History’s Most Pivotal Moment… Right Nnnnnnnow!

by nielskunze on March 30, 2012

Now that the summit among BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) has concluded, we can see very clearly the writing on the wall. There is a major shift in the power structure of the world happening right now.

BRICS Summit Video

As the BRICS nations step away from the US dollar and the euro, and further discuss their plans for creating their own international development bank to replace the failing IMF and World Bank, it becomes quite clear that something monumental has shifted. Furthermore, in their joint statement, the BRICS nations called for an end to hostilities in Syria and an end to sanctions against Iran. Is this just empty rhetoric and posturing? I don’t think so. The Western nations– the former super-powers– are in no position to oppose anything on a fiscal front. And militarily… without the funds to fuel them, the armies just won’t go.

I believe that we are witnessing nothing less than global regime change. The crusty old men in dark suits who have been pulling the strings on the world stage for decades are looking more and more like impotent fools. In actuality they are criminals who have bullied the world’s people and destroyed the environment for far too long already. Their financial shenanigans have fully caught up to them. Let the arrests begin!

The following YouTube video explains in depth what has been happening quietly behind the scenes for the past 33 years, as concerned citizens and military personnel amassed a comprehensive plan to restore justice to a corrupt country and world. The main thrust of their plan is to be executed very soon. They have dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s; this is a legal police action which will involve the arrest of most of the US federal political class, media moguls, corrupt financiers and any one else who has been committing crimes against humanity with impunity. This is either the real deal, or the most persistent and elaborate hoax the world has ever seen.

David Wilcock Interviews Drake March 28, 2012

These are the moments from which history is made. Get ready… set… go!

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