…Because They Believe We Are All Complete Morons!
by nielskunze on April 13, 2012
Why would the Mainstream Media in Australia broadcast the following story? (Originally aired on Easter Sunday.)
…Because they believe we are all complete morons!
This can only be a “false flag” event. Let’s assume for a moment that hostile ETs are actually bearing down on our world in preparation for an attack/invasion. What are our realistic chances of surviving such an occurrence?
A fleet of ships from another star system, possibly another galaxy, covets our resources. They are prepared to take them by force. Talk about David and Goliath! The “fact” that our hypothetical invaders are here is our first major clue that perhaps their technology is far advanced over our own. As far as I am aware, we have no fleet capable of intergalactic space travel. They do. Technological superiority clearly resides on the side of the invaders.
Our governments would have us believe that we would nevertheless put up a good fight, calling on all of Earth’s citizens to put our differences aside, band together, and defeat the common enemy. Despite their technological prowess, the enemy must be absurdly stupid to have waited to stage such an invasion at a time when Earth humans have developed some degree of defence capability. Had their invasion forces arrived say, two hundred years ago, they would have been met with armies on horseback firing muskets at their interstellar vehicles. How do you like our odds in such a scenario?
Whatever resources the invaders are interested in have existed on this planet for billions of years, having lain undefended and free for the taking all of that time. Perhaps they are a sporting race of aliens who enjoy a good fight, and so they wait until the indigenous population is able to mount a semblance of a defence of the planet before initiating their plunder. How nice!
Furthermore, this whole invasion scenario depends upon the assumption that scarcity is the prime condition throughout the entire universe. Among trillions of stars and their many trillions of planets there are certain “special resources” which can only be found here, on Earth. Yeah, right. What exactly can we point to in the scientific literature which suggests that Earth is so incredibly unique in its history and origins that it might possess such incredible rarities?
And finally, the invasion scenario depends upon the projection of our own depraved war-mongering morality being the same morality being prevalent among interstellar races. They are our technological superiors in every way, but morally they are just as bankrupt as our own pathetic “leaders”. Somehow they have managed to avoid destroying themselves with their awesome invasion technology by turning it outward upon the universe at large. Again, how likely is that?
Had Easter Sunday fallen on the first of April this year, I would have just had a good laugh at the Australian news’ April Fool’s joke, but it didn’t, and I can only conclude that they’re actually serious. Someone is desperately trying to stir the pot to invoke fear and an utter abandonment of rationality. Please, go ahead and stage your fake invasion scenario, and may you be laughed off the world stage once and for all!
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