The Daily Forest Report June 4, 2014 Taking Our Time With It All

by nielskunze on June 4, 2014

Everything is so brand new! It’s the same old forest… and yet we’re all reintroducing ourselves to each other… making new acquaintances, new connections…

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The harsh winter took its toll. Not everyone survived. But those who did are ready to thrive.

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Once the blockage was uncorked, exuberance came on display. The spring bloom seems extra prolific this year.

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And the mushrooms too are pushing their way onto stage.

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I’ve been fortunate the past few days in finding a few puffballs along the way to eat. It’s kind of like locating your golfball in the rough… except you never saw it land… and golf balls don’t taste nearly as good.

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This time we were met by four eagles at the power line. I watched them up close with the binoculars for quite some time. They were very vocal, practicing their piercing cry again and again. They were speaking against their own aloofness, reminding us that it is a human’s prerogative to connect on every level. Apparently, what is all too often forgotten is our emotional nature. It’s dangerous to push it away. Our emotions keep us informed of our true priorities. When we shut them out, we are so easily misled.

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This little duckling strayed too far from the safety of the river. A land-locked baby duck is as vulnerable as a stoic caught in this reacquaintance with the natural world– our true natures. We are meant to be lost in awe.

(Dexter’s Elixir Part 2 – Polyester Waters by my band Missing Peace from our 2016 album Second Thoughts)

Yeah, I wrote this as an attempt at straddling realities…

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