Update on the Slow Apocalypse

by nielskunze on August 8, 2012

Wow! It’s been a month since I last posted on my blog! What happened?

A shift… in focus/perception is what happened. It all suddenly became much more personal.

In November of last year, when David Wilcock began his “Financial Tyranny” investigation, the exciting prospect of rapid wholesale changes for this Earth reality really captured my attention. My focus was pulled outward. Never before in my life had I been so interested in the news– let alone financial news and global banking. To anyone who has known me… this was very strange indeed.

Collectively we’ve been pummelled by cresting waves of anticipation, and then the let-downs of the troughs which inevitably followed. How we’ve surfed the swells has been an individual affair though, providing limitless opportunities for personal growth, integration and balance.

We’ve become so conditioned to watch for the “big events” to occur out there in the wider world that it became easy to forget that the transformation we’re eagerly anticipating and facilitating happens instead within us. After all, what is all this talk of ascension, spontaneous evolution and accessing higher dimensions? It’s all about a shift in perception.

The higher dimensions are already out there, fully formed and functional… and we need to learn how to tune in to perceive them. It’s much like the electromagnetic spectrum in that our eyes currently perceive only a tiny segment of that spectrum as visible light. We know of the infinite frequencies that exist beyond the limits of our current perception, but we simply haven’t evolved the biological tools to access/perceive them. In order to do that we need to change our consciousness.

How we relate to our own thoughts and feelings is what changes our consciousness. If we are stuck in a static relationship with our thoughts and our feelings, continually repeating the same reactionary patterns, then consciousness cannot change. Only once we proactively choose to introduce changes into that relationship with our own internal states can consciousness begin to shift.

External events are created for our benefit to help catalyze new ways of relating to our own thoughts and feelings. Sometimes we require really big events to shake the cobwebs from our foundations. And for more sensitive individuals, only minor episodes are necessary to bring about the desired changes. The challenge for Earth and her human collective has been to arrange an appropriate balance of catalyzing events to make the transition as smooth as possible.

We are in the “Slow Apocalypse”… the slower the better. The term “slow apocalypse” has been a part of my vocabulary for nearly two decades now– appearing in the very first sentence of the welcome page for my website nielskunze.com.

The fact that societal changes appear to be progressing incrementally, without the need for huge catalysts, is decidedly a good thing. Quite simply it means that we’ve been doing our homework. Our consciousness is shifting without the need for Maxwell’s silver hammer to come crashing down on our heads. Yes, the story has changed. Instead of watching Bruce Willis in Die Hard, we’re now quietly reading Anna Karenina. It is by no means as heart-thumpingly exciting… but it is far more artful and steeped in grace.

Change– fundamental change– is coming into the world. For those who have been moving their own consciousness at every opportunity, the perception of this is easy. For those who refuse to budge, it is simply impossible to see. We mustn’t concern ourselves overly much with the perceptions of others. Whatever they perceive is exactly appropriate for them, and all of the very same opportunities for shifting consciousness/perception are equally available to them as they are for you. The proper stance for offering support is, of course, love.

We cannot bludgeon others with our love. However much we might like others to perceive the same bright New Earth that we are beginning to discern, love does not– and cannot– force it. Perception lies smack-dab in the centre of free will. We all freely choose the world which we perceive… whether we realize the fact or not (not to see it that way is also a choice).

Love is the ticket and the gateway to our passage because love leads us onward into new perception/adventure accepting all-that-is in every moment. It is our relationship with all-that-is which changes. When we consciously choose for that relationship to always remain loving, we evolve… expand… grow. When we momentarily forget to simply love, we tend to get stuck.

Love is unconditional. Period. As soon as we say to another “I love you unconditionally,” we have already crossed the line of absurdity. To say “I love you unconditionally” immediately implies that there are others to whom such love does not apply. This is highly conditional— “I love you on the condition that you are you and not someone else.” And this is not love. Love– in order to be love– must apply equally to/for everyone… no exceptions.

It is the basic unit of Creation. The Cosmos is constructed from the most basic of energies called love. To access the whole of Creation, we learn our lessons in love. That is where our focus must lie if we wish to positively change our perception/experience.

So calling for external events to shift the consciousness of others around us is actually an act of violence– unnecessary and inappropriate. If we are diligently doing our own internal work, steadily progressing, then we– ourselves– do not require much catalyst. If those who might be somewhat stuck suddenly feel the need for rapid wholesale change, it is up to them to create appropriate catalyzing events. It is not our prerogative to awaken new perceptions in others unbidden by sucker-punching them with our need for them to change. No, we work on ourselves… perfecting… loving, so others may freely choose to emulate that… or not.

Trust. Trust love. Trust that it will be enough… for that’s all that there is.

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