Mystical Masters Collaboration for the Week of April 8 to 14, 2015

by nielskunze on April 15, 2015

Bird's Eye View - Drawing by Angie Schuyler 2015

Bird’s Eye View – Drawing by Angie Schuyler 2015

This week’s given topic was Freedom and/or Liberation.

When it comes to freedom, it is the loose structure and inherent ambiguity of poetry which ‘captures’ the free Spirit for me… so I wrote this little poem:

The Commerce of Freedom Here

(Author Narration with musical accompaniment: Capriccio No. 28 in D Major by Elliot Fisk)

Nature defines my freedom
in this earthly experience,
Chiefly through my biology
and its integration with the biosphere.
My experience of freedom
Must stand among the Living.

So then,
Ignorance, it appears to me,
Is the obvious enemy
of my Free Nature;
For, what I don’t know
about optimizing my biology,
And all the countless ways
it can interact with the whole of Life…
Limits my experience

Our history,
Is one of selling off our freedom
For the ultimate promise
of a saviour:
The Great and Absolute Banker
will magically restore ourselves to ourselves
Because, for some reason,
we don’t think we can do it…

And do we even have time
for freedom
How do you stretch freedom
along a straight line?
It’s not platonically geometric either;
It’s all curvy
and sexy–
This Freedom

I remember I thought,
a time before
That total independence
was the epitome of freedom
But as it turns out,
It’s total INTER-dependence,
With All Life
as though it’s One,
That epitomizes freedom

Just imagine
What it might be like
If All,
at Once,
Were in harmony
So very different from
This selling of ourselves and others
For promises bound in linear time,
I would imagine…

We Are
Here Now
And perfectly free
To deal with it.

Please join us at the Mystical Masters Facebook Group for additional perspectives and the full discussion.

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