Mystical Masters Collaboration for the week of May 13 to May 19, 2015
by nielskunze on May 20, 2015
On the topic of The Elements and Elemental Magic…
Perhaps a bit unexpectedly, but this week I am going very literal with our weekly topic… and hopefully a little scientific too.
Elemental Repletion
In school, we all learned that the elements are the very building blocks of the tangible universe. Whether the basic teaching of Earth, Water, Fire and Air as the fundamentals, or whether through the introduction of the Periodic Table in science class, at the very least we learned that the elements represent something irreducible, something that we ourselves cannot manufacture from simpler stuff. It is a powerful teaching nonetheless, forming the basis for many far-reaching belief systems…
If we buy into the belief, then we understand that the elements are things we need to acquire from our external environment for the duration of our lives. Furthermore, our access to the elements deemed essential for the full functioning of our biology– our access in adequate amount and proportion– has a direct bearing on our health. The elements appear to be important!
So how many of the elements listed on the Periodic Table do our bodies require for optimum functioning? If we include those elements whose presence is required in only tiny amounts– the trace elements– then, the number is around 92. There’s some wiggle-room on this number, but 92 is the one we’ll use.
In terms of our bodies’ ability to contain and utilize the necessary elements in exact proportion, it can be likened to an old-fashioned bucket made of 92 wooden slats, where the width of each slat is in proportion to the amount needed by the body of each corresponding element; the oxygen slat would be very wide, whereas the aluminum slat would be but a sliver. In order to hold water, all the slats would have to be the same length (height of the bucket).
Our bodies are the bucket; the water inside is the Life-Spirit. Ideally, our bodies should be made of all the necessary elements in exact proportion, as well as having access to adequate repletion, in order to hold the most life-energy– to function at peak potential. When we are deficient or depleted in any of the elements, that is like a shortening of each corresponding slat. Even if just one of the 92 is missing or just partially depleted, the bucket will begin leaking and cannot hold as much internal Life-Spirit.
The best overall mineral repletion program that I know of is Quintessential Optimum Mineralization 3.3. The cost is about $50 a month, and it generally takes 3 to 6 months for a person to attain basic mineral repletion. When I first did it, it marked the first time in decades that I could honestly say that I wasn’t hungry anymore. Prior to elemental repletion, I was always at least a little bit hungry, even if I’d just eaten; repletion ended that.
The Master Mineral
Now I’d like to focus on just one element. It is often referred to as the master mineral; it is largely taken for granted; it is magnesium. In the mainstream it’s largely overlooked, but magnesium plays many vital– elemental– roles in our biology. All of the metabolic pathways whose end product is ATP– the energy molecule we all learned about in science class– irreplaceably require magnesium. There are no substitutes; the very need for magnesium is elemental to all of our physical energetic aspirations. Additionally, magnesium catalyzes more than 330 enzymatic processes in the daily maintenance of our bodies. Where calcium causes muscles to contract, magnesium causes them to relax. Magnesium in adequate amounts is essential for proper restful, restorative sleep. And magnesium is essential for many elimination pathways burdened by toxic overload. Magnesium is dope!
But why should magnesium play such a crucial role in our biology? Magnesium is the co-ordinating ion at the heart of the chlorophyll molecule; chlorophyll is to green plants what hemoglobin is to red-blooded humans. And plants are at the heart of the food chain. So it only makes sense that biology was elementally built around magnesium. It is primarily the action of photosynthesis via the chlorophyll molecule which harnesses the energy of the sun and conveniently delivers it to all earthlings.
Now, since magnesium is so widespread throughout the natural food chain, surely very few of us are deficient in this critical element, no? Actually, we all are depleted; unless you’ve been doing a comprehensive repletion program for a couple of months already, you’re deficient– less than optimal– in magnesium. Fluoride interferes with magnesium uptake, both in the body as well as in the soil. Likewise, pesticides and pesticide residues inhibit magnesium metabolism; also some herbicides. The net result is that even our very best leafy green plants have significantly less magnesium than they did traditionally– before chemical farming. And our food animals– cows, chickens and pigs– they’re not eating tons of leafy greens anyway. I’m no expert in animal feed, but I’m quite certain that the typical modern farm-critter chow is woefully deficient in magnesium, especially when compared to more traditional feeds. Steadily, over many decades, our food supply has dwindled in its magnesium levels. The magnesium is simply no longer there in adequate amounts. Add to this that our requirement for magnesium has steadily gone up, and it begins to become clear that most of us are critically deficient in this elemental nutrient.
Stress registers a biological demand for more magnesium. More energy also requires more magnesium for the production of ATP. Chronically sore and aching muscles are often the result of calcified tissues due to a lack of magnesium to counteract the prevalence of calcium. Ionically, magnesium balances calcium in the body. Stiff and aching joints are often similarly caused by calcium deposits– which require magnesium to pull them from the inflamed tissues. Our world of increased toxicity, from air and water pollution to electromagnetic radiation, requires ever more magnesium to flush through our systems in order to alleviate the extreme toxicity. As muscular tissue slowly calcifies (aging), the muscles themselves remain in a chronic state of tension– slightly flexed, even when we think they’re relaxed. This chronic tension in the body interferes with the body’s ability to fully relax into regenerative sleep; magnesium is the elemental antidote, as it solves the very root of the problem.
Because magnesium is central to so many biological functions, as deficiency progresses, the depletion can be expressed as virtually any symptom or symptom set– known as our common non-infectious diseases. It is entirely possible that magnesium depletion is a critical cofactor at the heart of every chronic illness known to modern science. Therefore, I figure that magnesium repletion is something worth looking into.
When it comes to magnesium repletion, oral magnesium supplements are NOT the way to go; they simply can’t deliver enough magnesium in a bioavailable form to your tissues– where it’s needed– no matter how many tablets you choke down. Orally, the best way to get your magnesium is still from eating plenty of leafy greens and other organically grown greens– from eating quality food. For successful repletion however, a topical spray able to deliver upwards of 500mg of magnesium directly to the tissues in a matter of 30 seconds, forms the basis for any such successful strategy.
Ian Clark, the CEO of Activation Products, whom I was led to via David Wolfe, is just in the process of delivering the latest innovation in an effective topical magnesium spray. I’m not going to write a commercial for it here, but it will be the product I myself use. I have always discerned integrity in the cutting edge work of both Ian and David, so I harbour no reservations in this regard. Repletion promises to be relatively inexpensive, especially when considered in light of the possible benefits to be incurred. My experience with magnesium sprays has already been very positive over the past few years. Quite often, a sore body part just needs a few sprays and a rub of magnesium to magically alleviate the pain and discomfort. And as in all magic– ultimately– it’s perfectly based in science; it’s just that our understanding hasn’t quite gotten there… yet.
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