An Oath to Neutrality

by nielskunze on April 18, 2015

Neutrality = Balance

Neutrality = Balance

(Author Narration with musical accompaniment: Another Day by Steve Tibbetts)

In the sure knowingness that neutrality widens my perspective from the limited choices of an either/or-polarized stance, I aspire to remain in neutral witness to my experience in the ever-present Now. By not automatically choosing sides in every conflict I encounter, I survey a larger, transcendent field of choices, including those choices that might best restore a natural balance to any said conflict. From a neutral perspective, I acknowledge that all polarized pairs of opposites have a right to exist, even at their extremes– and every expression in between; but in neutrality, I can choose to refrain from participating in polarized or dualistic agendas… and still act through my Being. The thrust of my thoughts and behaviour, coming from neutrality, is ever in the direction of seeking the remedy and resolution inherent in restoring and maintaining a natural balance within all situations. Living Nature is my guide.

It is easy for me to see that the very Spirit of Life does not, and cannot, choose sides in polarized conflict; for Life or Nature is the greater, transcendent context which is wholly unable to inveigle itself, to invest itself partially, in fleeting linear strife. Nature remains neutral, motivated only by an inherent need for balance; for only in balance can such diversity and complexity– as is found here on Earth– find lasting expression and fulfillment in this experience. In just such a way, I identify with the greater, transcendent context in which conflict may arise, rather than trying to reduce myself to a one-directional faction within the conflict, trying desperately to ‘win.’

I share neutrality with Nature, with the Earth, with the planetary Being and with my Innermost Self; in neutrality, I am in good company!

In no way does Being in neutrality limit or discourage my ability to feel the full range and intensity of my emotions in all situations. Rather, neutrality grants me the infinite space in which to experience my emotions authentically, in a way that allows them to inform my considered behaviour, as opposed to immediately spurring a conditioned reaction instead. Neutrality is not bland, washed-out, or featureless… just as it is not crass, maniacal or fanatical; no, the neutral perspective is the infinite space in consciousness that allows and contains them all– all the qualities of Being– in simultaneity. And as my experience Here Now begins to ripen, I see that the Neutral Witness sees easily through the relative plane of endless polarity; it sees right through it, to my Innermost Self. In neutrality, I hold up a mirror to myself, and to the world, in order to discover where their perceived differences still lie. And those perceived differences, between the world and me, are just persistent places, where I’m drawn into polarity.

Neutrality is the path homeward… for integrating every experience I’ve had, in this lifetime and any other… for bringing them all equally within my Being, and presenting them– without bias– to the Living Spirit at my core.

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