight crew. Ever since that episode the dogs are very careful to always have one of them be with me while the other two go out exploring. They determine their own rotation. What’s really remarkable is that Toby and Sitka are only nine months old.

I’m very proud and confident with my forest crew!

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