Our Freedom Lies Buried With the Truth

by nielskunze on July 5, 2012

There is not a human being on the planet who knows exactly what is going on here on Earth right now. Nor is there a “Galactic” in the higher dimensions or in the space around the Earth who knows the whole story. There are countless individual perspectives, each holding a piece of the impossible puzzle.

Our confusion is understandable! (How’s that for an oxymoron?)

I’ve been rather quiet the last few days. I’ve been gathering perspective. Perhaps in my relatively sheltered life, a firecracker fussing and sputtering in the rain in some dirty back alley might constitute “fireworks.” One thing I know for sure is that when it goes off it will grab my full attention and even make my heart skip a beat.

I submit that the fuse has been lit… and it glows with an eery green light. When its force might burst upon the wider world, I cannot know. I believe that no one knows. There are far too many variables… and everything is at stake! Game on… and I hope we’ve saved our best moves for right nnnnnnnnnnnow!

The events in the news immediately following Drake’s declaration of “Greenlight” seemed congruent with a massive shift… behind the scenes. Beginning with Barclays and the Libor scandal, then the drafting of “living wills” for the major investment banks in the US in anticipation of their imminent failure, and finally culminating in the very mainstream discussion moderated by Eliot Spitzer in which all of the global financial industry was rightly categorized as the modern high-tech mafia– all of this is totally unprecedented.

We were informed early on that the first step to eliminating the Cabal would be to cut off the source of their funding. We are seeing that now, in rather dramatic fashion I might add. From my perspective, everything is proceeding according to plan… a very fluid and malleable plan– which makes it ever-so-more viable.

I understand the frustration and disappointment though. Our expectations for a quick and decisive victory were not met. But we mustn’t lose sight of our collective goals.

Perhaps some of you, like me, take the occasional peek at the channeled material pertaining to the mass arrests. If so, perhaps like me, you also feel a bit peeved with Arch Angel Michael. (I’ve never taken issue with an Arch Angel before, but here goes…) As it became evident that mass arrests were not happening within the newest timeframe we were given, Arch Angel Michael decided to chastise us for even using the “unloving” term “mass arrests.” Such a “violent” term could never receive the sanction of the Company of Heaven. Now, we are supposed to think and speak in terms of “containment.”

Yeah, that kind of pissed me off. My mission right now, as I understand it, is to bring awareness of “The Event” to the masses as to lessen the potential trauma The Event could very well induce in the unaware. In order to communicate such a message to my more close-minded brothers and sisters I have to resort to speaking a language which they understand. I can speak of mass arrests without the need for donning my tinfoil hat. But if I am to explain the same scenario in terms of invisible containment fields which magically turn negativity back upon those contained and only allow light-filled intentions to impact the world, I’ve instantly lost the last shreds of credibility that I still cling to.

I am a patient man. I’m over my initial reaction. We are urged to become astute observers, watching for a change of heart among the Cabal members. Fine. I will wait a moment longer… with all the powers of observation I can bring to bear. Perhaps I will witness a peaceful transformation to the equitable world we all want/demand, as even the darkest hearts are penetrated by the light. I can allow for the possibility.

But I find it somewhat ironic that AA Michael is the Arch Angel of Peace and Truth. For truth is our only assurance of peace and lasting freedom. Without a full disclosure of the truth of our enslavement– its full depths and how it was accomplished, there can be no peace. All of the truth must come to light. A change of heart cannot erase the past. All the heinous misdeeds must be known, so that we may all learn from the ugly truth, and in compassionate respect for all of the victims who were most egregiously harmed. Many victims have been ridiculed, demonized and marginalized because so few would ever believe them. In my sense of compassion they must be vindicated.

Only once the full truth of what has transpired here on Earth is known, can we truly move on in strength and wisdom. Denial and obfuscation will not serve us. We must integrate all that has befallen us if we are ever to rise up with true integrity.

From my precarious perch upon the proverbial fence I will watch for the unrelenting revelation of truth, for it is the feistiest of all cats, and once out of the bag, it simply will not go back in. Truth is the measure of the mountain we must climb, and only at the pinnacle will we find our lasting freedom.


A.A. Michael establishes itself as A.A. Michael, how?

by Brett Rinker on July 6, 2012 at 1:30 am. Reply #

Through the channel Linda Dillon I believe, in a conversation with Steve Beckow.
I am open to the possibility of accurate channeling, but am of the opinion that it is often distorted, and therefore take it with a grain of salt.

by nielskunze on July 6, 2012 at 1:50 am. Reply #

great article written , love the way you write them

by online casino game on December 21, 2012 at 4:03 pm. Reply #

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