The Daily Forest Report June 3, 2014 Did/Can You Feel It?
by nielskunze on June 3, 2014
Did you feel it?
So much shifting and movement internally… followed by nearly instantaneous manifestation externally… Damn! It’s getting exciting!
The trickster energy abounds.
But the flavour of the energy is not at all of deception; it is pure playfulness. Pictured above is the “work” of Coyote… from several weeks ago… But “someone” brought two deposits together into one grand statement, knowing that it wouldn’t escape my attention. Then, this…
Sitka, the forensic archeologist, discovered this bone (scapula?) lodged in the roots of this downed tree. All of the evidence would indicate that it was deliberately placed there… in a remote part of the dense forest about twenty yards from the path. Was Sitka gently “nudged” in the right direction to discover it?
And then down by the river it got really interesting!
This was the canopy above me… where the most delightfully curious thing occurred. Movement caught my attention, and as I looked up I thought that perhaps it was just a breeze rustling the leaves and branches, for I could not see anything else. But the leaves and the branches continued to jostle and shake exactly as though a small critter of some sort was moving about in the canopy above. I observed the unmistakable disturbances for at least fifteen seconds, expecting at any moment to finally catch a glimpse of the creature causing all the fuss. There was no squirrel, no bird… and no wind could cause that kind of localized movement. Something utterly invisible was fucking with me… and I loved it! (I’m pretty sure the Sasquatch People read my blog.)
This exciting and strange experience preceded the discovery of the first blooming rose of the season just moments later. I knew exactly where the first bloom would occur; it was the precise blossom that was pictured in a Report from just a few days ago.
It had just fully opened, and already White Spider was lurking underneath. I ate it– not the spider, silly, the rose. I commandeered its energies and performed a little heart-opening ceremony for the whole world right there on the spot in an improvisational moment. It felt good… and even a bit important.
When I got back to the truck, the patches of wild roses in the surrounding area had suddenly jumped into the orgy of blossoming too!
Three hours earlier, none of these buds had opened!
And now, this morning, as I checked the news at all the alternative sites I frequent, I must say that this has been the most positive glut of news ever! The People worldwide are expressing their heartfelt desires and achieving significant victories in so many places. (Those who look with “traditional” eyes will undoubtedly see the opposite. Oh well, sucks to be you!)
Certainly, there are still clueless ones, even here in my Sacred Space who still pretend that the world is their garbage can. I find it very difficult to understand the mentality which looks around this place and says “Hey, a beer can might look good over here.” It was even half full– a double beer crime! You are forgiven even as your heart explodes! (I wonder if you’ll survive?)
And the old lies are nothing more than dried husks, displayed in the light for all to see. Right from the beginning, it was inevitable. When the leadership begins lying to the People, the lies– of a necessity– become compounded until they reach a point of such ridiculousness that even the densest among us can no longer deny them.
We have arrived! Breathe. And try out your brand new peepers… and feel free to be astonished at what you see!
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