The Daily Forest Report June 17, 2014 Buried Treasure and the Induction of Subtle Magicks
by nielskunze on June 17, 2014
Sometimes an idea gets planted in my head… and I don’t give it a second thought.
The Sasquatch People seem to be fond of crystals. One in particular, amorite chalcedony rose, is specific for the heart connection and moving forward through life in a heart-centred fashion. “I want one.” That was the idea which I never gave another thought; I just went ahead and got one.
Here I’m “washing” it in the river. Flowing water “erases” any interference from its former handlers. Now it’s clean and attuned to just me; it’s my high-tech friend in a complex wilderness. Complexity is a symptom of the mind; the heart simply sees right through it. I have a very active mind… who needs to learn how to just chill.
So I’m digging for buried treasure, thinking that this wild onion is it, when suddenly under a rock I discover a “proto-hopper” in some intermediary stage of metamorphosis. You can see that the bulb of the onion goes right underneath the vulnerable critter.
I gently put him back after I successfully removed the onion. Then I gingerly placed a flat rock overtop of him again. “Shh, he’s sleeping.”
He reminds us in his dreaming that the Earth provides for all of our needs. Half-jokingly, he warns us against galactic salesmen who seek to peddle exotic philosophies for the aggrandizement of our earthly experience. “We don’t need no stinking light chambers!” When in doubt, run it by– and through– the Earth. She knows what’s appropriate magick for these earthen vessels.
We’ve become so disconnected from our home here that we fall in love with the first flying unicorn to come along, promising to whisk us away from our own disenchantment. Love is the magick; our hearts plug us into Earth’s infinite resources. As the stars beckon, first we must twinkle back… before we blast ourselves off… off our friggin’ rockers!
How many times have you heard it? Stay grounded. How grounded are our hopes and dreams…?
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