Despite Drake’s HUGE Tactical Error…
by nielskunze on June 7, 2012
Last night was Drake’s latest weekly radio broadcast bringing us up to date on The Plan to remove the Dark Cabal from the highest ranks of our society. It was a total circus with a raucous carnival going on in the background. The host or “moderator” had absolutely no control over anything. It was painfully frustrating to listen to. (I would post a link to the show, but apparently there was a problem with the archiving system too. I will update if it becomes available.)
Update: For a cleaned-up version of last night’s show click HERE.
Much of the hullabaloo might have been avoided if Drake had not made such a huge tactical error in the first minutes of the show. In all previous broadcasts, Drake spoke at length with consistent reassurances of how this was a well-planned initiative with comprehensive tactical contingencies in place. Each three-hour show was mainly dedicated to allaying the public’s fears and concerns.
Last night however, Drake early on began speaking of war with the Dark Cabal and the destruction and casualties that would inevitably result in such a scenario. He immediately put all of his listeners into a state of fear and shock. I guarantee that the audience was traumatized in the first ten minutes. From then on we were jacked up on adrenaline and cortisol like frightened beasts. From all of the chatter going on throughout the remainder of the show it was abundantly clear that almost no one was actually listening to what Drake was trying to say. Fear had usurped the rationality of most.
God how I wish that Drake would have chosen to enumerate all the ways in which we had won a near total victory first– before letting us know that there was the possibility of a very messy and undesirable outcome. Every positive point he tried to bring forward after having bombarded us with total fear was instinctively resisted by many. Imagine if you will, someone has great tidings to tell you, but first they bring the muzzle of a cocked gun to the side of your head. “I’m just going to hold this gun to your head so you’ll pay attention…” and then they go on to tell you a bunch of really good tidbits of news. The gun pressed to your temple makes it really hard to concentrate on the good news– even to the point where you might not even recognize it as good.
Drake, what were you thinking!
The Dark Cabal has seen that this is the end. They understand that. From this understanding, they must decide now whether they will fight tooth and nail to the last, wreaking as much havoc upon Earth and humanity as they can in the process, or whether they’d prefer to surrender peaceably with a guarantee for the safety of their lives. They are requesting public input to help them make the decision. Will we insist on extracting our pound of flesh no matter what, or can we be satisfied with achieving the goals of economic freedom, the restoration of constitutional government, and the total removal of the filthy beasts from their stations within our society?
We are assured that 70% of the current US government will be adjudicated for their criminal behaviour. Banking officials and CEOs involved in shady dealings will likewise be adjudicated. The US will revert back to the founding documents which originally set the country free two and a half centuries ago. All fraudulent debt will be zeroed out– debt forgiveness. The true and total deficit for America will be 1.2 trillion dollars. Anything over and above that amount is fraudulent and belongs solely to the central banks of the Federal Reserve. The massive collateral accounts will be immediately freed to begin the humanitarian projects for which they were originally intended as agreed to in the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944. Federal taxes and the IRS will disappear. 600 to 800 suppressed patents for fantastically advanced technologies will be released, and the best of them will immediately move into production re-establishing the manufacturing base upon which America’s once robust economy was founded.
It’s sounding pretty damn good!
We are asked to offer our insight and vote on the website, under the heading referring to Drake’s proposals. Our input will be accepted until noon on Saturday. Hopefully, by Sunday we will have a preliminary tally of the voting. By Tuesday we are expecting a response from the Dark Cabal. These are preliminary negotiations; nothing has been put into writing. It is hoped however that our collaborative efforts now may form the basis for a formal agreement by next week. We could have our freedom by the end of the month! (Pretty much the whole world, not just the US.)
To me the “deal” sounds pretty sweet. What are we really giving up? It won’t happen with exactly the drama we were expecting, but it seems like very nearly total victory nevertheless. Do we need to insist on a bloodbath? My only real concern is that the truth must come out… all of it. The Cabal must not be permitted to retain any secrets. Everything must be outed. “The truth shall set you free.” Once everyone knows what has been done by whom and how it was accomplished, THAT is our best assurance that it can never happen again. Truth is a real ornery cat that simply will not go back into the bag once he has been freed.
Here’s the great opportunity without the need for a huge crisis. Once we all process this latest development, I hope we can quickly get past the fear to accept with dignity and grace the future we’ve all been longing for. If the Cabal is trying to play one last dirty trick, then we can always choose all out war with them next week! We will prevail; I have no doubt (fear).
The host was the most cynical and single minded annoying person I’ve had to listen to is years. What an unprofessional approach to hosting and ending a discussion. If anything of what Drake is saying is true, she should be rejoicing.
by Marcus on June 7, 2012 at 8:48 pm. #
I agree wholeheartedly Marcus, except the woman you are speaking of (Kelly, I believe) was not actually the host or moderator. She was just in on the conference call representing her group. Paul is the host of the show and I really hope he gets a grip on things next time ’round! I was so relieved when Kelly finally hung up; you could tell that she was utterly incapable of listening to anything the entire time.
by nielskunze on June 7, 2012 at 9:04 pm. #
Fantastic critique and outstanding positive attitude.
by Michael on June 8, 2012 at 3:20 pm. #
I left the US about 4 years ago after I lost my home…but, I am so hopeful that this will come to pass so I can return to the country I once adored. My only doubt is that I truly believe that the people we are dealing with want us dead and are only capable of dirty tricks, nothing else. After all, they are psychopaths.
I hope my doubts are unwarranted.
by Saoirse on June 9, 2012 at 1:41 am. #
You know what DRAKE knows how to waffle. So now there may be a war…will it be CIVIL I wonder…….sorry, but so unprofessional, and he mentions he knows stuff, oh, but he is not going to tell you, well what is the point of mentioning it in the first place, sorry he does not inspire me as a true freedom fighter…. perhaps he is getting off on having loads of people glued to the show.,…well count me out.
by jane on June 9, 2012 at 12:12 pm. #
PS Since when did the CABAL give a hoot to what the people think, they are only going to relent (maybe) when they are pushed up into the tightest corner, its easy to smile and say sorry , when you know your time is up, but remember they are EVIL……and you don’t give an inch to EVIL…
by jane on June 9, 2012 at 12:14 pm. #
Hi Niels,
I carefully listened to—and have been contemplating what occurred. This is my present perspective: 1)—in my opinion—-what Drake said that so shocked everyone was not in any way a “tactical error.” No, not at all. It was entirely and completely necessary if one can grasp what this entire “voting” thing is all about.
1) It is not about getting numbers. 2) It has absolutely nothing to do with what is being proposed since it is no different than what Drake has proposed all along and, unless we are associated with the Dark Cabal we ALL without exception fully agree on those three points. 3) it is NOT a sellout which will keep the Dark Cabal in power and let them off to continue to make mahem. 4) It does not negate the mass arrests as many have wrongly and foolishly ASSUMED.
So—-what IS it all about?
It is ALL about US. It is about US having the courage to let our desires and intentions BE KNOWN publically but also to those Cosmic Forces who are now intervening but only according to our clear, concise INTENTION and DESIRE toward a specific goal. In this case the specific goal is freedom, liberty and justice. Yes—JUSTICE. The “deal” is that we fully agree to treat the members of this Cabal decently—-unlike they have treated us and everyone else in the world. This whole “voting” is solidifying on paper (so to speak) what it is we really WANT. It is specifying our deepest heart’s desire. This “voting” is NOT so that the Cabal sees the numbers of people who want freedom, liberty and justice. They well know that the number of those is EVERYONE without exception. This entire “voting” is FOR US —-to focus our intention as ONE and finally MATERIALIZE IT. We have reached the point where a final unified THRUST is required. And—-this is a TEST of our genuine DETERMINATION. When we shout this determination as ONE VOICE to the Cosmos—-it allows complete unrestriction to those high intelligences whom so many of us have fervently called upon for so many years to more and more directly intervene on our behalf.
We cannot loose.
However—–what we MUST do is DROP ALL THOUGHT ABOUT REVENGE, TORTURE, VENGANCE, PUNISHMENT OR MURDERING THEM. If we do these things====we ARE acting exactly LIKE THEM. This does not mean they will be left free to continue their lies. They MUST be stopped permanently and placed APART from our developing Galactic Civilization and the New Paradigm we are about to enter. However—-they will be put in a place which offers them unlimited opportunities to learn what TRUTH really is. This is NOT punitive but allowing them to finally experience what genuine UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is really all about. They must be the recipients of it in order to find out the TRUTH. They will learn that JUSTICE MUST INCLUDE MERCY. For without mercy—-it is NOT justice—-but revenge.
One more aspect is this: Evil has a definite function in this Universe although it is completely unknown to the selfish, egoistic and predatory mind-set. It is this: “EVIL” (which is synonymous with human suffering) ultimately acts as a strong CATALYST. This catalyst aids us in that it ACTIVATES our determination from the deepest core of our heart to seek AND FIND the better way. And that better way shows total RESPECT for ALL life—-including those we deemed to be “evil.” This does not mean we blindly accpect the misery and suffering they inflict—-but it means that we understand the basic INTENTION of the entire Universe which is to uplift, build and transform ALL consciousness—-including all selfish and predatory reptilians. But, of course, they must be separated from our new and budding Galactic Society.
The “Cabal” is just pleading for MERCY and if we do not offer it—-what we will get is the bloodiest war in history due to our complete ignorance.
So please—-do not hesitate to go over and vote and blend your voice and intent into the power of our mass consciousness.
That, in my current opinion, is what this is all about.
by nestingwave on June 9, 2012 at 8:46 pm. #