A Quick Thank-You To… Well, Everyone
by nielskunze on August 5, 2015
First, thank you to everyone who has given a damn about the general state of the world, and especially those who make consistent efforts toward its improvement. Next, a hearty thank-you to everyone who has remained unmoved, indifferent and generally oblivious to the state of the world. Thank you for not awakening– sincerely.
It has been our saving grace that the masses have not woken up sooner. All of the alarm bells rung so far have not struck the chord of truth among the sleeping; collectively they have said “Nope, that’s not it.” And they’ve been correct all along. If the ascension meme had hooked the masses at the end of 2012– like many had predicted– we would now all be snugly ensconced in our own enslavement, version 2.0, trapped in the galactic hierarchy with virtually no way out. So thank you to the sleepers!
Thanks too to all the tireless dot-connecters who are never quite satisfied with the big picture gleaned. Thanks for not being satisfied with only partial truths. And thank you especially for the big picture now emerging. It’s amazing to watch the truth converging upon itself all over the globe!
A special thank-you to all the people of Greece for showing us in no uncertain terms that democracy does not exist in this world anymore– if it ever did. Thank you for demonstrating to even the dullest wit among us that our governments are beholden to the interests of central banks and their subsidiaries; our voices do not count in the current system. We needed to know that!
And even a thank-you for all the bigwig bankers who have been uncompromising in their greed. It has been painfully instructive to know with certainty how far you all have strayed from identifying with humanity and our human concerns. Thank you for relentlessly charging compound interest on every dollar created, so that we may clearly see the inevitable disastrous outcome (for us) of your carefully crafted Ponzi scheme. Thank you for bringing us all to the brink of destruction– of everything artificial and unnecessary in your convoluted world.
But most of all, a big thank-you to planet Earth and all of her creatures for enduring our human arrogance, as we’ve pretended to reserve a special privilege for ourselves among the living, as we’ve pretended that a planet evolving is somehow only a human endeavour. Thank you for forgiving our forgetfulness.
Thanks everyone for bringing our world to this moment… still intact… and perhaps now, for the first time, ready to move forward together in collaboration… because finally we know who we are; we’re the ones who got this… yeah, we got this!
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