The “Untouchables” Are Getting Ready to Be Groped and Probed

by nielskunze on June 29, 2012

Less than a year ago it looked as though that those who were primarily responsible for the crash of the world’s economy would never face the public scrutiny they obviously deserved. The bankers and financiers in their ivory towers have always seemed largely untouchable. Something has changed.

Just in the last couple of days, the mainstream news media has cranked out numerous stories raising eyebrows in global financial circles. A huge shakeup seems rather inevitable.

This article from Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone provides the context and the background for the legal actions now underway. Wall Street and the central banks are clearly defined as the modern mafia.

The Daily Mail in the UK has been focusing on the UK’s largest bank, Barclays, revealing an interest-fixing scheme. They’ve already been fined– the largest fine ever issued, and now the probe for criminal conduct involves an additional 20 central banks…. And this scathing indictment from today.

And now from the Financial Post we learn that America’s 5 largest banks are drawing up “living wills” in order to help regulators in “dismembering their corpses” in the event of their failure. The deadline for this is July 1st. Here is an insider comment on the original Reuters article:

David Righter comment about the article: “Beloveds, this while more or less true, is a cover up of the truth. These banks are being retired by the Chinese dragons themselves and the story is a screen otherwise. This is consistent however with our plans and we are in support. This has happened, or rather I would say caused to be happened by our making it impossible, via methods of inserted viruses, to TRADE amongst themselves via their private internet. This is “good news” in a way, for you regards the reuters piece. It is PROOF, even if the story is a bit concocted to “save face”.”

And just as an odd curiosity I’m adding this brief item about a 700 billion dollar bond being registered with the Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner. I don’t know what it means, but it is interesting.

Does all this necessarily signal mass arrests amongst the financial sector? I don’t know, but it certainly appears that big changes are coming to an arena that once seemed untouchable. Let’s watch.

It sure seems like the public is being prepared to witness at least some very significant arrests.

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